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Operator of dissidence

OFP Mod Selector - Release

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I would like to introduce my program, OFP Mod Selector, to the public. I created it to experiment with the new IDE and it was just something I thought I could really use. In short it is a OFP Launcher that allows you to create a list of mods that are to be loaded with OFP and now, I want to share it with the community. I tagged it Beta because it is my first release, so just to be safe. It requires the .Net Framework 2.0, but the setup program will download it for you if you can't find it. So now, where do you get it? Here at  File Front

                                                            Please send bugs and comments to [email protected]

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Yes! biggrin_o.gif

I consisidered making one a while ago in VB, but never got around to it, and this looks far better tounge2.gif

I'll post again once I've tried it, installing the newer .NET thingy now

- Ben

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Link work`s for me with Firefox browser in use. biggrin_o.gif

OFP Mod Selector is a long awaited tool, as I´m always use more than one mod. So I say, many thank`s for this. It will clean my desktop of many different OFP+XY Mod shortcuts. smile_o.gif

This tool only recognise entrys in C:\Programme. Please note that not everyone had installed OFP to drive c:. huh.gif

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Tried it out

Few things

Why not store the mods either in the registery, or save a ModList.xml file by default?

This'd save having to export the changes, and put it to the autoload bit in the options, and check the auto-load box (From what I can tell)

Can't you auto-scan the OFP folder, which can be found in the registery (Something/Software/BIS/Flashpoint, and a key in there I think). Then find any non-BIS folders (Like ignore /addons, /res /dta /promo etc), and add them to the list. Maybe this could be launced though a button on the options page, so it's optional, and doesn't run on startup etc, and undo your edits

Anyway, nice program, but would be even better with about additions tounge2.gif

- Ben

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umm, any advantages in comparison with Kegetys launcher? huh.gif

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If he inplements autoscan yep tounge2.gif

I hate adding mod folders to launchers, it's quicker making new shortcuts up tounge2.gif


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Hey thanks alot for the support everyone and DBR_ONIX I'll see about implementing those functionallity specs you mentioned in the next release which will be as soon as I can get to it.

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!!yehaaa!! Thank u man, lots of thanks, bye bye to my 10 shortcuts biggrin_o.gif

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Quote[/b] ]Then find any non-BIS folders (Like ignore /addons, /res /dta /promo etc), and add them to the list.

Or folders with a prefix like @ECP or @VIETNAM...

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Sorry about that Placebo. I was confused where to post it. I appreciate your understanding. Thank you.

   Raptor, Thanks for the really hard to come by mirror and narlie site dude.

Here's my response to DBR_ONIX's suggestions. I Thank you man! Hopefully the functionallity is suitable now. The auto load list feature is totally stripped away and now the mod list is dumped automatically to a default mod list under the programs directory. Also, I replaced the auto load list check box with a scan for mod folders link label. Clicking it will scan the operation flashpoint directory and automatically adds mod folders to the mod list. You can get this one at File Front too.

                                                Be sure to UNINSTALL the old one or you'll get a duplicate install!

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Ok, I changed the browse button in the Edit and Add Mod dialog box so you can browse from My Computer to any drive on your computer. I also implemented the ability to drag and drop the mod entries to different locations in the mod list. For instance if you would like a certain mod to be loaded before another one, drag it above the one which was being loaded before that one.

   Before my next release I would like to get the bugs and wanted features out of the way. So I'm asking the community what is still wrong and what other feature would you like to see added?

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sorry maybe i am just too dump or whatever whistle.gif

if i do press -add mod-

modfolder -...-

it just shows me the folder tree from programs\...

i cant even get back to c:\

not even to speak of that my ofp is on anther partition huh.gif

yes i do set the path to ofp.exe and this does work fine.

thanks for your help thumbs-up.gif

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Thanks again Raptor.

I'm sorry Q. I was not clear enough. What I meant is that the Browse button fix and the drag and drop ability are things that I have already addressed, which will be in the next release that I will be putting out after I hear about some other bugs and feature suggestions. If there are any? I can release what I got now if enough people cry about this problem, but until then you'll have to wait. I thank you and good luck.

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where to get the kegetsy's Launcher

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   Well, since it seems that there aren't to many demands for new features or bug fixes at the moment. I believe it's safe to release what I got now. The only changes and additions to this version is the browse buttons for the Edit and Add Mod dialogs now allow you to browse from the My Computer point. I added the ability to drag and drop mod entries to change their loading order, which is from the top to the bottom of the mod list. And a mod entry can now be added to a selected place in the mod list by highlighting a spot. It can be found at the usual place, File Front.

   I also want to say I appreciate the continued support. Thank you all!

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Very nice tool..but I`ll stick to all my shortcuts with custom made icons smile_o.gif

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This version is running fine for me, no problems here.

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Russin, thanks for the great comment about OFPMods. Your cool, man.

Q, I'm glad you like it now. Hope it works out well.

ShadowY Thanks for your comment. It's ok, not every one has to like it.

Mr_Tea You have been very supportive here at the forums. I appreciate that greatly.

   Now as for development I plan on stream lining the code where possible and setting regions so I can navigate through the code since it's getting big. I also will be writing UML diagrams for my self, so it may be a while for anything new. Don't worry I'll still be watching this forum for bugs and do service releases if need. That reminds me, I should do research for better deployment methods.

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