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Guest The Cobra

Maybe the Winter weapons should look like this;


Maybe a bit whiter, but something like that


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Yep I know mate but unfortunately we don't have enough of time to make any change on textures -> ( + we'll have to ask the permission of all addons makers before to carry out any change though)... I think that we can live with the weapons as they are now... wink_o.gif

In any Case the winter conversion will bring a nice cold touch to OFP ... I really like it...


Best Regards


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Hey people , please have a look on the new FFUR blood effect here

--> Picture

I was expecting to use ECP one but after some tests with komuna and Tony Ranger...it hasen't worked unfortunately (maybe because ECP's done a lot of complicated scripts..)

btw I'm very satisfied by the result of this new one based on some old kegetys scripts that I've improved a bit... wink_o.gif

Plus it doesn't occur any lag !!

Best Regards


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Hey people , please have a look on the new FFUR blood effect here

--> Picture

it look nice thumbs-up.gif

Raptor smile_o.gif

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Ok mates... The release is very close , I'm sure you will like it a lot !! wink_o.gif

So as you know there would be 3 packs in 3 different themes (Winter / Desert / Woodland) , each pack do replace OFP original stuff without overwriting it by the best stuff carried out by the community until now.

Quote[/b] ]

Here's the list of enhancements and Changes for each theme :

-BIS Islands replaced by the best ones ever made suited to each theme.

-BIS units replaced by the best ones ever made suited to the era 1985 and to the wanted theme.

-BIS effects replaced and improved by some high quality new ones which doesn't occur any lag.

-BIS gameplay improved a lot by several changes and improvements.

-BIS playability enhanced by a new realism touch incorporated by a lot of changes (AI; ammunitions ; armor values...etc).

-BIS music replaced by very famous songs which do totally fit with the era 1985.

-BIS GUI , mission editor and interfaces replaced by new ones.

and moooore...

Parvus will do ASAP some nice pictures wink_o.gif

Best Regards


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well only just came back into the bi forums just kind of went of the bi forums for some reason

anyway looking very very good

cant wait all the pics look great also is that a new animation pack or is it like static anims ?

also if youve played ECP 1.085 the ai shouting things on that is gret so is the radio chatter

how about trying to implement something like that with custom sound files ?

also make Ai super good blood effects look great

but one thing theres lots of winter pics but not too many desert pics and aparantely i read today that the ofp system runs better in desert conditions.

Quote[/b] ]Maybe the Winter weapons should look like this

near enough i think they have the plain rifle but they use camo netting over it since its alot cheaper then manufacturing another load of desert M16's winter M16's and woodland lol

but yh it would be nice to see M16's with camo netting over them in ffur

also how about a script so you can sit on the back of tanks i remember that pic on the other ffur for the resistance using the csla bmp but i couldnt see any way of getting on the bmp so i assumed the script wasnt included so how about including it ?

anyway cant wait for the new version

good luck

Edit - found some desert pics looking good  biggrin_o.gif

also the blackhawks included in the obl Ffur 5.0 are they he same in this one or by any chance is there a blackhawk with ffar's and being able to dangle your legs out the side ?

i love doing that for some reason theres this mission lots of atmoshper and the best part about it is using the bas blackhawks so you can dangle your legs out the side lol

Edit2 - By anycahnce is there anything thats not been replaced ? becasue from the sounds is pretty much everything

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Hi all !

At first I've some Great News for you :

*The AI has been improved a lot , honestly I do prefer it than the ECP one because you will really notice the differences in combats wink_o.gif

-The AI's really agressive:

-> It uses heavy suppressive fire.

-> The AI can engage fightings at big distances.

-> The AI sees and hears like in real life.

-> AI perfectly know when it's necessary to use the single fire and do choose the suited moments to open fire using the AUTO - mod.

More improvements are on the way...plus all CTDs and bugs seem to get totaly fixed wink_o.gif

(btw big thanks to sanctuary for his help and support)

456820 : Glad to see ya again mate

Quote[/b] ]also how about a script so you can sit on the back of tanks i remember that pic on the other ffur for the resistance using the csla bmp but i couldnt see any way of getting on the bmp so i assumed the script wasnt included so how about including it ?

Yep I can incorporate it for the incoming releases without any problem...

-> (if you remember well , FFUR has implemented that a few weeks ago for the FFUR v5.0 [Alpha])

but unfortunately several people disliked it because the AI was talking without thinking... tounge2.gif

However...more pictures are on the way...stay tuned !

Best Regards


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Quote[/b] ]Yeah , honestly they've done a nice job on it but I guess that they'd prefer to keep it exclusive for ECP

true shame though but i suppose it could be quite easy to make a script like that just check their behaviour and combat modes and then give random chances of saying anything then give a selection of what to say but i think theres is a bit more complicated

The ai sound very good and to be trutull i didnt notice any difference in ECP apart from that they used smoke shells but they didnt use them at a very good time

im there i kill less then a qurater of their squad then they throw it they should of thrown it earlier

also on the ai talking how about radio chatter that cant be too hard in a script if there in safe mode skip it but if there in say combat then give a random chance to play a sound nice and simple

cant wait for new pics

also im glad i didnt miss the realese i just remeber ffur5.0 and then i think i bet its already out at least i havent missed it

cant wiat for the final relase it sounds great

yet again keep up the great work

Edit -

Quote[/b] ]456820 : Glad to see ya again mate

thanks and glad to see you all again

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I don't understand for what this conversion is used.

