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Right & Left Handed

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Im not sure if this has been brought up at all, I searched and found nothing.

But every screenshot ive seen so far, and also in OFP, everyone is right handed. I know this would mean creating the odd extra animations but hey, not everyone is right handed.

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Good point because every game out there except a couple ai and players are liimited to playing in right handed shooting. I am a lefty and would like to play a lot more games with this feature but not just the player the ai having random arm animations so they are randomly left or right. But there should be a lot more rightys due to the fact that the earth is promently a righty world where almost everything is made to be used with right arms. But that's all I got to say I better get cracking on something else! notworthy.gif Peace Out

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It should already be possible to make left handed soldiermodels, it is basically just mirroring the model + selections... confused_o.gif

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I am left handed, but fire a gun as a right handed man would (never fired it though, just held one tounge2.gif ). Imho it's natural... so not all left handed guys need a adapted rifle smile_o.gif

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yeh i guess u just would hold a normal rifle as a leftie unless ofcourse u want a burst of burnin hot bullet casings in yalls face.

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Guest Ti0n3r

I am left handed too, and as far as I know most rifles are made to be used right handed (reloading etc etc). As a kid I mostly held rifle toys right handed so Imo it's not a very big deal. But sure, it would be nice/realistic with some variety.

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yeh i guess u just would hold a normal rifle as a leftie unless ofcourse u want a burst of burnin hot bullet casings in yalls face.

One of the improvements to the M16A2 over the A1 was that it had a "Spent Case Deflector" which directed the casing away from the soldiers face.

From the USMC Website:

Quote[/b] ]* a modified upper receiver design to deflect ejected cartridges, and preclude the possibility of the ejected cartridges hitting the face of a left-handed firer;

From World.Guns.Ru :

Quote[/b] ]The M16A2 also featured the spent case deflector - a triangular bulb on the receiver, just behind the ejection port, that allows the gun to be safely fired left-handed.

So lefties can at least fire the M16 biggrin_o.gif

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Im not left handed, I am a righty, but i sure would like to be a left "footer".

Anyway CS allows you to use the weapons with the left hand, but then again CS is not realistic.

Generally the more east in the planet u are, the more likely is that you will find a left hander/footer. At least thats my theory. tounge2.gif

I saw an image with a game2 marine using the M-16A2 with the left hand. I think I saw that on the PCGamer scans so check its thread, though it can be just an inverted image.

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i wish i could switch between hands in game with some few keys(just like splinter cell do)

all basic movement on a single key(like walk, run, reload, lay down etc just like now)

and maybe key combination for those more advance movenemt(lead, change hands, or maybe normal combat movement=> close combat movement etc)

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then again the target on CS was always in the center as well,OFP is usually in the center but has more moving around room.

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all basic movement on a single key(like walk, run, reload, lay down etc just like now)

You can do that in OFP 1 you know...|

But yea, I want a freaken left handed soldier!

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yeh i guess u just would hold a normal rifle as a leftie unless ofcourse u want a burst of burnin hot bullet casings in yalls face.

One of the improvements to the M16A2 over the A1 was that it had a "Spent Case Deflector" which directed the casing away from the soldiers face.

From the USMC Website:

Quote[/b] ]* a modified upper receiver design to deflect ejected cartridges, and preclude the possibility of the ejected cartridges hitting the face of a left-handed firer;

From World.Guns.Ru :

Quote[/b] ]The M16A2 also featured the spent case deflector - a triangular bulb on the receiver, just behind the ejection port, that allows the gun to be safely fired left-handed.

So lefties can at least fire the M16 biggrin_o.gif

Me dont know that smile_o.gif me work with stoneage weapons like AK have no cartrige deflector fire bullets straight into leftie eye.

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I´m a lefty but always used guns the right handed way. If you keep in mind that it is sometimes more than the casing ejection that causes trouble. You have the handpiece for example that is often designed for righthanders and the thumb can´t rest properly when used with left hand and the switch to choose firing modes and make the weapon safe is also for right handers only. It´s a bit complicated to operate a weapon that is intended for righthanders with the left hand. In fact I never had any problem to operate a weapon with the other hand as you only pull the trigger with your right hand but "guide" the weapon with your left hand which is imo an advantage for lefties.

