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About Easytiger

  • Rank
    Private First Class
  1. Easytiger

    FFUR Incoming HUGE RELEASE !!!

    A "weak" person? Try "suscepitible". Buy a thesaurus. Use it.
  2. Easytiger

    project:: Battle Over Hokkaido

    Worked perfectly. Thanks, Gnat. Fantastic mod, too, I might add.
  3. Easytiger

    project:: Battle Over Hokkaido

    Will this work if I make a mod folder out of it? And...how do I do that anyway?
  4. Easytiger

    FFUR Incoming HUGE RELEASE !!!

    Thunderbird84, I can't wait to see this in action. You've totally revived my interest in OpFlash with this mod. Thanks for all your hard work.
  5. Easytiger

    Dkm-mod updates

    Nope, just got VITAPC, VITAPC_config and DKMM_rsc in Res\Addons. Not sure what the problem is.
  6. Easytiger

    Dkm-mod updates

    I've got a bug with the VITAPC update- I CTD if I attempt to preview a level in the editor as a VSS sniper (Sobr or Spetznatz). Anybody else noticed this? Incidentally- I'm running GOTY 1.96b on an AMD 1600+, 256 meg of RAM.
  7. Easytiger

    Dkm-mod updates

    Never mind me, just having an attack of the stupids. /swears to ALWAYS RTFM from now on
  8. Easytiger

    Unified zombie pack release imminent

    Lock and load, people, the zombie hippies are coming... /Settles in on top of tall building in Modrava and loads RPG...
  9. Easytiger

    Unified zombie pack release imminent

    Lock and load, people. The zombies are coming... /Settles in on top of tall building in Modrava and loads VSS...
  10. Easytiger

    Zombie addon beta released!

    And here's me stuck at work for the next twelve hours...I gotta wait for my zombie-blasting fix. Sigh.
  11. Yeah, that's pretty much the dream I'm dreaming. Obviously, I'm fairly disturbed.
  12. Easytiger

    Zombie addon!!

    Yes, experience the action of a new mission type- "Designated Driver".
  13. "Beware the mighty zombie armies of the Argentinian Junta!" On second thoughts, maybe that's a little bit silly. Still, it would make the film "An Ungentlemanly Act" quite different- "An Undead Act" might be its more appropriate title.
  14. Falklands Mod and the Zombie Addon. I don't know if I'll be somehow combining the two, though.
  15. Easytiger

    Gurilla tatics

    Incidentally, it's spelled "GUERILLA TACTICS". Sorry- I'm an English teacher and I can't help myself sometimes.