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Stargate Mod Released

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is someone already making a special stargate mod ofp?

there were posts of that earlyer

if possible could i also get a link to download the gdo i cant find it anywhere...

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the last fx mod was v3 dude,  this is very large update smile_o.gif

the GDO is actualy Part of the 1.3 gate mod

(you cant find it as your ment to Script it)

its not an editor object thats placed

its added to the unit (and needs adding to the gate)

after last time with my distributing code blunder i cant realy help much in the way of noobifying 1.3 like i did 1.1 but....

best thing i can offer people in the way of help with 1.3

is a Perfectly scripted demo mission

so here is a mission (this works 100%)

and you only need the stargate mods (nothing more)


YOUR iris code is 123456

you can see both gates from were you stand

both gates a scripted to work 100%

read the readme for more info. consider it 100% noob proof,

but READ IT please...... (it lists common errors in readme)

this Mission Suports Actual 1.1 style dialing from a 1.22 DHD

and the 1.3 stargate mod

so NO need to no how to use the dhd wink_o.gif

Select Dial Earth to go home

feel free to decompile redistribute incoporate the manual dial Anyway you want  smile_o.gif

if this wont work (its the user)  whistle.gif

take Note that the Player is Named Jack, the gates are g1 and g2 and note the Comands in the INT feilds that give the addresses and GDO information to unit & gate

i recomend reading the bxbx 1.0 readme

also the dsf 1.1 and 1.2 readme

only main diffrences are sqf to sqs and SG_gate to dsf_gate

and "/SG_DHD/ and "/DSF_SG_DHD/

most the scriptings the same & although the readmes are crap  nener.gif

all the mods did generaly work fine

the 6 test missions from bxbx site can be adapted with notepad if you do a bit of editing

and 1.3 rocks  notworthy.gif

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Can anyone give me an example of a des.ext that has intergrated music/sound class descriptions with #include <dsf_sg_dhd\includes.h>?

I tried to implement them but I kept getting an error telling me they had already been defined. This prevented me from loading the level.

Once #include <dsf_sg_dhd\includes.h> had been removed, it worked but ,of course, the stargate would not be able to work. That would defeat the point.

So what I am asking is, how do you add the class descriptions without this error occurring?

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your not doing anything wrong wink_o.gif

seams to be a bug with the gate, he knows about it and is dealing with it smile_o.gif

should try the Fx addon pack, just use,

playMusic "Filename"

or select from the drop downs on effects

comes with full help file

(as the musics classed in my cpp you dont need it in your ext)

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10% of users are lost inside the fx addon help file

tryna work out what to test 1st rofl.gif

i think thier all to buisy playing it to post yay.gif

it works fully now (even for noobs)

so everyones playing and gateing round biggrin_o.gif

most of the recent questions have been asked here http://www.ofp-sgc.com

but to be honnest, i think thiers more playing now than thier is talking

1.3 with the demo mission is fool proof,

looks like atlantis gate is on its way to

while i remember, check out the "P90 Weapon Rack"

on the forum link above

the guy origionaly did a sort of board style with weapons on,

but hes also released a "weapons locker"

(were they vanish when you take them)

realy is a cool little extra yay.gif

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is there any news about the sgc? i lost bxbxs site and i dont know what site is was

plz give me a link to his site....

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  (TheWraith @ May 08 2006,12:18) said:


im making another cheepy style addon smile_o.gif


could also evolve into maybe an extra Art addon aswell

(if i can figure the set object texture) and style a frame

could make for fun art gallery theft missions to  rofl.gif

whats that with the girl poster? tounge2.gif

thanks for the link btw nener.gif

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Someone should really tell the authors of Stĺrgĺte that "ĺ" is an actual letter, pronounced like "o".

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And someone should tell the creators of "The DΛ Vinci Code", that the "Λ" is a lamba symbol, which is kinda mad, because Da Vinci was Italian, not greek

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  (Dynamite_cow @ May 09 2006,08:55) said:
Someone should really tell the authors of Stĺrgĺte that "ĺ" is an actual letter, pronounced like "o".

its not actually that symbol "ĺ", its actually a pyramid with a sun rising over it.

Earth's point of origin.

It doesn't have the horizontal line that makes it an A. Its more of an upside-down V

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  [b said:
Quote[/b] ]whats that with the girl poster?

i thought people could hang her picture in daniels quarters lol

shes a pain in the .... from season 7, and 9, also maybe 8

also guys its  Ĺ  smile_o.gif  Alt,0197

Lower case looks so weird

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ye right, its season 8 & 9 wink_o.gif

she 1st apeard in 8x12 - Prometheus Unbound

considering i made the full set of these

"5 Stargate Collector cd roms" Sneek Peek Video

ye think i'd be much more of an SG geeky rofl.gif

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cmon people post post post wheres the info about new addons?

act more like FFUR smile_o.gif keep posting updates about addons smile_o.gif unless this "mod" has been halted...

www.ofp-sgc.com is nothing new either crazy_o.gif

update me! (pleaseeee)

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I expect its a done when its done issue. No one is going to post new information if theres no new information to post. People on these forums these days need to respect its the authors and mod teams choices when they release/tell people about things.

Quit your moaning and things are likely to get done faster instead of them wasting time doing an update every other second. Just put up with it.

Anyway, looking good lads even though it was quite a while, almost 3 months, hanging in on the limit in the board rules there mate.

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use :

  [b said:
Quote[/b] ]www.ofp-sgc.com

there's all you need here.

a patch will be released in few days for gates and soldiers, weapons and mini mod updates will be in start of july.

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  (CRIONYK @ June 08 2006,14:44) said:
use :
  [b said:
Quote[/b] ]www.ofp-sgc.com

there's all you need here.

a patch will be released in few days for gates and soldiers, weapons and mini mod updates will be in start of july.

thats what i like to hear smile_o.gif

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Agreed. These units are looking better and better with each update. I hope the release isn't too far away smile_o.gif

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Great! It is much sooner than I expected, especially for units of that quality. I cannot even begin to write how good it is to see these.

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