23-Down 0 Posted November 20, 2005 Hi all! We from Ofpmbd wrote a review to this fantastic simulation\mission... If your interested read it... 9 of 10 possibility points english: http://ofpmdb.teamp2p.de/phpkit....tid=123 thx to vyrus for translating the review into english. german: http://ofpmdb.teamp2p.de/phpkit....tid=551 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Trapper 0 Posted November 22, 2005 Thx guys, I've updated the first post with your reviews. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Twistedpretzel 0 Posted March 4, 2006 Well, i can not find any mirrors for this mission, all the websites that hosted it are down currently. Anyone willing to send it my way somehow? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
bunkerslusken 1 Posted March 4, 2006 Here You go. It's a temporary link, someone will have to mirror it if it is to stay up. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Twistedpretzel 0 Posted March 4, 2006 Ah, thank you very much. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Twistedpretzel 0 Posted March 4, 2006 Wow, very intense mission, i should have written down city names and the like so i could give a more detailed report. I made it to all the cities on the main area you start off with except the three on the peninsula to the west, i sent one HMMVW with a squad in it to Saint Renaldo I think it is, that is the part that connects the peninsula to the main area, just to hold any outbreak that may occur there, which it did. I tell them to disembark except for the gunner, give them all the fire, fire at will etc. Tell two to scan horizon. Next i take care of all the cities on the main part except for the one by the mountains that is next to the water passageway to the next section of the island. Meanwhile, every squad member of mine that i left to keep the outbreak has died except the gunner, i burried most of the bodies through the action menu before they all died. So, with two of the cities evacing in the north east, i leave one of my die hard squad members with the third so i can evac them via the action menu while i hop into my HMMVW (not after destroying a small outbreak that didnt have the chance to spread at one of those three cities, and a single zombie at the very first city you come upon) and speed off to faithfull #7 who is still at his M240. I get there, see one toothless zombie knawing on #7s HMMVW, and my gunner takes care of him. I see my other men, laying in a small circle, either i was able to get them to hide all the zombies except that one, or the others run off. I get out and burry all the zombies. I assign a driver to #7s HMMVW. I tell that HMMVW to go to the crossroad that leads to Provo(?) The city that leads to the water passage, where they will be able to pick up #5 after he escorts the evacuating village, then wait for me to head back up there. I continue up the peninsula in hope of finding a surviving village. I get to the second one, and it is dead. So i hop out, get my single passenger to hop in the drivers seat so he could be my taxi man and dive me to meet up with #5,#7, and whoever their driver was. I get back, and he hadn't moved, also i notice a single zombie knawing on the front fender of my vehicle. I get out to dispatch him, turn around, and coming from the road between the forests from the third city on the peninsula that i had already written off as dead was a large contingency of zombies. I hop back in and tell #4 to drive again, which he refuses to do. We are surrounded. My gunner refuses to fire. I tell #4 to get out so i can hop into the drivers seat while he fights them off. I drive forward about 20 meters, tell my gunner to open fire, which he does on a large body of zombies that is surrounding #4. My gunner kills them all, even #4. I hop out, kill 3 stragglers, then hide all the bodies. Both convoys at back at base and #5 is ready to go board #7s HMMVW. I drive this time, and tell #7 to meet me at Provo(?) where the water passage is located, we get there around the same time, it is empty. I write the residents off as dead. I proceed over the hill with #5, and my gunner to the large city with the small hospital. I get there in time to stop an infestation. By the hospital 5 were dead, my gunner kills a zombie, i hope out, hide all the bodies, tell them to be evacuated by the road a bit north of their city. I go to the second group in the city and tell them the same thing. I forget that the convoy will have to go through a very large un cleared section of territory to get to them because i took a non roaded shortcut. Damn. I tell #7 to go across the water to the village on the other side in a watch over position, i take the road to go meet him there and decide to check on two villages on my way there, i do not have very high expectations with the knowledge that at least 3, maybe 4, of the original zombies are dead, and the rest have not spread to the large city in the mountains. While they had been at Provo. I knew the rest had to be in the villages and cities in the main part of the island, which put them in the way of the convoy, and between me and #7. I start my trek, the first city i check is empty, i report it, and move out, to my last stand. I am going over a hill almost to #7, i see a zombie on the road heading towards me, my gunner kills them, and the next two zombies over the hill. I realise it is bad when another 5 appear simultaneously over the hill, i call #7 and tell him to hurry post haste to my position. Zombies, dozens, at least 30, maybe more, are all around me, many more are laying on the ground, i have been going in circles running them over, my gunner has been shooting them, in a lull i get far enough away from the main body to hop out and try to hide some of the dead. I take too long. I am now surrounded, my gunner is reloading, it sounds. I lash out with a melee to the right, a melee to the left, i see the first convoy going to get survivors drive by, i take another zombie down with another melee, my gunner finishes reloading. He shoots at zombies on the opposite side of the HMMVW i am on. Apparently the numerous buildings, trees, and bushes i have hit has weakened the HMMVW. My passenger and gunner bail out after 15 zombies chew on the windows. I silenty am glad my gunner is doomed along with me. I die, in the death screen i see #7 charging up the hill towards me, firing away, i see my two men who were in the HMMVW with me trying to fend off zombie hordes with their fists, the M60 gunner starts firing indiscriminately, they both fall to their doom. I have had enough, i exit the game. Wow, that mission was great, i may do it again but it took me a loooong time to get that far, my kill list was long, very long, and seeing all those zombies, some still laying as the death camera zoomed out, made me kind of proud. Good job on the mission, sorry my incoherent babble and lack of knowledge of places/names is going to be posted, makes me look stupid compared to some reviews, but hey, what can you do right? Good job, i wish i knew how long it took me to die, but i dont remember. