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Thx for the fast answer ofpforum! ^^ And dont forget to dl the BugFix made!

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So guys!

Version 1.1 is available, here is the changelog:

- new playerskin

- only RHS Weapons

- New Islandintro for Newland

- one new sector

- the BugFix of version 1.0 is fixed

- you can take you equipement to the other sector

- english version already included in the patch and the complete version


Complete Version 1.1 (280Mb)

Patch for Version 1.0 to 1.1 (26Mb)

Feedback is welcome smile_o.gif

PS: the dl-link for version 1.0 is closed

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hey nice:

some probs. when downloading the patch there is a folder @Conspiracies, but the new addons aren't in an ADDOn folder !

in SECTOR 2 you can use the white car behind the house, but you have to take the truck !

in SECTOR 3 you start as the player you played in version 1.0 and the GRU guy is sitting in the truck.

SECTOR 7 need the addon OWP ZIL


and at the beginning. the two guys you can take with you. one of them really likes to run into a corner and gets stuck between the wall and the truck!

there are sometimes weapon errors. e.g when going to the train and picking up one of the RPGs.

-the island anim works fine !!!

that is all I found yet.

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well this is what i was waiting for the update.. tounge2.gif downloading now..

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Guest Ti0n3r

Some feedback on v1.1

The intro for NewLand island is very good and the new player model (RHS GRU Marksman) is perfect. It really looks like a Stalker. But for some reason I was unable to go from sector 1 to sector 2 after I installed the patch.

And another small suggestion; perhaps you could add briefings to keep track of the objectives and markers on the map so the player would know where to go. Right now it's quite confusing.

I think this campaign has the potential to turn into one of the best user made campaigns if you just work hard and keep updating it.


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Okay thx! Will fix is imediatly! I think i can can give you the Bugfix in a few minutes!

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OMG WOW i love the atmosphere at the start.. the grass/train/animals the stalker lol top class.. but once i talked to the guy and moved onto the train the waypoint just stays there then i dont no where to go from then.. [playing the english version]

Edit? should this not get moved to A+M Complete.. smile_o.gif

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It takes a little bit time... wait for 1 or 2 minutes to continue! No think not so because this is a Alpha-release... the MainGame is not ready at the moment!

EDIT: Only 25 Minutes to go... smile_o.gif

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It takes a little bit time... wait for 1 or 2 minutes to continue! No think not so because this is a Alpha-release... the MainGame is not ready at the moment!

All releases go into A&M:C AFAIK smile_o.gif

anyway, downloading the patch now biggrin_o.gif

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Hey sounds pretty cool, going to download it now. By the way whats that music on trailer 3, i kinda like it n it go well with my zombie mission biggrin_o.gif

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I hear this Campaign or mod or whatever alters the DXDLL settings, correct? Well, do they overwrite them, and do I have to make a backup?

This seems totally wicked awesome, the graphic looks really cool judging from the screenies. thumbs-up.gif

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I hear this Campaign or mod or whatever alters the DXDLL settings, correct? Well, do they overwrite them, and do I have to make a backup?

This seems totally wicked awesome, the graphic looks really cool judging from the screenies.  thumbs-up.gif

just make a backup of your Dxdll Config.. thats all.. you dont have to.. it just changes the colour to look more Stalker alike biggrin_o.gif

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und the DXDLL BTs v2.0 (optimized for Conspiracies) is availbale too...

Why not just post your settings here to get the same effect as on your screens. smile_o.gif

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well theres the config setting..

