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A rematch og? By all means, but before make sure you take a long reflective walk along a short cliff.

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That was a great match. Kept watching RPGs fly over the tank or hit the road 30m from us. And thanks Og for straitening me out on the sight zoom for the tank weapons...

"do you see anything?"

"scanning...no I don't. Gee I wish I had some binoculars."

"you know you can zoom with the gunsight...."

"oh THERE they are :P"

In fact, that whole night was a blast. I had more fun playing with everyone last night than I've had in just about any other game. I'll try to be a regular on Thur. and Sat. from now on.

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Good to have you on board Ut-Oh! thumbs-up.gif


True, the m113's are a joke, but so is the M60. East has five playable AT slots with ten rocket-propelled grenades in total. They also have a wide range of satchels. Put differently, West armour shouldn't stand a change in theory. However, the last few games have shown that intelligent use of the assets (on both sides) can tip the scales of battle. That was our goal when making this mission - forcing the commanders to consider their options and make choices. While the mission itself still needs considerable work, I have to admit I am rather satisfied with the diverse turns the mission took when commanded by different people. Specifically, I am glad you decided to use the bridge Og biggrin_o.gif

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Ahhh yeees, the satchels ...

Unfortunately by the time the M60 was breathing down our necks threatening to collapse our rear flank, all our satchels had already been depleted in attempts to blow up unarmed AI trucks driving around the frontlines.


As for the RPGs .... the sights are so immensely fucked up it is not funny. You might as well give us a WW2 panzerfaust for all the good it will do.

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There's only one truck and it's not on the frontlines :P

Haha, I love it how this little feature (credit goes do Dethleffs) still manages to confuse people. One would think that driving around with the headlights on would be a dead giveaway...

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Well I missed what appears to have been good fun crazy_o.gif

I think I underestimated the strength of my new stash as I could not actually see whistle.gif

See you on Thursday guys

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Your new "stash" Cibit??

Are you reffering to "the ganja, chronic, da bud" or simply "eurohash"?

Whatever happened to "putting the kettle on" and your health crackers smile_o.gif

I know lwlooz has been seing weird colours on his screen lately but you take the prize Cib..lol.

It all makes sense now with you going MENTAL over the cricket sounds . COULD WE START THE GAME AS THESE CRICKETS ARE DRIVING ME FOOKIN NUTS MAN whistle.gif

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Umm by the way, that's an inside joke, these plonkers aren't serious about the "stash"...

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Of course, after all, "stash" suggests some constraint and the abililty to preserve 'resources' for a future occasion... tounge2.gif

Back on topic - I've done some work on Lex Talionis yesterday; it now includes a notification when an objective has been captured. I have also extended the time limit to 1.5 h as per Og's request. I have decided not to replace the M113's by trucks however (Kaka's suggestion). I feel it would only limit West commander's options. Right now, if he wants to use the M113's for transportation only, he can. However, should he choose to do so, he can use them as a defensive/offensive weapon. Naturally, the M113's are deathtraps, but East has to make a choice - do we take out the M113's or do we reserve our AT capabilities for the tank?

Choices, choices, choices... smile_o.gif

Edit: I just tested the Soviet rpg (the one with plain ironsights) and they seem to work like a charm Jinef. I had no trouble hitting a stationary tank at 300 m.

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Quote[/b] ]Edit: I just tested the Soviet rpg (the one with plain ironsights) and they seem to work like a charm Jinef. I had no trouble hitting a stationary tank at 300 m.


RPG7 - Almost accurate up to 200 metres MAX, sights go to 500.

RPG7VL - Accurate up to 300 metres, sights go to 500.

RPG22 - Accurate up to 25 metres ... anything else ... fucked.

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I've done some more extensive testing, and the PG-7, RPG-27 and the PG-7VR are all accurate at 300 m. Even though the RPG-27 has an official range of 200 m (why there is a 300 m indicator on the ironsights is beyond me). The RPO-A, on the other hand, is an absolute bitch to aim, but hardly anyone uses it.

In other words Jinef, quite blaming WGL for your own ineptitude and start training with those AT's tounge2.gif

Edit: I should add that the RPG-22, 26 and 27 all use the same ironsights. It is true though that in order to hit a target at 300 m, you have to aim with the upper-most part of the 300 m sight. This is isn't a WGL problem however, as all the aforementioned rpg launchers should have a maximum aiming range of 200 m. The fact that they can effectively take out stationary armour at 300 m can be attributed to OFP...

