Bobcatt666 0 Posted October 3, 2005 even made sure to delete all the old files and install all the new files from the link at the front of the thread all numbers match from the cab still get "Addon 'SBJ_TOS_Weaponspack' requires addon 'SBJ_TOS_Weaponspack_Models' " at start up. All files dates and sizes match the ones in the file exactly. I'll asume somebody might have used your addons in something and causing a conflic but usualy only DL lsr's and hky's guys only. start trying the removing things see what happens.. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
olemissrebel 0 Posted October 3, 2005 jackal, i saw something interesting at the armory yesterday, a UMP40 & UMP9, the 9mm version has a curved magazine; never really payed attenion & didn't know they existed, seeing as we never us the UMPs. seeing as you've made the UMP40 or 45, dont remember which, it would require minimal modeling to make the straight magazine curved, would it not? you should also consider making the HK416, it's what i carry as opposed to the m4. it's basically a high, match-grade copy of the m4, made by HK, but of course. a lot of guys i know are purchasing it on their own in our unit, but either way it will see action. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Jackal326 1182 Posted October 3, 2005 I'll consider the requests, and I'll take a look at brightening the WA2000 Scope textures. @Bobcatt666: I'm not sure what to suggest then, except for re-downloading v1.1 and perhaps try using a download manager (e.g. GetRight or Download Accelorator Plus), as these will help to combat what I beleive to be the root cause - a corrupt download. If this doesn't work, then I do not know what to suggest. If thats the error you're getting, its an issue with SJB_TOSM4.pbo, as this is where the "SJB_TOS_WeaponsPack_Models" CfgPatches entry lies. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
echo1 0 Posted October 3, 2005 jackal, i saw something interesting at the armory yesterday, a UMP40 & UMP9, the 9mm version has a curved magazine; never really payed attenion & didn't know they existed, seeing as we never us the UMPs. seeing as you've made the UMP40 or 45, dont remember which, it would require minimal modeling to make the straight magazine curved, would it not? you should also consider making the HK416, it's what i carry as opposed to the m4. it's basically a high, match-grade copy of the m4, made by HK, but of course. a lot of guys i know are purchasing it on their own in our unit, but either way it will see action. A UMP-9 is no much for a good 'ol MP5, as for the HK 416, give me a Diemaco SFW anyday! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
stgn 39 Posted October 3, 2005 Sory for the offtopic i got excited. STGN Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Jackal326 1182 Posted October 3, 2005 I've another question about the HK416: What relevance does it have to this thread when its not, nor ever will be most likely, in the pack? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
echo1 0 Posted October 3, 2005 What relevance does it have to this thread when its not, nor ever will be most likely, in the pack? True, we really dont need any more goddam AR15/M16/M4s....cept for the SFW!...nah only joking Flashpoint needs more older western weapons and LOADS more Russian guns. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
PSYCHOSIM 0 Posted October 3, 2005 Pics look good fella! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
-HUNTER- 1 Posted October 3, 2005 I was wondering cant SJB use some of the weapon configs STGN made for his M4 pack? Also maybee SJB could use the nice animation of the bullet coming out of the chamber with the chamber opening as in the STGN pack...? I love the M16's I must say the textures are a bit dark though, but they look nice. A mag pouch on the stock of the weapon would also have been cool. The scopes are well made the aimpoint look much more real now you can virtually see thrue it! Keep it up! edit infact the weapons now look better then the soldiers, we need new elite desert marines! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Jackal326 1182 Posted October 3, 2005 The pack has already included recoil values and other various config values as "standardised" by STGN for the M4A1 rifle series. I may incorporate the animated chamber as well, I'll investigate the possibility at least. The M16 textures, which many people have mentioned are too dark, I am hopefully going to edit in due course to brighten them slightly. Quote[/b] ]The scopes are well made the aimpoint look much more real now you can virtually see thrue it! The ELCAN and M145 (which is virtually the same model as the ELCAN) are the only two optics in the pack which you can't look through, given the right angle of course. Most (the ACOG, Aimpoint, Reflex and the WA2000's scope) include small versions of the optics used within the scope itself - something I plan to incorporate into other weapons within the pack (the M21, M24s, M82A1s, PSG1s etc). Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Big Dawg KS 6 Posted October 3, 2005 Any plans on animating some of the weapon parts using zasleh and alpha channels? In my opinion, it really adds alot to the quality. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
