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Zeus Gaming Nights

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BTW lads,

I have just made the last ameliorations to Lex Talionis. For all intents and purposes, this is v. 1.0 - I doubt I'll put any more effort into it. I've tweaked the trigger system to satisfy everyone, but I fear I will end up satsifying noone. So be it: if players on both sides think they are at a disadvantage, there must be some kind of balance wink_o.gif

Hope to see you all tonight,



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Now, I don't know about you, but this sure as hell rings a bell... Specifically, this reminds me of that one time when some person misunderstood "We're on Hill 47" for "Arty on Hill 47"  tounge2.gif

Yep Yep, I still remember it. I was the CO in Ryan's Weapons Platoon mission. Some other dude was my artillery officer. We landed on the beach and started moving inland. The markers system fucked up so I was busy finding out where everyone was so I shouted that everyone who needed arty should talk to my arty officer. I send a squad out to capture a hill. They captured the hill and reported it back to me. 1 min later I watched in horror how they got completely nuked by a battery of arty, no survivors.

The problem was that everyone was shouting through each other. I asked a squad where they were and they responded in sidechat with "on hill XXX". My arty officer thought they needed arty support and well, you know what happened. huh.gif

Awwhh goddamn, I remember that.

I was the squad leader that said "at FM1", answering a question you were shouting through TS.

But your Arty officer indeed misunderstood it. Cost me my squad and myself mad_o.gif

Was the Arty officer on TS? If not, that could have explained the fucked up situation banghead.gif

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good games tonight. The Masta OG was beaten by looz (who i thought was a disgrace to the german...ahem bavarian nation by being the worst commander in a long history of bad commanders.

What happened? i dont know...

After wasting a squad behind enemy lines, me and mr, kaka were getting ready to waste the squad guarding the M60. Just as i said fire, we heard machine gun fire. then darkness.

At one point i blew a satchel i had put on the ground against an infantry squad. then a m113 went right over where the satchel was. then the m60 did the same. Gutted.

all in all 11 kills for me. and 2 kills for my 3 ai. i did my bit. i blame the defeat on...inferior quality of troops and....jesus....can you spot him?


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Gawddammit, my post mysteriously disappeared! Damn you Ikonboard! Damn you!

Anyway, the gist of it was: great games yesterday, lads. I enjoyed every map we played, even if I'm not a great coop fan. Op Whisper was absolutely fantastic, and the 1:4 troop ratio creates a very unique atmosphere. Btw Terox, did you use Dethleff's ambient sounds in Op Whisper?

I was very anxious to see how Lex Talionis will turn out, as a lot of things have been changed (the cinema! w00t!wink_o.gif. I don't know about other, but I had fun. Even though Lwlooz didn't uncover his plan until the very last minute, the cooperation and mutual support on West was very good, at least IMHO. Crossing open terrain to get to Delavince, while mortar shells rained on our heads was quite tense. Not to mention the forest fights... Oh, and Alpha squad going from full strength to complete combat ineffectiveness in a split second due to reckless driving was hilarious as well smile_o.gif

Then there was the usual Zeus TS banter: the madness-inducing crickets were back with a vengeance (although only Cibit could hear them...), plus a short dissertation on how easily rampant sex can be combined with a Zeus gaming night AND a packet of crisps. yay.gif

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Exellent gaming tonight and a big thank you guys for playing your part. The sex during the first co-op (provided by my missus in lingerie) was pretty good too. Sorry Eizen Soldat for leaving you for 20 mins wow_o.gif

Looz your plan to outfox og was inspired and I am happy to say that when you bought the farm I was left to continue the operation and lead our forces to total victory over the soviet scum.

Are you reading this Jinef ?? og finally defeated by loozy yay.gif

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Do you think me defeated? I shall RISE AGAIN Mr. looz....



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Yeh.. Well I only played 3 missions and then left.

About Cibit leaving me for 20min...Well I just ramboed and killed some russians, before they killed me. Respawned as a dead soldier.

Felt tired and went to sleep.

Hopefully I can join to server on Saturday, but like 2 hours late. pistols.gif

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Quote[/b] ]all in all 11 kills for me. and 2 kills for my 3 ai. i did my bit. i blame the defeat on...inferior quality of troops and....jesus....can you spot him?

It wasn't until six hours later that I realised the picture in fact depicts a dog's anus. All I could see was Jesus, even before reading your post Ryan :S

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nice games gents thank you xmas_o.gif

It was nice to revisit battlefield even if the purists where shocked........pity it crashed the server banghead.gif

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Og looses for the 4th Time in a Row!

