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News from  the "Northern Ireland mod"

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Due to lack of new members (still) the NIMOD decided to post some new WIP shots of SniperUK's Vehicle modeling and texturing skills along with the South Armagh map which is being created by Smiley.

The pictures below show SniperUK's new Humber pig model, which is also textured by him. As you can see the model is of high detail and of high quality.Also the textures present are only temporary ones. The final version/s will have sufficient change.




The South Armagh countryside is one of the most beautiful areas to visit in Northern Ireland. And was also home to a lot of SAS operations. We are fortunate enough to have special permission from Jojimbo to use and show pictures of the Inv44 grass. Thankyou smile_o.gif




High Res 1

High Res 2

High Res 3

(All pics are un edited)

Enjoy the pics, and as always anyone interested in joining the mod please let us know. For those who are not aware we still don't have a web site set up yet, due to a few small problems, but we do have a forum up, and anyone who would like to find out more information feel free to register and ask any questions.

The Team smile_o.gif


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as asked in msn

"Uber comment" tounge2.gif

oh and looks good guys wink_o.gif


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This picture remind me a lot of WWIIOL. The islands look fantastic! How is the lag?

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This picture remind me a lot of WWIIOL. The islands look fantastic! How is the lag?

As SniperUK said, the island will be and is lag free. One of my main concerns is that the map is playable on all PCs. So don't worry about any lag issues.

Thank you for the comments all.

Smiley smile_o.gif

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Fantastic screenshots, can`t wait to play on this island. smile_o.gif

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All looks good.

This coupled with the Irish Defence Forces pack (look it up) should make OFP miles more fun!

The Irish Defence Forces pack, I believe, contains only modern

troops and equipment. The NI mod will include an Irish Army

squad from the early 1980s.

Well that WAS the plan, but Kman had some spare time so...


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Can you please tell us when exactly the Irish Defence Forces

adopted the AUG rifle?

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Can you please tell us when exactly the Irish Defence Forces

adopted the AUG rifle?

Early 1990s. The SAS used it up there as well. Considering I'm Irish, I'm very interested in this mod. Keep up the good work guys

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BTW, your screenshots of the weapons dont show up on the first page. What do you have? Make sure to have the FNC and G3 for the Provos, and G3KA4 and HK53 for the SAS.

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BTW, your screenshots of the weapons dont show up on the first page. What do you have? Make sure to have the FNC and G3 for the Provos, and G3KA4 and HK53 for the SAS.

Hi, yes the images where uploaded to a old members photo bucket, who unfortunately left and he deleted the images also. We have a large selection of weapons, created from our previous member "whisky" aka "jimpy". I can get some images for you if you are interested, best bet would be to pop over to our Forums and ask any questions or ask for any pics or info, as we would be happy to show our items smile_o.gif


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On behalf of the NIMOD we would like to finally show some WIP pictures of our new "Dynamic Weather". Our talented scripter "sentinel" created such a system to enhance the current ofp skys.


1.) Fully Dynamic Random Weather.

2.) Pre-set weather conditions for easy placements.

3.) No need for long or complex Int lines as all weather systems are created via a easy game logic function.

4.) The 4 Seasons variations of weather systems, each creating random weather in that required season period.

5.) Fully tested and working in Multi Player.

6.) Almost Lag Free.

Few Pictures


3d clouds and snow


3d clouds, white


thunderstorm and lightning

High Res 1

High Res 2

High Res 3


The Team

Feel free to visit and register on our Forums for any more infomation you require about the mod. smile_o.gif

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looks brilliant, is that weather multiplay compatible

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looks brilliant, is that weather multiplay compatible

1.) Fully Dynamic Random Weather.

2.) Pre-set weather conditions for easy placements.

3.) No need for long or complex Int lines as alll weather systems are created via a easy game logic function.

4.) The 4 Seasons variations of weather systems, each creating random weather in that required season period.

5.) Fully tested and working in Multi Player.

6.) Almost Lag Free.

I think it's fair to say it is, yes.

Awesome work on the weather effects. Should look quite amazing with the great looking terrain you lot are making.

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Yes quite right as da12thMonkey pointed out, all weather systems work fully in Multi-player, with synchronized lightning and thunder sounds, so all players can experience the simulation simataniously.The Cloud's may differ in position between client machines, but its nothing major.

We plan to release this as a stand-alone addon, we should have something to release at the end of the week. smile_o.gif


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We are pleased to publicly show some more WIP work, here you will find the "Land rover APV" (armored patrol vehicle), textured and modeled by are talented vehicle modeler "SniperUk"

The Land Rover APV also knows as the "Piglet" was developed for use in Northern Ireland, giving better protection to the troops travelling in it from bullets and bomb splinters and any other hazards that might of come in their general direction.

It is based on the standard Land Rover chassis of the time (3 series), with additions of 'Macralon Armour', a composite material which provided additional protection for the vehicle and troops inside.

The APV was a common sight in Northern Ireland, due to its more durable protection and speeds. The RUC also adapted the APV for police vehicles, using them to keep control over the streets of Northern Ireland.

This is just a small selection of the land rovers we have in production, and we will be showing more WIP shots soon, but for now, we thought you might all be interested in this unique vehicle.

The textures and model/s are not "final" and are subject to change on the final release of the MOD.

Plans are to also create "damaged" models, and also a "interactive model and damage system" that allows "certain" things to come apart or become destroyed" due to certain events that "should/could" happen during the streets of Northern Ireland.





Many thanks


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Yes that's right, we are on the look out for some new voice actors for our replacement sound pack that will be replacing the standard BIS sounds, and also voice overs for our dynamic AI system.

As you know, we are more than just a mod with a collection of addons. We are to here to supply a new game-play experience unique to ofp and any other game.

So this is what we ask of you who have a interest in this project. We are on the look out for "British (any part of the UK), Irish and Northern Irish" members who would be willing to record their own voice to include into the mod for its final release.


1.) At least 18 + Years of Age (or at least sound over 18)

2.) Have reasonable quality microphone

3.) Must be British or Irish/Northern Irish nationality

4.) Must be willing to be dedicated to finishing the voice overs for the mod.

So if you are reading this, and you fit all the above than please get in contact with either me or any of the mod team members. Once we receive any contact information we will then talk individuality to each person and sort them out with a required list of recordings to record.

Thanks for reading this, and hope to hear from you all soon.


Contact information

Smiley - [email protected]

Forums - Click


Any news sites who see this, would it be to much trouble to ask for you to put it up on your main page/s as we would like to try and get this around so all community members are able to view this, as the above criteria is only aiming at a select few of the community.

Thankyou smile_o.gif


Thanks smile_o.gif

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