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Trapper 0 Posted March 5, 2006 Thank you! It's always nice to read the first impression of players that got into the right mood. I'm working on another download mirror. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Zorbtek 0 Posted March 5, 2006 http://www.filefront.com/ Try there, none of these mirrors seem to work (The rapidshare does work but as you mentioned it's only temporary) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
UKSubmariner 0 Posted March 5, 2006 If you don't object, I'm going to alter the units to Project UKFs stuff for my own personal use, not release. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Trapper 0 Posted March 5, 2006 Thanks for your suggestion Zorbtek. ZOS is now mirrored at Fansn's OFP Mission Database. See updated first post for a direct link. I've no objections on that condition UKSubmariner. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
UKSubmariner 0 Posted March 19, 2006 Does anyone know where else I can get my paws on the required Sarugao Island and West Medic Tent? OFP.info appears to have changed the address they have for them.. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
ofpchaos 0 Posted March 20, 2006 The OFPMDB Mirror is active again Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Placebo 31 Posted March 20, 2006 Does anyone know where else I can get my paws on the required Sarugao Island and West Medic Tent? OFP.info appears to have changed the address they have for them.. West_Medic_Tent This forum thread links to the Sarugao Island Both links were found with Google, it's always prudent to do a Google search before posting in here that an addon/mod cannot be found. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
UKSubmariner 0 Posted March 20, 2006 Does anyone know where else I can get my paws on the required Sarugao Island and West Medic Tent? OFP.info appears to have changed the address they have for them.. West_Medic_Tent This forum thread links to the Sarugao Island Both links were found with Google, it's always prudent to do a Google search before posting in here that an addon/mod cannot be found. Thanks for that Placebo.. I did try a google search, but all that came up for me were missions that required the above addons.. Thanks again! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Trapper 0 Posted March 20, 2006 I don't want to change the readme in the uploaded archives only for this and confuse the players with it. Here you'll find updated links for all addons: http://ofp.fansn.com/mission.php?item=61 PS: Oh and ofpchaos the first post was already updated with the new Missiondatabase links before. No spamming, please. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
ofpchaos 0 Posted March 21, 2006 I don't want to change the readme in the uploaded archives only for this and confuse the players with it.Here you'll find updated links for all addons: http://ofp.fansn.com/mission.php?item=61 PS: Oh and ofpchaos the first post was already updated with the new Missiondatabase links before. No spamming, please. Nono, its not spamming. After the systemcrash of my site (ofpmdb.de.vu) this link was reported as dead. Now we have, a new domain (www.ofpmdb.net) and the mirror is again online. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
icebreakr 3159 Posted August 30, 2006 Is this playable in multi? I'll test it today.... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
madrussian 347 Posted August 30, 2006 As much as I love this mission in SP, it would really rock in MP! Â I tried a bit to make this work in multiplayer (for own purposes) and the big problem I was getting was that server(/client) system would see the wound textures on the zombies but the clients would not. Â Maybe I was doing something wrong... Does anyone know if the zombie mod in general is compatible with multiplayer? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Trapper 0 Posted August 30, 2006 I would be happy if someone is able to make a decent MP mission of it. I don't believe there's a MP issue with the mod. Even though most zombie MP missions incorporated the zombie scripts into the mission file to get rid of addon requirements. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Zombie_Mod 0 Posted August 31, 2006 I would be happy if someone is able to make a decent MP mission of it.I don't believe there's a MP issue with the mod. Even though most zombie MP missions incorporated the zombie scripts into the mission file to get rid of addon requirements. They took my scripts out of the PBO to use in their own missions? Without telling me? If I recall correctly thats not in the terms & cs of the agreement in my readme (I may be wrong) The dirty leeching bast**ds!!! Here's me, I can't get a f**kin game on All Seeing Eye and I find out that some zombie missions are using my scripts Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Trapper 0 Posted August 31, 2006 I was eager not to use the word unified zombie mod scripts. I don't have checked these scripts. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Zombie_Mod 0 Posted August 31, 2006 I was eager not to use the word unified zombie mod scripts. I don't have checked these scripts. Hi Trapper, is there another zombie mod? Or do you mean the scripts of your own mission? EDIT: I'd really love to see a new zombie mod, the problem with being the developer is that you know how every creature is going to behave, it would rock to be surprised sometimes... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Trapper 0 Posted August 31, 2006 MiG sent me an old addon with zombies that already used the old animations last year. I can't remember the name. IIRC it was russian and in capital letters, included was a demo mission in Lipany, Nogova. The ai scripts didn't look optimized. Also those multiplayer missions may use their own scripts, very likely based on yours. Zombie1's new running zombies are the only ones showing something really new. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites