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Can't wait for that Asian Pack. Everything seems really close! Once everything is released I'll upload it to Gamespots High Speed Servers to give some relief to all the OFP Community Servers. Take your time on release, I can hopefully wait wink_o.gif

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How about because it's god awful looking. I'd be shocked that they dont change it before it gets "phased in". You can see that from a mile away.


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I will agree with you to an extent; it does 'look' pretty bad, but it's design called for a combat uniform that would work in various environments was well as cut costs.

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What enviroment would that work in?





I doubt it. I saw the guy on CNN wearing it during the New Orleans flood and he stood out like a sore thumb so I know it doesnt work in urban for sure.

...and the sandy boots are a nice touch. If anything, they help show you off even more unless you're in the desert...in that case it would just be the rest of you that stands out and your feet are safe.  biggrin_o.gif

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It's like painting a bullseye on your chest and screaming 'I'm here!' at the top of your lungs. The pattern is completely useless, unless you wish to get noticed.

Plus, the stuff's just ugly.  tounge2.gif

Stick with the woodland. Looks much better.

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Yeah i don't know why you should be shocked because the china or japan is west or east...

Personaly i don't care it's a game ! He could do France Vs Belgium

And the Belgium could be in east i don't care !! It's game...

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The best ffur mod would be Liechtenstein vs Luxembourg with monaco in resistance!

With it no lag because no (or very little) airforce, tank and little infantry (1 squad=total army) tounge2.gif

Who in east side?huh.gif?

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I will agree with you to an extent; it does 'look' pretty bad, but it's design called for a combat uniform that would work in various environments was well as cut costs.

The idea of trying to find one camo pattern that worked in all or even many scenarios is brain dead and a non starter. The Germans as far back as WWII realised the need to produce multiple camo schemes to suit varying seasons and environments.

Typical military logic - save money by having one multi-purpose camo pattern that fails to work in any environment! crazy_o.gif

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So Thunderbird, what will the size be of the big pack ?

I heard 1 GB, has it grown now ?

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So Thunderbird, what will the size be of the big pack ?

I heard 1 GB, has it grown now ?

I remember him saying 1.5GB at one point.

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woah that'll be one big download. Gonna take awhile even if you have a really good connection.....better contact my Broadband company on getting that upgrade to T1... wink_o.gif

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the best bet is to download DAP or IDM download managers get a faster connection since it finds all different servers which have the same file then downloads bits from all of the different sites

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Quote[/b] ]woah that'll be one big download. Gonna take awhile even if you have a really good connection.....better contact my Broadband company on getting that upgrade to T1...

*Cough 10 MB Internet Connection - 10 mins perhaps *Cough

- Viper *Big Smile on face*

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neh 10mb will be faster than 10mins i have 2mb and takes me about 20mins on a good day and with my sister out the house cause she drains up the connection biggrin_o.gif

ill say your looking at about 3 mins lucky sod lol

but i dont plan on downloading all of them at once ill download one install and play whilst downloading the others

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I will agree with you to an extent; it does 'look' pretty bad, but it's design called for a combat uniform that would work in various environments was well as cut costs.

The idea of trying to find one camo pattern that worked in all or even many scenarios is brain dead and a non starter.  The Germans as far back as WWII realised the need to produce multiple camo schemes to suit varying seasons and environments.  

Typical military logic - save money by having one multi-purpose camo pattern that fails to work in any environment!  crazy_o.gif

This is true, especially considering military spending.

However, it's not possible for an 'urban' camo to work, because it is very easy to distinguish between the shape of a building and the shape of a person. Therefore, in an urban environment, it is easier to blend in with other people, rather than the immediate surroundings.

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Therefore, in an urban environment, it is easier to blend in with other people, rather than the immediate surroundings.

Then they should just wear civvies rofl.gif

Mmm...Still waiting icon_rolleyes.gif

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Well I know that during the occupation of China, the Japanese Imperial Army acted in a brutal and cruel way and I know that the Japanese didn't apologise...  but you should not focus on that , e.g, Nazis have done a bunch of bad things against european people but only a few years later, europe rebuilt itself and left the hatered behind. Plus the relations between both countries seem a bit different from your description because Japan and China signed the Japan-China Cultural Exchange Agreement in 1979, and the two countries have been conducting various cultural exchanges, both at governmental and private levels.