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guns are ment to use by right hand.

when empty bullets come out from chamber they wount hit your face :P

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I'm also left handed but shoot a rifle right handed, pistol with my left hand though smile_o.gif

I also kick right footed, although that might not be relevant wink_o.gif

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I`m right handed, but I shoot rifles left handed, because my eyes are not perfect and even with my glasses on, I got only near 100% at my left eye. My right eye is around 85%. So I have to shoot rifles left handed, it feels somehow wrong but I`m a good shooter over long distances too. That`s for the rifles. It`s another thing with pistols. I hold pistols ond revolvers with both hands, and aim with my left eye. When I shoot a shortweapon right handed, I aim with my left eye too. I want to have that feature, that I can hold a rifle left handed in OFP, or in AA and in Next generation PC Game for shure. huh.gif

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I would be cool to be able to switch shoulders but it is general rule to use you strong side most of the time.

They should do os you when making your carater should chose your strong side and then when you switch tor your weak side it should be harder to keep the weapon stable and make accurate shots.


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Hmmm wonder how many people try shooting with their dominant arm and then try with their not so dominant arm,wooo bet thats fun.

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Hmmm wonder how many people try shooting with their dominant arm and then try with their not so dominant arm,wooo bet thats fun.

Well I dont do that with my hands but with my feet when i play soccer. Im always trying to perfect my left foot. tounge2.gif

My brother uses both hands though. He uses the eating knife on the right hand as well as the computer mouse but then he uses his left for writing for example. Weird. yay.gif

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I'm left handed, but I have used my right hand for the mouse for a long time now (actually right after I got my first PC)

I know you can switch hand in CS, but because all of the games that are made with just a right hand model I have never felt that it was normal with left handed models in games.

If BIS makes it possible to have a left handed model I would probably use the right handed model, because I'm used to that in the game world.

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Same,I'd probably keep edging over or something because it looks distorted.

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I´m not sure if the effort needed to implement and create left-handed soldiers and weapons is really justifying the more or less minimal result for gamers. There are versions of guns for lefthanders but it´s not that common that those are bought and used for regular grunts. Most of those versions sell on the private market. If you keep in mind that OFP2 will most likely offer a large variety of weapons, the time needed to actually build dual versions of weapons in question would imo be too much for that little additional choice. If that wouldn´t be done precisely by BIS people would go frenzy once more and scream about weapon details.

Keep in mind that the soldier animations and model would have to be reworked also. This goes for all included armed human models.

I don´t think it´s worth that. Maybe I´m wrong.

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all basic movement on a single key(like walk, run, reload, lay down etc just like now)

You can do that in OFP 1 you know...|

But yea, I want a freaken left handed soldier!

after playing OFP for 4 years i think know that pretty well biggrin_o.gif

anyway, the point is that most of us have already quite get into the way we move around in the old game, which works quite good, so it would be better to left most of them untouch while making new things with that as basic

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I´m not sure if the effort needed to implement and create left-handed soldiers and weapons is really justifying the more or less minimal result for gamers. There are versions of guns for lefthanders but it´s not that common that those are bought and used for regular grunts. Most of those versions sell on the private market. If you keep in mind that OFP2 will most likely offer a large variety of weapons, the time needed to actually build dual versions of weapons in question would imo be too much for that little additional choice. If that wouldn´t be done precisely by BIS people would go frenzy once more and scream about weapon details.

Keep in mind that the soldier animations and model would have to be reworked also. This goes for all included armed human models.

I don´t think it´s worth that. Maybe I´m wrong.

Good point and if nothing else I'm sure they could release tools for the community to do that a year or so later.

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the G36 assault rifle has a fire selector on both sides right, so that would mean it can be used by tighties and lefties

also some rifles eject the round into the air as opposed to the right or left eliminating the risk of getting hit by a casing

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