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Personally I prefer the RPG 7VL it is an awesome bit of kit and even given the wgl aim is still probably the best anti armour weapon in the soviet arsenal :pistols:And I can hit stuff at 500m nener.gif

RE my "stash";

for those who may be worried about illicit drug taking in the flashpoint community was of course my migraine pills wink_o.gif

BTW Celery who's picture did you rip off in your BIS profile some male model inlove.gif

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Jinef is of course basing his observations on empirical science: if it does not work for him, it does not work for anyone biggrin_o.gif

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BTW Celery who's picture did you rip off in your BIS profile some male model inlove.gif

Um.. that's just me mate. crazy_o.gif

I suggest you cut down on your migraine pills tounge2.gif

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Ok lads,

it seems many people hold strong opinions about Lex Talionis. I'd really like to hear them: I can't improve upon this mission without feedback. So... post! POST!

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Quote[/b] ]it seems many people hold strong opinions about Lex Talionis

I have made a mission that emulates what we find in Lex Pieceofshittus.

It is called absconde obesito illegitimo and is set on Phoenix. It translates roughly into "bugger off you fat bastard". I thought it was quite fitting for someone who has a male model in his profile picture.

Maybe when you play my version, you will see the downfalls more easily, as criticising jinef missions comes easily to all Zeus members.


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Tut tut Jinef, you sound a wee bit cranky! Is it that time of the month again? We understand.

Anyway, while I understand your frustration, I will wait for the opinions of other people before making any drastic changes. And to be honest, I really don't see the point of your rpg clip. If you're trying to say that shooting rpg's at moving vehicles is difficult, then yes, you are correct. Shooting speeding bmp's with the stock BIS LAW was dead easy, but these sights actually require some practice.

A single speznaz with a satchel could have halted the armoured advance across that bridge. Nevertheless, I agree that there are many avenues of approach in this mission and that East can't guard them all, but that was kind of the point. Everybody always complains how objective-based A&D's limit tactical possibilities and funnel the players through a single chokepoint every time. Now people complain that there are too many possibilities! Make up your mind gawddammit!


PS: I would just like to add that the level of ad hominem attacks in this thread isn't representative of Zeus gameplay.

PPS: Despite your vile propaganda, that IS me in that profile picture.

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Tut tut Jinef, you sound a wee bit cranky! Is it that time of the month again? We understand.

Nope it's that time of the months where his unable ass got slaughtered by a enemy commander without any TS possibilities rofl.gif

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sorry, couldnt make it yesterday, but barely dressed sexy women and unlimited free champagne won hands down, hopefully ill be there on saturday.

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...barely dressed sexy women and unlimited free champagne...

Ah, attending evening mass again I see.

In all seriousness know: Jinef, perhaps if you'd stop spewing obscenities for a second and actually post a comprehensive list of criticisms and/or suggestions people would take your opinion more seriously. I know I would.

So, does anyone else feel that East is underpowered in this mission? As I said before on TS, East has enough rpg's to destroy West's armoured assets two times over. And that's not even taking the satchels into account. My question is thus: is East at a structural disadvantage, or can West's success be attributed to proper tactics?

For example: the first few times this mission was played, the M60 went lone wolf and was thus easy prey for East's AT soldiers. Last night, the West commander assigned an infantry squad to protect the tank, and it seems that worked rather well. Again, this begs the question whether East's defeat was caused by a structural imbalance or simply superior tactics on West?

I should note however that the M113's have become a more viable asset. I have added one extra player slot to each infantry squad, with a total of three slots per squad. This means that the M113's can be manned by two human players, while the human squad leader commands the rest of the squad. This makes the M113's much more effective. In this regard, I must agree that West has gained a potential advantage over East in the new version of the mission. I welcome all suggestions as to how to restore the balance. Should I give east an AT5? More satchels? Or perhaps mines?

Let me know.

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Jinef is just pulling your nose a bit Cel, no worries.

I find the mission quite balanced.

To Jinefs defence he was away for like five minutes when west finally assaulted and he had a guy who wasnt responding on TS and got himself killed ever so often.

Ill post the AAR (which was quite good) from TS when I get it ready , it was from Jinefs perspective only as I had no mic.

I made that clip Cel, lol...I didnt know Jinny would use it for his own propaganda. Take no offense Cel, he is mucking about, taking the piss, innit.

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Jinef is just pulling your nose a bit Cel, no worries.

I find the mission quite balanced.

To Jinefs defence he was away for like five minutes when west finally assaulted and he had a guy who wasnt responding on TS and got himself killed ever so often.

Ill post the AAR (which was quite good) from TS when I get it ready , it was from Jinefs perspective only as I had no mic.

I made that clip Cel, lol...I didnt know Jinny would use it for his own propaganda. Take no offense Cel, he is mucking about, taking the piss, innit.

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No worries Celery,it is this time of the month again icon_rolleyes.gif

I posted some feedback at our wee forums.

Oh and Jinef,awesome videos.. How to bore someone to death in 2mins tounge2.gif

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