While avoiding to offend you, I have to say; you may know that actually Japan seems better than China on various fields and especially the moral issues way , I'm sure you have a lot of things to learn from the japanese and the same goes for them too. Everyone can learn from one another.

What are the main causes for the recent tensions between China and Japan ?

*  General sentiment of the Japanese population that they don't need to apologise for the WWII because China will presumably not accept their apologies.

* Chinese people still frequently killed by canisters of poisonous gas buried in China by the Japanese in WWII.

* Dispute over the ownership of the Senkaku islands, near Okinawa.

* Dispute over the exploitation of gas in the East China Sea.

What's OFP ?

At first I have to say : A GAME, a game which allows you to relive again historical moments which entirely changed the humaniTy (World War II, Cold War Crisis...etc ), or which could just allow you discover new armies that you have never been seen before, or just by creating a fictional story in a virtual environment.

The FFUR Asian Pack will offer a new and enhanced OFP for many people. A total new experience.

So I won't do it. smile_o.gif

Plus this conversion's project has been allowed, even supported and encouraged by Tony.

Well I agree with you that we should learn something from Japanese. I agree with that they are more rich and more developed. Unlike many Chinese, I do buy Japanese commodity and I watch Japanese movies. As what I have said, we are not focusing on the history. In 1979 we had agreement and we forgived them at that time. But right now they have changed. They start to discriminate other Asain Ethnic. They have an ethnocentrism. That's not enough, they teach their kids the ethnocentrism and treat the WWII as a "Sant War"! Is there any German will be forgive if there are still Nazis? So, You got a wrong order. It's not because we don't accept thier apology, so they don't apologize. It is because they still have an ethnocentrism even they apologized!! How can we accept the apology like that!! Not only Chinese, even Korean and other Asian people can't accept their apology.

Yes of course, OFP is a game. We play it for fun, but you play in that way for fun and we don't feel funny.

At the end I should say, it is not your faults, as V60(Which is a leader of sam)said if we wanna keep the honor of China, of People's Liberation Army. We should work out a campaign immediately. Well, if I can't convince you then you just keep it your way. Maybe Chinese and Japanese will humiliate each other in their own campaigns. And you guys just watch it for fun.

By the way: Tony always made his decision with out telling us. He said he thought that PLA mod was too powerful and it's hard to have a fair fight between BOHmod and PLAmod. But I have a question: Did you add the big abnormal robot of BOHmod in your transform pack?

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Im sitting on the edge of my seat waiting lol tounge2.gif

i cant wait for the Woodland and Winter Pack biggrin_o.gif

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God knows I've been hassled in my backyard because some asian beatnicks thought I was responsible for Nanking.

Call me CYCLE6 or Psychal. "Sam" is the web site of our BBS.

I don't understand why they hassled you? Because you are Japanese?

Some of the Chinese are very radical that they think should killed all Japanese. I feel sorry about that. I understand that there are lot's of Japanese people love peace and hate wars. I know there are still many kind, frindly Japanese people. But the only way to stop these radical men is let every Japanese understand and give their respect to other Asain peoples.

Let me show you guys something:





these pics are from Korean kids, as what I've said the only way to stop these is give enough respect to other Asian peoples.

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Sorry but can we get back to talking about FFUR....

So while we wait for it to come out, I've got a question for everyone in general....

1)When you boot it up, what effect are you going to try out first?  

I'll probably shoot down some aircraft and watch the nice fire effects roll out of them  biggrin_o.gif

Can't wait FFUR, you've almost worn away the F5 button (refresh) on my keyboard.... rofl.gif

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I will test out my BMP first. See if it doesnt have soldiers floating on top then I will put a RPG into it and watch the explosion.

I gonna roll my head againsts the back of the chair and repeat "Release, Release, Release *refreshes page* release release.... (And repeat until release)"

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I hate to boast here, but I've already got the mods, and the first effect I tried was placing 100 satchel charges on DH14 on Everon (runway) and watched the beautiful explosion. It was like a mushroom cloud, as intense as it was.


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