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Operator of dissidence

OFP Mod Selector - Release

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Everything as in Kegetys' launcher + automatic scanning for mod folders would be nice (only thing it misses really). Like a server browser with favourites, mod presets for favourite servers and a server watcher (alerts when new game starts).

I'd do the mod folder scanning so that you would scan every folder for addons, dta and bin sub-folders and if any of these are found inside the folder it is added to the list (except "res" of course). And you could also have an exclusion list stored in a text file on top of that to make it more flexible.

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Curse Microsoft and their resource sucking .net.

Do not want.

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Metal Heart Actually it is supposed scan every folder in the OFP Directory and it will add any directory that contains any folder with these names("addons", "bin", "dta", "campaigns") and atleast one of them must contain a PBO file.

If your having problems with it detecting a mod folder. I would be glad to work the problem out with you to the best of my ability. biggrin_o.gif

The net code actually did cross my mind; This'll take a while to complete as I need to learn it. I'll be looking for a programatic way of figuring it out like tapping into one of OFP's Dll's if they have a library of methods that'll allow me to query the GS server for a server list and player stats.

I 'll Look into the delimited file as an exclusion list for mod folders. Very intuitive, Nice work! I thank you for that Idea. yay.gif

Your welcome Q. thank you! welcome.gifnotworthy.gif

rofl.gifBaphomet I'm not defending Microsoft or anything, but this is funny to hear. They must hold a secret order that has found an ancient Hex breaking relic because as many times as I've heard people cursing that name; the Redmond headquarters should have been vaporized and Bill Gates bumming around L.A. for his next hit of crack.

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I had a quick glance through the thread, and this tool is rather interesting to me. However, one question that cropped up was, when selecting mods and launching OFP using the tool, how are the mods structured in terms of being loaded by OFP?

For example, I have 4 mod folders, AddonsA, AddonsB, AddonsC, and @ECP. How does the launcher prioritise which mod is launched "first" (i.e. which mod folder's config is used) to run OFP. Is it governed by the order in which the boxes in the tool are ticked (e.g to run ECP I select its entry FIRST/LAST), or is it simply done alphabetically and mods starting with numbers/symbols/A are loaded first, and then sequentially through the alphabet.

I probably haven't explained that very clearly as its 1am here, if further clarification is required let me know.

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Very good question Jackal326. You can manipulate the loading order of the mods by dragging and dropping a list item or mod entry in the modlist box of a modset towards the top or bottom of the list. The mods are load consecutively in acsending order from the top of the list to the bottom. For example if you have three mod folders in your mod list (@ECP, BOH,  Y2K3) and they were in aphebetic order with symbols and numbers listed first at the top of the list; @ECP would load first, then BOH and etc... Right? But say for instance you wanted Y2K3 to load first. What you would do is Drag Y2K3 from the bottom of the list to the top above the @ECP. Now the load order would be Y2K3 first, then @ECP, and finally BOH. Basically it loads a mod by  its index in the list starting at 0 from the top of the mod list to any real number above 0 [0,~) depending on how many mods you have added to the mod list. In short it loads mods in order from the top of the list to the bottom.

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A very old tool - anyone recall this? :


Still using it and that's best mod selector for me.

I lacks quite usefull option - player name selection option - that Kegety's OFPLauncher has, but handles the server-mod settings great.

On the other hand, mod mainetance under OFPLauncher was always a pain in the arse for me, so despite it could let you choose player name, I sticked to OFPWatch.

I'm neither to discourage anyone here from making new stuff tounge2.gif nor to talk about trying to break an oppened door wink_o.gif

Just combine the two functionalities into your software and you will make me install .net platform on my pc nener.gif

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Algrab, you finally broke me down. I went out and looked at my competition and it's quite disappointing. Kegetys' launcher already came out 5 years ago; so I've pretty much re-invented a practical wheel which so many people are devoted to already. I now know why every one said my app is like his and where all the great suggestions came from. I mean I'm lucky to get even one DL a week, a squirt of pee in the ocean sort'a speak. Heh, and to even come close to what the OFPWatch App offers would take atleast another year which by then only a few hardcore players will be left playing OFP because it's successor is coming out just around the corner. I think I'll be better off to reside this project to a personal one for now. sad_o.gif

 It's been cool while it lasted, but I'm throwing in the towl on this one. huh.gif

Thank you all, Operator smile_o.gif

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well if you have several different mod configurations and different mp servers this one is a lot more handy imho wink_o.gif

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 It's been cool while it lasted, but I'm throwing in the towl on this one. huh.gif

No need to go all the way smile_o.gif ..... ArmA is just around the corner and we may need a new launcher ....  wink_o.gif

And don't feel down, some projects never find a home .......


but I still make stuff for OFP.

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Don't give up that easely, old programs are getting older not younger and nobody develops them furthermore so there's stiil room for a better and better launcher. Maybe get in contact with other autors and implement their functionalities into your work.

Keep it up. smile_o.gif

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Q,Gnat, Algrab. I appreciate your vote of confidence and support guys, but I do remember posting this.

Quote[/b] ]I think I'll be better off to reside this project to a personal one for now.  sad_o.gif

   I did not give up with working on OFP Mod Selector. as it stands now, I just don't think it's worth releasing it to the public anymore. I admit maybe I over dramatized by posting that I was going to throw in the towel; So don't worry about it. crazy_o.gif

Gnat, That's a niffty tool there! Good for keeping track of your addons. wink_o.gif

   Personally, I would rather see BIS integrate some sort of mod organization funtion into ArmA, but if not I'll see what I can do.

Thank you, Operator

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Personally, I would rather see BIS integrate some sort of mod organization funtion into ArmA,

Ditto .... hint hint BIS ! tounge2.gif

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Any mirrors?

The filefront link do not lead to any file.

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Mr. Tea A bit late reply for your matter, but FileFront has basically came back up one or two days ago. My Page on FileFront will always have the latest versions, But if you web search {OFP Mod Selector} or {Operator of dissidence} (minus brackets "{}") a few OFP Fan sites should show up that mirror my files. Below are some mirrors that I discovered.




Wow, I made it on the BIS site. Cool! yay.gif  yay.gif  yay.gif

Flash News actually, I'm just one out a few billion other people's stuff. Guess I'm pretty lucky.  wink_o.gif  thumbs-up.gif

Ok, Enough of that Back to business. While testing on Win98 I found an graphical artifact; where the checkbox in the mod list would resize to the same size as the icons when changing the icon size. My friend also said that happens in win2003. Thankfully I figured out how to fix that and plan to update it once or twice more on my site for a few more little tweaks like that. The current Release 9 only resolves some issues that inhibited my program from running on Win98.

                                                                                                          Thank you, Operator of dissidence  notworthy.gif

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So for instance if I download the mfcti1.16.pbo file, would I need to create a folder labelled 'MFCTI116' just for that one file?

Also when I create a new mod folder, do I just stick it in the 'addons' folder?

I came across this :-

To create an addon modfolder simple pick a name and create the directories "@myname\Addons\" in the Operation Flashpoint directory. Next place all addons you want in this modfolder into this directory and add "@myname" to your "-mod" list when these addons are needed.

BI Studio Wiki

So would I just create a "@[General Nuisance]\Addons\" directory (two folders) in the OFP directory?

I have Kegety's OFP launcher in case I need to create a mod folder.

Maybe someone can give an example of what they've done?

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You have my Utmost thanks... No more million diffrent shortcuts with mods cluttering up my desktop, one nice and easy List to choose from... now I can Play stargate AND CTI at the same time yay.gifbiggrin_o.gif

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