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It would be a very good idea if you would add the campaign in a pbo form, so we wont have to load every mission using the editor biggrin_o.gif

Other than that, good job.

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I get this error whenever I try to play the mod.

No enty 'config.bin/CfgWorlds.newland'

The landscape is just water and when I hit enter I just fall into it and die. I can elaborate if you need me to. huh.gif

The pictures look absolutley great and I'm really eager to try this mod. I hope you guys can help me out.

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I've tried to reinstall everything and redownload.

Sorry double post.

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Yes... i think your shortcut is not correct... check this out...

-nosplash -nomap -mod=@conspiracies

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Yes... i think your shortcut is not correct... check this out...

-nosplash -nomap -mod=@conspiracies

Thank you very much. notworthy.gif

Everything looks great and I can't wait to try this mod!

Keep it coming!

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that photo of some mutate baby is really HORRIBLE !!!!  band.gif

Yeah, that wasn't really necessary. At least give a warning.

Otherwise it looks really good! smile_o.gif

This one is supposed to be more freeform? I hope you have managed to preserve the excellent atmosphere from part 1. I imagine that might be harder when the game isn't linear anymore.

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You guys seen this picture... maybe create a city like it?

Ghost Town!!!



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click here for the new trailer

and plz give a little comment smile_o.gif

Hmm... Nice but nothing new there.. and that photo of some mutate baby is really HORRIBLE !!!! band.gif

I second the opinion, I think that the displayed baby is quite disturbing, you should warn of such content. confused_o.gif

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You guys play ofp, but you're scared of a photo of a mutated fetus?

Scientists don't seem to have problem.

I thought it was cool.

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The only reason I didn't like the photo was because it seemed really out of place, it sort of came up all of a sudden.

But I am really liking your mod, I look forward to future releases.

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Quote[/b] ]You guys play ofp, but you're scared of a photo of a mutated fetus?

Not scared, disturbed. It served no place there and a warning should have been given.

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ok if a warning did come up i think you guys would be wanting to see what it was and you would look anyways, i know i would confused_o.gif i remeber finding a load of those mutated pics for those guys which i posted on their forums... gave me nightmares afterwards sad_o.gif EDIT: only one was a baby sad_o.gif

Matt Rochelle. [PS. Could a Mod please fix my account (Matt Rochelle) when i log on i cant post jack**** it comes up error your logged in as Matt Rochelle]

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Looks good, but I gotta agree, the pic of the baby was distrubing, poor thing.

I like the way you film your movies, gives a really good first person feel to them.

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Hello Community,

we promised you the release date for Conspiracies Part 2 this year, but we wont disappoint you so we decieded to cancel some points from our to do list smile_o.gif

One of the point is the Project: OBLIVION 2... at the moment we dont work on it anymore, but maybe in the future. Another point is the 2 way story... we had to cut of 1 way to deliver you part 2 this month... otherwise we wont get it... sry for that.

So the release date for Conspiracies PART 2 is the 24. December 2005. In Part 3 we will have the 2 way story and a pretty cool change in the environment... You will be suprised!

So thats all for the moment and have a nice Pre-Christmas smile_o.gif



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