When it's know that "AA" leaves in four months.

I think all Ofp's fan will buy "AA"

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exactly thats 4 months i cant wait 4 months for AA

also AA doesnt have desert winter and woodland units like these ones used

in my eyes even Hyk's addons to me have better texturing then AA's so in my eyes this is going to be just as good as AA if not better

AA is just ofp with better grpahics and a new engine basically

this is just as much new Ai, new units, new islands, new themes

and with this you get all 3 campaigns to be played

with AA who knows with the demo of ofp res those missions couldnt be played on the full game so who says the campaigns can ?

sure im still going to buy AA but maybe its no good

and ffur5.0 is offering what AA is new units and textures and ffur5.0 offers the desert winter and woodland themes

also addons are compatible with AA but no one has said missions are or not from what ive read

Edit - no pics of Russian desert troops biggrin_o.gif

nor russians winter troops unless i missed them again lol

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Quote[/b] ]nor russians winter troops unless i missed them again lol

C´mon its only a 3 pages thread, you can do it!

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Thunderbird84, I can't wait to see this in action. You've totally revived my interest in OpFlash with this mod. Thanks for all your hard work. yay.gif

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Is it not possible to put the winter camo from UCE on the ORCS models?

I know it's more work blah blah blah but BIS models are old and ugly as hell and dont do the mod justice.

Just think how much nicer they would be inlove.gif


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hmm maybe the community should work on some snow textures for all the new vehicles and such,as snow theme will have the most amount of old models+textures.

this is so all so vary true there is no snow cammo out there just old stuff no up to date sad_o.gif Would be cool if some one took on some projects for new units ect.. its been an vary long time since some one did an winter units or anything on an winter setting just some islands that iv seen crazy_o.gif

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Due to how fast the M1 can accelerate and the turrent spins never allowed to allow infantry to ride on the tanks. Rather not have to spend time hosing whats left of somegrunt off the top hull cause the turret spun and crushed them. OR run over cause the fell off and went under the treds. Or more common severely burned by the M1s hot enjine exhaust. Infantry had their own vehicles to ride around in being the M114A1, M113A2, and M2A1.

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well on tanks i agree with that but i was talking more about Apc's to ride on ive seen it with soldiers riding across a river on an M113 on the top (looks quite fun lol)

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hey tb..why you use the 6 color desert camo for the desert west soldier...plz take the 3 color...

grz evers

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Quote[/b] ]so how many of the effects are still FlashFx?

I've removed some effects in the goal to reduce the lag, I've reworked the majority of them and replaced several effects by new better ones wink_o.gif

Quote[/b] ]Is it not possible to put the winter camo from UCE on the ORCS models?

Yeah , I'll see what can we do...

Quote[/b] ]Due to how fast the M1 can accelerate and the turrent spins never allowed to allow infantry to ride on the tanks. Rather not have to spend time hosing whats left of somegrunt off the top hull cause the turret spun and crushed them. OR run over cause the fell off and went under the treds. Or more common severely burned by the M1s hot enjine exhaust. Infantry had their own vehicles to ride around in being the M114A1, M113A2, and M2A1.

Exactly , so this script'd get incorporated only for APCs , and not for heavy tanks... or maybe some tanks from the soviet side though.

Quote[/b] ]hey tb..why you use the 6 color desert camo for the desert west soldier...plz take the 3 color...

The 6 color desert camo seem closer to the wanted era (->1985)

Best Regards


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Cannot wait mate, cannot wait. The Alpha, which is still resting on my hard drive right now, was a serious accomplishment, even despite the bugs that crept in. Although I do get the odd CTD, config error and what have you (plus the installation of the config is touch and go), it's still tremendous fun and a huge improvement on vanilla Flashpoint, and streets ahead of some of the other mods available for Flash. The addition of the differing theatres of war (well, 'skins'wink_o.gif shows the kind of innovative thinking that has made this mod what it is. Good work, good luck, and I'll be one of the first downloading!

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Thank you , we're doing our best in the goal to satisfie all of you wink_o.gif

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thres one thing i dont get with this its called FlashFX unit replacement mod as it replaces the units all simpe there

but i read somewhere you use your own effects so how is it FlashFX ?

also if youve played ECP ive noticed after vehciles have burnt out they look really shiny and brand new except they have no turret, tracks or anything that it needs left, so im just wondering is the effects in this like that ?

and another thing if youve played FDF and seen the tanks exploding more than once, wich is a ver nice effect i think

how about trying to implement that in this ?

but in FDF the explosions after are big like the tanks been setdmmage 0 then setdammae 1

so how about like that but make the explosion not as big (if you have time)

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Quote[/b] ]I've removed some effects in the goal to reduce the lag, I've reworked the majority of them and replaced several effects by new better ones wink_o.gif

So then if you got better ones than flashfx then why is the mod called flashfx unit replacements? Maybe time for a name change?

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Quote[/b] ]I've removed some effects in the goal to reduce the lag, I've reworked the majority of them and replaced several effects by new better ones wink_o.gif

So then if you got better ones than flashfx then why is the mod called flashfx unit replacements? Maybe time for a name change?

Naaa we like this one, besides the core of the mod still is the Flash Fx.

@Tb: Where are the Parvus SS m8?

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