olemissrebel 0 Posted October 3, 2005 what does a walther rifle have to do with what is basically an m4 pack, nothing. Â the reason i asked was because the 416 is basically an m4, although not made by colt. it would require hardly any changes or anything, & would easily add another weapon + all of its variations to your pack. Â a lot i know have also shyed away from the m203 in favor of the hk agc, whether it be for their m4 sop or 416. either way, pardon me for suggesting an addition that is actually used in the real world. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Jackal326 1182 Posted October 3, 2005 Yeah, I've already semi-implemented animating the cocking-hammer on the FAMAS (probably the wrong term, the 'hook' in the carrying handle anyway), using the method you described Kyle. Also planning to incorporate something similar into other weapons, not sure which yet. Quote[/b] ]what does a walther rifle have to do with what is basically an m4 pack You mean apart from the fact the WA2000 going to be in the next version of the pack, and the HK416 isn't? Also worthy of note is that, although M4s make up approximately 1/3 of the pack, there is still another 2/3 of the pack which aren't M4A1s. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Big Dawg KS 6 Posted October 3, 2005 Yeah, I've already semi-implemented animating the cocking-hammer on the FAMAS (probably the wrong term, the 'hook' in the carrying handle anyway), using the method you described Kyle. Also planning to incorporate something similar into other weapons, not sure which yet.Quote[/b] ]what does a walther rifle have to do with what is basically an m4 pack You mean apart from the fact the WA2000 going to be in the next version of the pack, and the HK416 isn't? Also worthy of note is that, although M4s make up approximately 1/3 of the pack, there is still another 2/3 of the pack which aren't M4A1s. Thats great, but (as I found from personal experience) using the different alpha channels method to hide specific selections really works great on the handguns, the difference/improvement in the "animation" is suprisingly very noticable. Also, it would help to add muzzle flashes to the handgun empty models, or else the last shot of the magazine won't produce muzzle flash. Also, because you are using modelspecial on the handguns, I suggest, that if you are going to continue to have them JAM compliant, that you make seperate classnames that use the closed models for the model entry on the handguns, or else the handguns (while using JAM mags) will be stuck with the slide locked back. The method I mentioned is also very good for smaller parts like bolts and cocking levers/hammers, shell ejection ports, and even bigger things (as I found from doing the AN-94) like a sliding barrel assembly (like the one on the AN-94) and things of that sort. The only thing is that if the two selections are relatively distant from eachother, the animation may look odd. It may be a tedious process, but if you have the time its well worth it. And lastly, if you want, I have a very nicely working shotgun script that I can offer that will allow for the correct burst, ammo count, and reloadtimes and sounds for shotguns, and and even more realistic shot effect, and on top of all of that allows you to use custom shells, which are also a great idea for weapon packs that not too many people think of. When I was working on the JJR nam weapons, I made new shells for all of the weapons, all of which where also able to stay on the ground for a few seconds. Custom shells are really a nice touch, but the only downside (in my opinion) is that the shells wouldn't work with the JAM magazines. Also, while I'm making suggestions/observations, I noticed that the P90 had no single fire mode, while IRL the P90 has a single fire mode (only 1 round no matter how hard you squeeze the trigger), and a unique full/semi-auto mode that fires 1 round with a half-trigger pull, and fires full auto when you pull the trigger all the way back (but of course that is impossible to implement in OFP, so a single and auto mode are good enough). Time to rest my fingers... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Jackal326 1182 Posted October 3, 2005 Thanks for the long and helpful reply Kyle. The JAM Pistol issue has been sorted, and will be fixed for v1.2 in the way you described. I missed this during my last-minute testing, as JAM compatability was a very last minute addition (2 days before release). But anyway, it'll be fixed. As too will the muzzle-flashes for the empty pistol models, wont be too hard to sort. I already use the custom shells for the shotgun (red shells are ejected when you fire a shell, and green for firing slugs, just for variety really). I welcome the suggestion for using the script, if you could please e-mail it to me I'll be sure to attempt to incorporate it into the pack ASAP (with full credit of course). The P90 issue will also be fixed. