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Best place for hosting/mirroring (IMO anyway) is the hosting service on www.filefront.com

Unlimited space/bandwidth, and it's automaticly mirrored over about 10 servers smile_o.gif

Quote[/b] ]It's only our config for the dxdll 1.0 from kegetys!

That's what I thought, but it's not really very clear, that's all smile_o.gif

- Ben

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it should look so blurry because if you got a very hot place with much sunlight, than you see this very blurry... so its not in all sectors so blurry! ^^

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You can send us the file to put up for download, OFPFiles. We are Filefronts OFP Fansite so as soon as we add the file it'll also be added to Filefront and it's 10 mirrors plus our mirrors. You can contact me at Jamie@filefront.com if you please wish to smile_o.gif I'm posting news about your update now btw.

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Okay, i upload the file for the betatester first on ofp.info...

some additional infos:

-you need ca. 1GB diskspace

-Downloadsize: 370Mb

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This looks awesome! I cant wait for this it actually looks better than the leaked S.T.A.L.K.E.R. alpha. I downloaded the ofp stalker mod straight away and was very impresses im surprised it didnt lag too

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downloading, looks good.

Plus there is a shortage of campaigns with much effort in them.

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oh man^^ CONSPIRACIES not CONSPIRANCIES^^ plz correct mate!

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Cant wait for it, all these shots look really awsome, has anyone tested it on a laptop? because generally im gonna wanna play this while im on the train.

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We decided to syncro. the campaign! But i hope the releasedate will keep the same... 5th october for the german version and the 7th october for the english version!

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SLED88 PLZ tell me u are going to include the blue tractor that features in the stalker game??? biggrin_o.gifbiggrin_o.gifbiggrin_o.gif

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Heh, can't wait. I had fun with the one's released.

Also, I don't see my briefing journal on my map screen anymore...

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lol... this blue tractor will be included in part 2 smile_o.gif At the moment i fix the errors in the campaign... but i think this should be no prob!

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I think you better get express permission from BIS for this, before you start exchanging money.....

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Sled...forget the idea with selling it...and the costs...forget it!!!!

You're not allowed to earn money from any addon!!!

And if you only say that these 4€ are the shipping costs...you earn money then!!!

Forget it Sled!!!

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