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A "weak" person? Try "suscepitible". Buy a thesaurus. Use it.

Thanks for the word. confused_o.gif


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Quote[/b] ]STGN Posted on Oct. 20 2005,23:23A question and a concern. I played with the turkey mod G3's and when I fired it full auto using the Aim and it hit me all that white flickering coudn't that be dangerous and perhaps trigger an epileptic reaction on a "suscepitible" person. Remembering that Benus made the sight I thort maby all your sights have that feature? question is, is it eny more dangerougs than the normal muzzel flash and should it be used?


I don't really know what you mean ... but I tested the G3 and some other sights ingame and there is everything ok with them....

do you mean WHITE parts showing up when shooting ... I had that one time ... and never again ... with one shot smile_o.gif so no idea when and why it may happen ... but the sights should be OK in FFUR releases ... if it is possible somehow ... it would be nice if you could try to make a pic ...

thx benus

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is how it looks every time you fire might just be a missing texture but I wasn't sure.


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Hi all,

Quote[/b] ]STGN Posted on Oct. 20 2005,23:23A question and a concern. I played with the turkey mod G3's and when I fired it full auto using the Aim and it hit me all that white flickering coudn't that be dangerous and perhaps trigger an epileptic reaction on a "suscepitible" person. Remembering that Benus made the sight I thort maby all your sights have that feature? question is, is it eny more dangerougs than the normal muzzel flash and should it be used?


Yeah , I know what you're talking about , well the G3 ironsight we provided to the turkish mod has been carried out a few weeks ago , the new one looks a bit better and the muzzle flash doesn't appear white as you've seen in the turkish union pack.

btw I will inform them to fix that white thing.

Quote[/b] ]Status report anyone?!?!

We still need a few days to upload the rest of stuff and to test the packs once downloaded from the links to make sure that there's no corrupted file.

But don't worry , the release's very close wink_o.gif

Kind Regards


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i ran home from school today hoping i havent missed the release and i havent WAHHOOO but i missed all the girls coming home from pink day (some random thing that our school is doing for breast cancer) rofl.gif

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i ran home from school today hoping i havent missed the release and i havent WAHHOOO but i missed all the girls coming home from pink day (some random thing that our school is doing for breast cancer) rofl.gif

No offence, but when you start putting mods ahead of girls..... icon_rolleyes.gif

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i know but i was at school all day so i wasnt missing anything either way, plus it was raining

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i know but i was at school all day so i wasnt missing anything either way, plus it was raining

Just kiddin with ya mate biggrin_o.gifrofl.gif

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Btw we finished 70% of installers and already uploaded several packs , we still need less than a week before finishing everything.


Best Regards


Your Post was @ 17th october

Now 22nd october

You said "less than a week"

I can't wait give us some more infos

about the project! PLZ

The week is nearly over

Is the release this week?

Sorry but i'm desperate i must know it! tounge2.gif

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A question and a concern. I played with the turkey mod G3's and when I fired it full auto using the Aim and it hit me all that white flickering coudn't that be dangerous and perhaps trigger an epileptic reaction on a "suscepitible" person. Remembering that Benus made the sight I thort maby all your sights have that feature? question is, is it eny more dangerougs than the normal muzzel flash and should it be used?


edit: edited to better English word

only sitting behind a computer can trigger a epeleptic attack because your screen always moves and flashes around with a game with lots of flashes (like OFP) the chance is getting bigger and bigger a epeletic person whould get a attack

(i know my niece is epeleptic)

now back on topic

cant wait for the FFUR release it looks good but as always take your time guys the more checked the better its to play around with

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i cant wait for this release its got to be soon doesnt it ?

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when the packs are finish and ready to download.then make my friends and i a great ofp ffur party for the village.... smile_o.gif you are invited

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little ffur ballons and banners rofl.gif

cant wait for release im going to make sure im first one to download it even thought im going to be one of the last lol

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LOL --- I hope right now its just the Silence before the storm tounge2.gif

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Ive thinking this for the past three weeks, but I'm pretty sure Im right this time -> at least it will definaly be out by NEXT weekend. rofl.gifrofl.gif

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yep i think that too plus im off school this week HALF TERM WAHOOO anyway atleast now i wont miss it cause of school

but its got to be soon files must be upoaded by now so all now is some people to download it so theres no broken links then a release hopefully

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ahhh ahhh but even if they were lost 80% were already online so it wouldnt matter as much

but that scared me for a second or 2 lol

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Something to keep you occupied for a while longer:


It'll end up being a different size to the one stated, because this is the RC1 version.


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Hi all,

Here are the sizes of all .rar packs, btw :

* All addons have been decompressed to further reduce lag and framerate difficulties.

* Only relevant and required P3D models and textures have been retained for the FFUR mod.

FFUR 1985 -> 383 [MB]

FFUR '85 Winter -> 381 [MB]

FFUR '85 Desert -> 398 [MB]

FFUR 2005 -> 461 [MB]

FFUR Asian Crisis -> 476 [MB]

We used a classical compression's way to make these rar packs in the goal to allow you extracting them as fast as possible to your Operation Flashpoint's folder, even for comps lower than 2.0 Ghz.

I'll inform you ASAP about the installers sizes cuz there are still a few ones which need to be tested again.

(we used a classical compression for installers in the same goal as well).

By the way, just a *minorthing* -> Neologismus [lol]...

Here are 2 pics of some enhanced and re-textured winter units.

Soviet authentic winter camo based on RHS Model.


an US crew retextured to winter. (thanks to Hyakushi and CBT for the model).


The release's closer than ever, Stay tuned ! wink_o.gif

Kind Regards


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