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well now mobile phones have been implemented why dont we all get one and add each others contacts? Then if any of us are in trouble we can get in contact with each other, and maybe organise a few things and start a group? whistle.gif

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I wish.  I've been stuck in a Ridleybank hospital for a day and a night now with a group of other survivors; we all got bitten during the night by a zombie who somehow got in our building.  Fortunately I healed my infection, and am just sitting tight, with 40 AP.  Wherebouts you at D.murphy man?

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Caiger Mall is back under full control of the living! yay.gif

Almost unbelievable, considering that we are under attack by at least four hordes, The Scourge, The RRF, The Minions, and The CoTR.  crazy_o.gif

Well, our forces are not to be ignored either, the NE corner  wow_o.gifpistols.gif  

Snowbird continues to fight his pacifist war, healing the infected and keeping the barricades up (currently in NW, so he didn't make it in the list; would have been about 208).

Seems like a lot of other places have been abandoned by the Zeds to support the siege of Caiger Mall. On his trip outside Marven Mall, PFC Prowler didn't find a single Zed  mad_o.gif

The Zombie Dadude fights his lonely battle somewhere in the north, breaking barricades and entering safehouses, currently racking up <s>>450EXP - didn't receive a headshot for quite a while </s> whistle.gif  - now 316, after a headshot worth 160EXP  icon_rolleyes.gif  (I knew I asked for it  smile_o.gif )

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Welcome to hell.

Did you bring any BMPs or T72s? tounge2.gif

I'm using all my AP to find as much ammo as I can.

And to answer messages from my stalker.

I'm watching you wildo..... nener.gif

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General Guba has pitched in to help defend Caiger Mall. biggrin_o.gif

DL murphy is also at the mall in the struggle against the horde of 400 zombies! im in the top right corner of the mall i think (would check my iv reached my hit limit for today) with at least 100+ others wow_o.gif

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Harlsworth circled Caiger Mall last night, yet fearful of the approximate 800 zombies and unable to pass the barricades, he found refuge with a number of survivors in a Fire Station not far to the East. Good luck to those under siege biggrin_o.gif.

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Pragam Library is the Free run point into the mall.

If you count the bodies theres nearly 1000 zombies.

The Southern sections need more people in them now to stop the zombies tearing the barricades down as often.

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my zombie is enjoying himself as the mall, more people eaten every day.

my human is attempting to bring the tower on line in east beacktown

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Police Officer ozanzac joined the fray, and took part in the beating of a zombie outside the Culling Auto Repair in Roftwood.... Supposed HQ for the new Malton PD.

Now hiding inside for protection. goodnight.gif

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Caiger survivors:

Quote[/b] ]ThePrimeval said "I just did a human count, there is 1051 survivors total." (11-30 07:50 GMT)
 wow_o.gif  thumbs-up.gif

South Blythville was a little boring lately, so PFC Prowler is relocating to one of the malls in Tollyton or Roftwood. Currently he rests in an Hospital in Mockridge Heights.

Dadude the Zombie stumbled into the siege of another mall somewhere in the north...

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<span style='font-size:12pt;line-height:100%'>Victory!!!</span> (<= Link)

The Zombies (at least RRF) pulling back from Caiger Mall!  yay.gif  thumbs-up.gif  notworthy.gif

My Scout PFC Prowler has just relocated to Nichols Mall in Stanbury Village, just south of Ridleybank - the coming days might get interesting  smile_o.gif

Doc Snowbird will stay for another few days in Caiger Mall, just for the joy of victory. He has been there since 7th November, so he has the pleasure to experience the siege in all its entity smile_o.gif

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Heh, i got pretty slashed up by the zombies today wasting all my ammo down at the mall. Glad it was all worth it in the end though.

I still need lots of first aid though and don't have enough AP or Fist-Aid kits to do it all myself yet. I'm in the NW corner of the mall if anyone of you at the mall can over me a helping hand. I'd appreciate it no end, this is as close as I've come to death yet.

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Hah, ive been fighting with a zombie near the mall while we were both online, reloading the page never felt longer!  biggrin_o.gif

(i won btw  tounge2.gif )

EDIT: Im also in the NW corner of the mall, asleep now, i need some ammo and then ill probably leave again, i dont like it in here tounge2.gif

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I just emptied all my pistols and shotguns into a few zombies.

Headshotted 2 and took another to 10hp.I can now buy 2 new skills. biggrin_o.gif

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Harlsworth is dead. Long Live Harlsworth!

Having been holed up in a firestation for days, Harlsworth went on a XP foray, hunting down zombies. Having attacked one viciously for a while, his muppet controller decided to go off and watch Wyatt Earp. Thus on his own, Harlsworth fought a bitter battle in his indefensible area. Thanks go to those who attempted to save him from the zombie onslaught. But it was too much. By the time the muppet returned from his three and one half hour long film it was all over...

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the character Sanc Tuary is definitively lost.

After moving to Firefox 1.5 , i just noticed that i have not wrote the password for this character anywhere and i have no idea what i selected (and unfortunately memory and age isn't really a successfull mix wink_o.gif )

So you can remove safely this character from your contact list if you added it.

Fortunately i found again the password for the medic/revive character Sanctu so you can add this one in your contact list.

He is currently in a hospital of Kempsterbank , getting some more 1st aid kit, just in case.

Quote[/b] ]I can't log in....something's wrong with the Urban Dead server me thinks.

I just logged in now, so maybe if there was a problem it is solved, or maybe just one of those temporary ISP problems for you.

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I went outside Caiger mall.

There are no more zombies just bodies.

Where did they all go? crazy_o.gif

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I just logged in now, so maybe if there was a problem it is solved, or maybe just one of those temporary ISP problems for you.

Yeah, maybe it was. It works now. It was probably my IE having hick-ups. biggrin_o.gif

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I went outside Caiger mall.

There are no more zombies just bodies.

Where did they all go? crazy_o.gif

We killed a lot of them; I finished off the very last 'living' zombie that was there this morning. Many of the large organised hordes that were there conceded defeat and left a few days ago though. They're attacking various Police stations aparently. Dare say there will be a lot of these bodies standing up in a few days though.

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theres been some roumours that the zombie hordes have just left there zombies out side caiger for five days (so the character idles out and can no longer be seen by any one) and then suddenly there all going to log on at the same time, appear out of no where, and slaughter every one in the mall.

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Quote[/b] ]You attack the zombie for 3 damage. They take a Headshot for 21 XP, and die.

Headshotted with an axe. biggrin_o.gif

I didnt want to headshot any zombies so I used the axe, but I still managed a headshot. crazy_o.gif

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