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Mercenaries 1

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Excellent work on the units, all of them have a very professional look on them (I mean the fearsome mercenary looks and the way they are modeled and textured)

Its also very nice to see, that finally some personality is brought into the game, these are the first units since Victor Troska, that seem to have a life of their own, instead of being part of a clone army.

The additional scripts that come with them are most welcome, they sound quite good, specially the 2 weapon carrying and the noise making script sound very interesting.

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..and BIS still haven't given you a job? *shakes head*

Amazingly amazing work smile_o.gif

- Ben

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Wow! That's some jawdropping work there, nephilim! Really high class!

It would be awesome if you could model a Russian-esque mercenary aswell, maybe model it after the god of Russian infantry units himself, Laser?

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no one wants me sad_o.gif

i must suck ass....

No-one wants u?

thought i asked you yesterday? haha


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no one wants me sad_o.gif

i must suck ass....

if you look as good irl as that model, then i want you biggrin_o.gifwhistle.gif

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the face count is very high

each has about 6000 polygons

but u must bear in mind that these are personalized

russian units will be made if  i find a decent russian willing

to "lend" me his face smile_o.gif

no one wants me in terms of a job  smile_o.gif

i got a picture of me in my profile smile_o.gif

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ye and i whant you you know that wink_o.gif

job? who needs one? sad_o.gif i do

lets make our own game and make tons of money on it help.gif

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no one wants me sad_o.gif

i must suck ass....

sad_o.gif Oh come on neph, stop that, a lot of people would kill to be as good as you are. pistols.gifconfused_o.gif

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no idea

its currently in beta phase for vbs1

so once theyre released for vbs1 i will make replacements

so about 3 weeks after vbs1 release

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russian units will be made if i find a decent russian willing

to "lend" me his face smile_o.gif

Lovely smile_o.gif

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sorry guys i already got 6 from over vbs1

and when tehyre done ofp version wont have bugs wink_o.gif

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