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WGL Nogova

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<span style='color:darkblue'>Credits</span>:


<span style='color:darkred'>Berghoff (SWAF) for his great textures.

Dschulle for his excellent PAnTool and the help with pal2pace.

Killswitch for his transition-naming-tool smile_o.gif

raedor for his tip on the macro scheduler.</span>

<span style='color:darkblue'>Known bugs</span>:


~ none at this point

<span style='color:darkblue'>How to</span>:


~ Copy your (res) O.pbo to any custom modfolder (@wgl_noe\addons)

~ Unpbo the O.pbo

(with tools like winpbo by [HA]Voyager ! english section: http://ofp.gamezone.cz/index.php?showthis=8010)

~ Replace the textures from the (unpbo'ed) O-folder with the ones (wgl_noe_o_textures)-O

~ Pack the O-folder (NO COMPRESSION !)

~ Play the game with the mod-folder active

<span style='color:darkblue'>Alternative way</span>:


Use pbopatcher - also by [HA]Voyager !

english section: http://ofp.gamezone.cz/index.php?showthis=7551

<span style='color:darkblue'>Advice</span>:


<span style='color:darkred'>Screens are with Berghoff's Nogova Nature Replacement Pack. (Link)

We recommend using both in combination (just patch the o.pbo in the mod-folder twice).

From the sky some textures look very repetitive - yet its a compromise you have to take,

from the ground they just look marvelous !

As this method does replace the textures from like within Ofp, every island which uses them has of course these new ones too.</span>  smile_o.gif


best regards




<span style='color:darkred'><span style='font-size:25pt;line-height:100%'>Download</span>:

wgl_noe_o_textures.rar (~ 217 MB)

Big thanks to Russin and 'wglcti.com' for hosting !</span>

<span style='color:darkblue'>Old nogova</span>:


<span style='color:darkblue'>New nogova</span>:





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the screenshots do it no justice, it's a pretty nice addition, although i must say if i were you, i'd stick to the default trees. berghoff has done a nice job, but the lods are awful compared to the default in my opinion wink_o.gif

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Now is it ready to post it or host it?

Raptor smile_o.gif

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is there any version of the island that doesn't require some assembly? biggrin_o.gif anyways screens look nice, i would download it even if the island would be a few hundred mb's

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It is when you attempt to re-pack the O.pbo file after installing the textures and get an "OUT OF MEMORY!" error and have to close MakePBO... wink_o.gif

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i had been using this for awhile without error, but suddenly, out of nowhere, it causes white texture spots & a lot of lag, makes the game unplayable, random, but it happened. and no, it's not due to any mod or anything.

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hehe prolly becuase your videocard is swapping textures smile_o.gif or ran out of memory.

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well yeah. it might be a good idea to use the nomap command.

after all these are 1024 texture = over 300mb textures and transitions ...

some addons added to these might cause your error huh.gif

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thanks, i've been fortunate enough to have never needed to use the nomap command until now sad_o.gif so much for 246meg graphics & 1.2 gig of ram wink_o.gif

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