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SJB Weapons Pack Released

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Ok, cheers!

Thought I was going stupid then reading it, typing it in and having nothing happen!

Never mind, I'm a plank! Haha


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Actually, I'm the plank for leaving it in wink_o.gif. Cornhelium is correct, thats part of the change due for v1.2. I forgot to mention that when posting the readme.

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I plan to expand the content of the pack, hopefully including a few AK variants

If you do plan to make any Russian weapons, dont make AK-47s or AK-74s cause theres plenty of them already. Instead you should try making some less known weapons. like the Bizon, PYa Yargin, SV-98 etc.

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And don't forget small compact sidearm as Ingram Mac-10 & Mac-11 and some other rare weapons in OFP world. wink_o.gif

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many many downloads installs and configs and the pack still fails to work. Are you sure there isn't nothing else needed to make this pack work. With everything installed like in the read me, the error goes away now when in the main addon folder of OFP. only guns that work are the black M4, one of the pistols. The stock M240 and M249 work but no sounds.

None of the TOS guys work in the editor either as I get missing 3pd model errors. for the pistols or optic error messages. Which don't make sence if all the files are in the folder.

Even went as far as gutting the server files and triming everything to bear bones minimum ofp to make sure another addon wasn't conflicting the pack.

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I am truly at a loss as to what is causing your problems Bobcatt666. All that is required for the pack to work is as follows:

> OFP: Resistance V1.96 (i.e. the latest patch)

> JAM3 (as of v1.1 of the pack)

> All files included in the .CAB archive

- sjb_optics.pbo - 7,087,319 bytes

- sjb_shotgunmisc.pbo - 393,851 bytes

- sjb_tosm4.pbo - 186,088,374 bytes

- sjb_tosm4_cpp.pbo - 338,023 bytes

If all those files are present, and are the correct version/size, then I have no idea what is causing your problem. I doubt it its an issue with the pack, as you're the only (reported) sufferer, so its either a setup issue (i.e. the way you've decompressed/installed the files) or a hardware issue.

In other news, the FAMAS etc are progressing well, and I hope to have some more screenshots probably around Thursday or Friday.

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well putting a few more hours into solving the pack issues found it is another addon that causes a conflit with yours and breaks the addon. runing bone dry OFP v196 without any of my many mods runnng it plays, running ECP it works. I usualy run MWP which the SBJ TOS guys are in it and asume its a bin releated issue looking for the old addon, but other members of my clan don't have said issue. Not sure but I know I got em to work at least once fully.

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If the SEALs are part of the MWP Pack (not heard of it personally so I'm not fully briefed on the ins and outs), its fair to assume the OLD version of the weapons are too, so remove the OLD version of the pack from the MWP Mod folder, and install the new version of the pack there. That should fix it. It sounds like its simply a conflict with the older version being in a mod folder when trying to run the new version in another folder.

EDIT: Glad you got it to work, hope you have the patience to keep at it and get it working 100% wink_o.gif

In other news, I've begun work on the HK416 - Yes, I know I said I wouldn't be adding it, but after I was stumped for further weapons to work on, a quick Google search later I found some awesome hi-resolution source images (1700x2165) which have come in really handy for detail on the markings etc. Here are a couple of screenshots:

From the left

From the right

Markings and the overall model are still work in progress, and as such shouldn't be held as final, nor overly criticised as being inaccurate wink_o.gif

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Would it be possible to add selectable ROF to the M-240?

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Remember that the flattop rail on the HK416 is raised about the height of the rail it self.


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In other news, I've begun work on the HK416 - Yes, I know I said I wouldn't be adding it, but after I was stumped for further weapons to work on...

huh.gif  biggrin_o.gif

...did a little bird whisper in your ear? *scraps HK416 from worksheet*

Very nice wip, Jackal! Keep it up!

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heh, sorry mate wink_o.gif

The idea came from someone mentioning me making a HK416 a while back, and me, being rather lazy, said I wouldn't be, and the whole "Why not? Its basically a slightly modified M4A1!" argument that came about as a result. Plus, I was bored with re-mapping portions of the WA2000 textures to the model to line up the wood-grain rofl.gif

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if you are looking for guns to add, may i make a suggestion:


Keep your voice down, Cleo. You're getting warm... whistle.gif

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Looking for suggestions eh?

*tries to contain self* yay.gif

Where do I begin rofl.gif

Okay, what about an MG4, I saw a pic of a deadly scoped variant <a href="http://www.heckler-koch.de/core.php?dat=Y29tcG9uZW50PWFydGljbGVzJmFjdGlvbj1zaG93JnhJRD1wcm9kdWN0QXJ0aWNsZURldGFpbHMmYXJ0aWNsZUlEPT


c2VGbGFzaD0x" target="_blank">here</a> also, what about some modded G36s?

Edit: Kickass HK416s btw, keep up the good work!

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Actually, I wasn't looking for suggestions, I was merely looking for something to make to put-off having to re-map the wood texture onto the WA2000. It seems that by posting that its opened up the bloody flood-gates again. I have plans for some G36 variants, but at the moment they're just that - plans, and no work has begun on them yet.

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nice wip Jackal326 smile_o.gif love the detail, yeah while you are making a new version i agreee with akd's sugestion about chooseable rate of fire on the m - 240 whistle.gif

love the ways of the machineguns of the SFP mod inlove.gif

what should i do if i want to replace your m4 fire sound with Lasers m4 or JAM wpn m4 sound fx?

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OK, here is a quick run-down on how to replace sounds in the pack:

Step 1: Download WinPBO (CLICK HERE) and install it in an appropriate location on your computer.

Step 2: Extract the files from SJB_TOSM4.pbo - as there are some similarly named sound entries, also extract the config.cpp from SJB_TOSM4_cpp.pbo and check the sound files used for each weapon, to save you the time and effort of replacing the wrong one by mistake.

Step 3: Replace the appropriate sound with the one you want, back up the old one just incase you wish to revert back to it in the furture.

Step 4: Recompile the PBO (due to its size I recommend NOT compressing it, unless you have 2 hours or so to spare).

Step 5: Re-install the PBO, overwriting the old one if necessary (back it up just in case).

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I have plans for some G36 variants, but at the moment they're just that - plans, and no work has begun on them yet.

As your probably already aware that BWMod are progressing very nicely on there G36 pack i would hold off indefinatly. unless you can guarantee yours will be better  tounge2.gif

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I have plans for some G36 variants, but at the moment they're just that - plans, and no work has begun on them yet.

As your probably already aware that BWMod are progressing very nicely on there G36 pack i would hold off indefinatly. unless you can guarantee yours will be better tounge2.gif

BWMOD would only make german variants (i presume???), Im sure we would all prefer EoTech'ed and ACOG version etc. as we have with the LR-300 and M4, plus would they make a G36C? I dont think the Bundeswehr uses it. We'll have to wait and see anyway...

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Hey there Jackal, any updates?

Didn't you mention something about some new pictures this weekend?


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Hey there Jackal, any updates?

Didn't you mention something about some new pictures this weekend?


That was last weekend, then it came thursday, if you go back a few pages to thursday youll see some excelent hk416 screenies.

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