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DMA CoIn Coop Engine

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I'm having a go at integrating General Barons handsignals pack into this as a SP mission but one of the downsides to it can be dealing with vehicles. Because of that I've come up with this adaptation of the teleport script if anyone is interested, rather than just getting dumped in you'll be para-dropped in with no vehicle involvement.

Backup the Server\teleport2.sqs then copy and paste this instead:

Quote[/b] ]; called from SERVER\TELEPORT.SQS

; forces all units to teleport to gl_teleport and scatters things a little

_t = _this select 0


unassignvehicle _t


_x = getpos gl_teleport select 0


_y = getpos gl_teleport select 1


_z = getpos gl_teleport select 2


_x = _x + (random 100)


_y = _y + (random 100)


_z = _z + 250 + (random 50)


_chutepoint = getpos gl_teleport


_chute = "ParachuteWest" createvehicle _chutepoint


_chute setpos [_x,_y,_z]


_t moveindriver _chute


Untested in MP, but it looks like it should work. wink_o.gif

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I have converted the mission to seb units and Ia trang island, currently I'm working at DAC set up to give it "war" feeling

for "weapons_friendly/rearm.sqs" I recommend using <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">_troop removemagazine _x" foreach magazines _troop

simpler and saver then removing all mags "by hand" e.g. at the moment LAWs are not removed before loading again

the overflows might be the reason for some CTDs

I'm also looking to add some additional features, as I have very few time I would like to ask if you are already working on such (to avoid double work):

1. Command multiple groups (like unscripted war)

Ability to command up to three other groups

- Move to location

- Transport vehicles & evac

(maybe only all groups combined, e.g. three Insert. Helis)

- Behaviour: Move fast/Danger/stealth(&hold fire but fight when spotted)

2. Dynamic bases

you had asked at DAC, so I asume your working to add it to CCE?

3. Improve Insertion, very critical for Jungle island with few places to land

- Limit insertion to certain points? (with invisible Hs placed to help)

- Use script to search space (similar to DAC)

4. Landing operation (extension from insertion

Landing multiple Groups with Heli air cover

I will work on such stuff the next months (depends how I have time)


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I have converted the mission to seb units and Ia trang island,

This sounds interesting.

Will you also be adding new mission types?

EDIT: Also I just noticed this little fellow----> firefoxlover.gif LOL

{...ahem, back the subject at hand}

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@ Quiet_man

First of all, thanks for the tip on rearm. I'll try that in the next patch and credit you for it.

Second of all, the latest version of CCE incorporates DAC already. However, the enemy bases are not placed "in the field", they are intended as enemy AI spawn points more than gameplay objectives. However, there is no reason why they couldn't be added as such (especially with the info Silola gave in the DAC thread). The basic implementation of DAC in CCE was intentionally very light for performance reasons, it is intended that the player/editor will add whatever he prefers. By the way, the question in the DAC thread was for CoIn 2.

Regarding the other features you mentioned, controlling other groups etc, I am not working on adding those to CCE (I was working on another project with such features, but it is currently on hold). If you get those working, you could have a very cool mission on your hands.

As for insertion, I am open to any improvements. I think the method I chose for CCE is pretty good, within the limits of OFP. Actually, it already uses an invisible landing H. I have seen a lot of variations of AI landing scripts. Each member of DMA has tried a wide range and we still haven't come up with a perfect solution. The "designated LZ" idea has not been tried yet, so please let us know how you go.

Good luck with your mission smile_o.gif

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no, no new missions

I have few time and I don't want big migration actions when new CCE versions are released


I understand how DAC is included at CCE, I'm just playing with zones to make it "war like"

CoIn 2 does not sound compatible to cce!? Will it inlcude DAC?

maybe you can move units and weapon/mag definitions into arrays at a single file wink_o.gif

I will try to make my stuff modular (if I get something usefull together) so you can use it when you want, I would like to join the DMA team but I have very few time on this sad_o.gif


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CoIn 2 does not sound compatible to cce!? Will it inlcude DAC?

CoIn 2 is very different from CCE and has been totally rewritten from the ground up. DAC is the heart of the new system, without DAC there would be no CoIn 2. The mission does not use randomly generated missions, the whole battlefield is generated at the start (mostly using DAC). The player basically sets his own objectives and decides his own priorities for defeating the enemy.

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The mission does not use randomly generated missions, the whole battlefield is generated at the start (mostly using DAC). The player basically sets his own objectives and decides his own priorities for defeating the enemy.

looking forward to CoIn2


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hi tacrod,

this sounds very interesting.

I am curious very much as this will become.

If you need certain adaptations, you can announce yourself to me smile_o.gif

At the moment I work on a new Command Engine, which could become very interesting in this connection wink_o.gif



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At the moment I work on a new Command Engine, which could become very interesting in this connection wink_o.gif

hmm, what command engine?

I'm looking for a simple way to command multiple groups

just testing Chain of command, but it is a bit difficult to use


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CCE public beta 0.4 released

Now features stable MP saving and loading (thanks very much to the SoW team). I also implemented quiet_man's suggested changes to rearming. Hopefully this will finally stop the CTDs.

CCE public beta v0.4

Enjoy smile_o.gif

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CCE Readme.txt

Quote[/b] ]Drank a whole bottle of gin and turned up to work half-drunk. Does anybody ready this stuff?

hmm ... yes?! rofl.gif


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CCE public beta 0.4 released

Now features stable MP saving and loading (thanks very much to the SoW team). I also implemented quiet_man's suggested changes to rearming. Hopefully this will finally stop the CTDs.