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Big Dawg KS 6 Posted October 3, 2005 Certianly, its available here for you and anyone else who might want it. Currently, it is optimized for use with my shotgun pack (currently in the works, just a compilation of various shotguns released by others using unified magazines and scripts), but I am sure you can figure out how to modify certian parts to make it optimized for your shotguns. There are full (as far as I am aware) credits listed in the script itself, which is called via a rather long eventhandler, which locates the fired shot before executing the script, simply for speed purposes, so I made a more simple interface using a script that is very easy to run on units that will give the unit the eventhandler, but of course you can do whatever you want in terms of adding the eventhandler. Also, I am including the config and a .p3d of one of the shells I used (that is able to stay on the ground, you can use this as a bases if you wish to make custom shells that stay on the ground) so that you can see how I did it. And finaly, there is a transparency.paa file that I use for all of my weapon part animations, it has a very very low and unnoticable opacity which is necessary for the alpha channel "bug" (a bug that we have learned to use to our advantage) to work, but for the most part is basicaly a transparent texture that can be used on selections to hide selections with other .paa textures applied. And as you can also identify by looking at the config, seperate sounds for the shotgun firing and cocking will be needed, so that the pump sound will be played during the "reloading" of each shell prior to being fired, rather than after the shell is fired (once again improves realism), and also because of this you no longer need a cocking sound at the end of the reload sound file. The link again Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Jackal326 1182 Posted October 3, 2005 Thanks a lot Kyle, I'll look into editing the script tomorrow night when I return home from work. Scripting was never my thing, but I'm sure I'll be able to sort it. Thanks again. For now though, I'm going to bed, its been "one of those days" today Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
EvEnLeaSe44 0 Posted October 3, 2005 hello SJB, me and a couple m8's were wondering if u could make a Russian Weapons pack also?? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
AOCbravo2004 0 Posted October 3, 2005 hello SJB, me and a couple m8's were wondering if u could make a Russian Weapons pack also?? Check out RHS Weapons Pack, or ORCS Weapons Pack (My apologies, they are the weapons used with Laser's Russian soldiers) and RPG pack, Spetznaz Mod also has a great weapons pack under development. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
olemissrebel 0 Posted October 4, 2005 lasers weapon pack...huh, russian weapons? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Jackal326 1182 Posted October 4, 2005 I plan to expand the content of the pack, hopefully including a few AK variants i.e. the AK74, possibly adding an AK47 with GP25/30 launcher(s), as well as possibly an AK101. This is only a plan thus-far, and no promises are made. Its all depends on the amount of time I get, at the rate I'm going, the pack wont be out before Armed Assault is released, a date I fear an addon pack for OFP will become semi-redundant, but I'm not going to get into that argument here, thats for another topic. Although having said that, I could release it for Armed Assault, OFP and VBS1 simultaneously (depending on the nature of Armed Assault's addons of course, they may be constructed differently to those of OFP/VBS1 - at the moment we just don't know). I had planned to convert the pack to Armed Assault anyway, so we'll have to see when its released, and how hard I am able to puch myself on the pack without burning out and losing all interest. Edit: Do not take this post as me saying "I'm giving up on making the pack for OFP and am focussing on Armed Assault" - this isn't the case, I'm simply saying, "Its unlikely the next version of the pack will be finished before Armed Assault is released (depending of course whether or not it slips to 2006, or until late 2005), so I'm being realistic and considering tri-developing it for OFP, VBS1 and Armed Assault." Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Jackal326 1182 Posted October 6, 2005 Just a quick post to let you all know I've uploaded an updated readme.txt file that now incorporates the M249 variations I missed from the previous version of said file. It can be found HERE. Note, some of the columns are skewed when the file is viewed in Internet Explorer, but it should work fine if viewed in Notepad/Wordpad with WORDWRAP off. Cheers. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
akab 0 Posted October 6, 2005 i thing Laser textures are better :-) (M16 M4 CAR15) but in SJB pack is more good handguns Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
PSYCHOSIM 0 Posted October 6, 2005 Help, in your updated readme, it states the JAMMED ump is named "SJB_TOS_JAM_UMP45", though on entering this in the mission editor it says that it doesn't exist! HELP..... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
cornhelium 0 Posted October 6, 2005 Hi Psychosim, Ah, I think the readme shows some changes that are due in v1.2, but not actually present in 1.1, including the JAMmed UMP. Cheers mate, CH Share this post Link to post Share on other sites