Quote[/b] ]; DXDLL Configuration file

; for boolean values, 1 = true, 0 = false


; General settings

; useTrilinear: Use trilinear filtering instead of bilinear

; forceNoNightShader: Remove "black & white" effect from night, can also improve performance

; sharpenUI: Uses a higher detail mipmap texture for overlay elements, can make UI text easier to read

; EnhancedTracers: Enhances tracers to make them more visible

; debugOutput: Enables debug output (Using windows OutputDebugString function)

; handlePrintScreen: Grab printscreen keypress for screenshots

; LODbias0: sets normal texture mipmap level of detail, range -1.0(sharp) to 1.0(blurry)

; LODbias1: sets multitexture texture mipmap level of detail, range -1.0(sharp) to 1.0(blurry)












; Postprocessing settings

; Force32bitPostProcessing: Forces use of 32bit color for postprocessing color buffer.

; When using 16bit color, enabling this can improve visual quality without the peformance hit of full 32bit color.

; DisablePPForMap: Disable postprocessing when map visible (mission editor, map)

; UseSpecialNVGPP: Uses a special predefined set of postprocessing settings when nvgoggles are used

; HardLight: Enable "hard light" postprocessing

: HardLightSx: Hard Light strength per color channel (red, green, blue), range 0.0 - 1.0

; Desaturate: Enable desaturation postprocessing

; DesaturateSx: Desaturation strength per color channel (red, green, blue), range 0.0 - 1.0

; Glare: Enable light glare postprocessing

; GlareStrength: Glare strength

; GlareSize: Glare texture size divider, larger values mean larger glare but can cause aliasing

; GlareDarkenSky: Darkens sky by 15% to avoid it from becoming overbright with glare

; GlareUseFade: Uses a fade effect in glare buffer at night time

; GlareForce32bitBuffer: Same as Force32bitPostProcessing, but for glare buffer




















; Water reflection settings

; sizeX/Y: Reflection texture size. Larger size means a more sharp reflection, but can also decrease performance.

; Some video cards require texture sizes to be in powers of 2, (ie. 256x256, 512x512, 1024x256, etc)

; LODbias: sets reflection texture mipmap level of detail, range -1.0(sharp) to 1.0(blurry)

; UseExpFog: Use exponential fog effect for water.

; Uses more dense fog for water which looks better, though can appear too dense at lower viewdistances

; useLighting: Use lighting for reflections. If disabled, all reflected things appear dark, but it can improve performance

; maxCount: Maximum number of objects visible in reflection. Set to 0 for unlimited amount.

; maxDistance: Maximum distance of objects visible in reflection. Set to 0 for unlimited distance.

; maxHeigh: Maximum height from waterline of objects visible in reflection. Set to 0 for unlimited height.

; bumpStrength: Water bumpmap strength

; clipTolerance: Amount of clipping adjustment done for reflected faces.

; Too low number can cause "see through" bumpmap effect near waterline.

; texOffsetX/Y: Reflection map offset. If reflection appears at wrong position, try adjusting these
















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Thx Matt... i think i can show you a new trailer next time... we will see...

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Okay, I need help. For some reason this refuses to work on my OFP. I install it to my custom OFP directory, create a shortcut linking to the conspiracies folder and start up OFP. However, whenever I try to run the campaign it keeps giving me a "missing addon" message, stating I'm missing about ten different add-ons which are clearly in my folder?

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Are you sure your setting up your ofp shortcut correct.. if that doesnt work try putting your conspiracies addons onto ofp/res/addons

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I've gotten it to work now, but I'm absolutely confused on what to do. I talk to the guy after going to the train, head to the next waypoint and nothing happens...

How am I supposed to know where to go?

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I've gotten it to work now, but I'm absolutely confused on what to do. I talk to the guy after going to the train, head to the next waypoint and nothing happens...

How am I supposed to know where to go?

After you have been to the train you go and talk to the man at the house and then you go to the edge of that zone and then on to the next zone..

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I know, I followed the waypoint to the next zone. But what are you supposed to do once you get there? I don't get a waypoint or anything. I'm just wandering around aimlessly.

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Whats the Prob in this sector1? i think its a very simple process! Go to the man, talk to him, go to the train, pick up some weapons, go back to the man and go to the next sector!

@Matt: You played version 1.1? maybe there is an error! plz answer!

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