CCE public beta v0.4

Enjoy smile_o.gif


<table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">~0.2

? (_

_troop removeweapon "nvgoggles"

_troop addweapon "nvgoggles"

don't drink and program tounge2.gif


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<table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">~0.2

? (_

_troop removeweapon "nvgoggles"

_troop addweapon "nvgoggles"

don't drink and program tounge2.gif

Well, whaddaya know, people do read readme files wow_o.gif

I took the "? (_" line out. Not even sure what it used to do. The fixed file is at the same link. Thanks quiet_man.

BTW, I think a better rule would be "Don't drink fullstop"...

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While I was playing CCE, I noticed I was getting blown out of the sky quite a bit using my transport helo, so I thought I'd try using the BAS_MH47 which incorporates amongst a wide variety of great features, countermeasures for AA missiles.

However as I was playing I started to wonder if it would be possible to integrate other features of the MH47 into the transport helo role via scripts, etc.

Has anyone tried this?

Most notably would be key features normally requiring being a part of the same squad. Stationary flight, raising lowering height, etc would be great features to be able to use through the helo orders menu to facilitate the use of rappelling, etc.

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I don't know if it's because I downloaded it before the error quietman pointed out was fixed, but I tried launching it on a dedicated server, and the server crashed? goodnight.gif

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I thought I'd try using the BAS_MH47

I tried using the BAS Blackhawk and the fast rope.

But, when the BAS blackhawks 'engine on' they play a sound, this is fine if the chopper then takes off. But CCE keeps setting the fuel to zero, and the chopper kept playuing and replaying the 'engine on' sound. crazy_o.gif

So i opted for the original helo.

Also I like the danger of being shot out the sky, adds reality. Do you risk rapid air insertion, or the slower APCs or the weeker 5ton...? All part of the game smile_o.gif

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Yeah but I -always- got shot out of the sky by what I assume to be a strela, if there was any AA around. crazy_o.gif

So it was a foregone conclusion that I would be forced to use APCs and trucks to remain safe.

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I don't know if it's because I downloaded it before the error quietman pointed out was fixed, but I tried launching it on a dedicated server, and the server crashed? goodnight.gif

Have you tried the fixed version? How many times did you try it? If you tried it multiple times, did it crash every time? Has anyone else experienced the same thing?


The only reason that I setfuel to 0 is so the helo doesn't wander around before the player takes off. Removing the setfuel 0 won't break anything, but you may have to issue a land order to the insertion helo when you want to leave. Anyway, open up the file "spawn_friendly\spawn_insertion.sqs" and comment out:

<table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">insertion_1 setfuel 0

Please let me know if this does the trick or not.

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The only reason that I setfuel to 0 is so the helo doesn't wander around...


It was me that said that. I like the zero fuel idea, it wasn't a critisism.  

It's daft that choppers fly about the place when they shouldn't, and could result in it getting shot down by those Strela weilding blokes Baphomet keeps running into.

I wonder if altering insertion_1's 'flyinheigh' could possible avoid it getting shot down...?  The only problem then would be ejecting, but i doubt youd want to parajump from a blackhawk anyway!

EDIT: @Tacrod;

Where does CCE stand when Armed Assault comes out?

Will we all abort all work on Flashpoint stuff?

I know Mike Melvin (of CTI fame) is planning a version 2 for ArmA, but what about you and CoinCCE?

I really like the concept of CCE, so we can't let it die.... inlove.gif

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I wonder if altering insertion_1's 'flyinheigh' could possible avoid it getting shot down...? The only problem then would be ejecting, but i doubt youd want to parajump from a blackhawk anyway!

Haven't tried this, but for those interested, the setflyinheight line is in the "helo\moveto.sqs" file.

Quote[/b] ]EDIT: @Tacrod;

Where does CCE stand when Armed Assault comes out?

Will we all abort all work on Flashpoint stuff?

I know Mike Melvin (of CTI fame) is planning a version 2 for ArmA, but what about you and CoinCCE?

I really like the concept of CCE, so we can't let it die.... inlove.gif

I fully intend to work with ArmA. I am not sure what I will have to offer though. Perhaps ArmA will ship with it's own dynamic missions and campaigns. CCE may be totally eclipsed by the default play modes, who knows?

Personally I consider CCE a past project (bugfixing aside). My main project now is CoIn2. I think it will be superior to CCE in every way.

Anyway, I will be there for ArmA in some way thumbs-up.gif

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Hello all !

I've been quite busy with my own life lately and just came back to a bit normality. Anyway, you can prevent the choppers playing their "engine on" sounds by spawning the pilots outside their chopper and making them get in only when they are issued an order. I remember doing this on request for my conversion of CCE and it seems to solve that problem...


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My main project now is CoIn2. I think it will be superior to CCE in every way.

Coin2 eh?

I understand you wish it to be totally free, in that the player chooses his/her own missions.  When, where and what to attack?  Sounds fab.

In fact sounds like something I wanted to try and set up but never got started on (not that i would have had a clue about it anyway! confused_o.gif  ).  Good luck with that one, i'd be very happy to test that one out for you.


Quote[/b] ]spawning the pilots outside their chopper and making them get in only when they are issued an order

Hmm...makes sence.  You wouldn't need the setfuel command then either.

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Ok. So I started to convert CCE to another island. Specifically Jellalhabat island.

And I did a pretty basic transfer of everything that I understood, from reading the editors documents that came with it.

However I didn't catch anything on what the colored markers do, both squares and spheres.

The large green one, for example and the small spherical yellow and red ones. Can you tell me what impact the placement of those have on the game? I just want to make sure I'm not stuffing anything by not putting them in a specific place.

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