NO Excuse OG! I dont care if the West AI was using GodMode! Should've prayed a bit more and thought less about Killing things!

........!! nener.gif

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lol Ryan, I know you of all cared the most. Personally I just think youre a crap shot, and a bloody whiner whistle.gif

Amongst the Godmode and Cibits fog â„¢ (1700m anyone tounge2.gif ?) I think I did pretty well smile_o.gif

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Apologies for the fog it is a part of Tx weather script and I cannot find out how to change the params.

I think when I resolve the issue west will no longer have it all their own way and og will be back to what he does best...........winning pistols.gif

So keep the faith brothers I hope to revamp both Blue Quartz II and The Port for Thursday night.

Looz I will consider the best option to replace the M113's but M2A2's would be too powerful by far wow_o.gif How would you like some COC mortar support instead icon_rolleyes.gif

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Some funtype games we had yesterday. Even tho both of the A&D's turned into pure DM in the end tounge2.gif .

Just a quick note on unit layouts:(This is adressed to everyone,not just you Cibit)

Considering our A&D take place at platoon level or at most reinforced platoon level I always have my problems as a commander having mixed forces. I know that this is done in the want of creating more "tactical" possibilities but at our scale I feel that you always run into trouble coming up with a combined arms plan considering each element(Of the same type) lack enough firepower.

For Cibit: I propose you focus on Port,get rid of any and all mechanized units,keep the West motorized,put them down at brenantes(or however that place is called).

Furthermore I would rather enjoy it if the objectives were to take the dominating hills,the town,the port. I have no idea tho if that is doable with Terox's template(It is doable with mine wink_o.gif which on the con side is much harder to set up)

Then again,thinking about how the next gaming night coincides with the german release of ArmA , i rather wonder if we will have enough players for any A&D anyways

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Ok to attempt to stop everyone playing SP ArmA on Thursday night all players will be entitled to a free pint of beer and a box of belgian chocolate biggrin_o.gif

Also a new revamped THE PORT will be unveiled; free from fog and including some little surprises courtesy of COC arty rofl.gif

An all new West line up and some small compensations for the East forces pistols.gif

And for all you geeks collecting my recon photo "series" a new one is out this Thursday so come on down for some wholesome fun welcome.gif

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ArmA release won't stop me from dropping in for Ofp-Zeus-coop on Saturday smile_o.gif

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The Port is now completed yay.gif

West forces have 2 infantry platoons + mechanised support and the SF team with MK19 GL. They also have 2 additional objectives, the two hills overlooking the port have to be taken first.

East now has a BMD3 and an MTLB along with 4x M46 field guns.

Oh yeah and Celery I put the bus back in rofl.gif

I have updated the recon photo and rewritten the briefing


Feedback as ever will be completely ignored nener.gif

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Well, seemed like a nice mission (VERY powerful setup for atleast a certain West group...), but never got to play it. This night was a tad fecked up anyways... forgot to plug my mike, in 1st mission I follow a guy who drives to the other end of the map, then we drive back and just as we're arriving there we change mission... then the civvie thing where a crazy farmer drove me over. While I'm sitting in a friggin' car! crazy_o.gif

And the the Port which never got going...


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Agreed about the nights gaming It was PISH

People have to be prepared to take a go at leading because it is unfair to expect the same guys to do it week in week out.

As admin it is not realistic to be expected to lead anything larger than a squad. Also the people who discoed because of the reassign, the reassign was done to keep the numbers up to the number needed to play this mission. Loosing people after the reassign was just bollocks. WE DO NOT HAVE THE CO-OP MISSIONS TO PLAY WITH SUCH NUMBERS WITHOUT LAG AND DESYNC.

You want more co-op missions then make them. I spent hours this week getting The Port ready to play, Lag and Fog free.

Hope in future you look at the whole picture and not just a 5 minute wait for a reassign.

END OF RANT confused_o.gif

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The bus is back, w00t!

I'm sorry to hear you had a bad game, despite the bus being included wink_o.gif You're right Cibit, people seem to be very reluctant to lead - I hurry to add that I'm one of them. It's usually you, Og, Ryan, Lwlooz, Terox or Ms. Jinny who take the lead. Which is a shame, seeing as the community is much bigger than that. DJ Tano's willingness to lead, despite having little to no experience in this department, was a refreshing change.

Well, I promise to change my ways and lead some mission on saturday. If anyone wants me in that slot, that is wink_o.gif

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I always want you in my slot darling.

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