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CSLA 2 Update1

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All effects are disabled in config.

You can use only updated "Map_misc.PBO" from this fix-pack (where is disabled engine-smoke effect only) with original configs from instalation of Update1 too.

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All effects are disabled in config.

You can use only updated "Map_misc.PBO" from this fix-pack (where is disabled engine-smoke effect only) with original configs from instalation of Update1 too.

Thanks for releasing this package, yet I have to test it by tonight.

So first a small question before tonight, using ONLY the Map_Misc.PBO, will that solve my lag/serverlag with the choppers etc, or do I also have to use the low-cpu config.bin to fix that? Thanks!

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Hello again.Sad that i can't play ofp for some time because i'm on vacation,computer where i'm posting from is in a library. banghead.gif Reading those wonderful news that new version has been released made me quite happy.I'll be back in home for one day next thursday.

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ahh i did install it and its works good now wow why did it do that though huh.gif

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It is strange that many peoples don't have any problems with lag sad_o.gif

I tested Update1 (low CPU version) many times and I don't have any problems with engine smoke ...etc.

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version without effects works for me.


512 DDR


previosu was laggy, 3fps in campaign intros.

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is itt possible to keep the effects and just remove the chopper exhaust?

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Hey guys just downloaded this a few days ago, great job! especially with the decrease of accuracy in the weapons, makes for nice long fire fights with lots of nifty tracers biggrin_o.gif i find myself ducking behind cover and poping up and down firing of bursts. Once again, great job!

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Thanks maa.

The Fixed config runs somoothly without rag.

But I'm curious Pentium4 2.66Ghz is a low cpu?

If so, Please tell me your recommended spec...

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is itt possible to keep the effects and just remove the chopper exhaust?

Don't use config from fix. if you want keep all effects and replace only MAP_misc.pbo in CSLA\Addons folder.

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1 question: the soundLDDK.pbo that came with clsa, is this a newer version of killiky's soundpack, can i overwrite the old one with this newer pbo?

Anyway, ill go try the new Map_misc, as the only lag i had was in cutscenes, when the heli smoke would increase a lot. txs for the update smile_o.gif

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is itt possible to keep the effects and just remove the chopper exhaust?

Don't use config from fix. if you want keep all effects and replace only MAP_misc.pbo in CSLA\Addons folder.

Maa, you are god biggrin_o.gif

Just tested it: Only used the fixed map_misc.pbo and NO-MORE-LAG on the choppers, that makes me more than happy!!

Server FPS stays now at it's normal rate, also the memory usage isn't increasing each few seconds, as it did before with the original csla2update1 map_misc.pbo

Thanks again.

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I will be realy happy if fixing engine-smoke effect reduce lag!

We will make full FIX in near future where will be fixed bugs on models and textures so plz report all bugs in this thread and attach pic of bug and name of unit for better recognition of problem. Thanx.

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okay, maa, perhaps i'm retarded, but where am i to put the updated confid, theres a bin folder, but when ive installed it, it just keeps the same ol effects. i'm sorry i'm lacking in the installation department, i just don't know how...

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The updated config.bin file you must put in the csla/bin folder in your ofp directory and rewrite the old one.

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If you want use config without any additional effects then replace config.bin file in your "OFP\CSLA\BIN\" folder and replace file MAP_misc.pbo in your "OFP\CSLA\Addons\".

If you want use effects (CSLA or FFUR) then leave your config as is and replace only "MAP_misc.pbo" file.

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If you want use config without any additional effects then replace config.bin file in your "OFP\CSLA\BIN\" folder and replace file MAP_misc.pbo in your "OFP\CSLA\Addons\".

If you want use effects (CSLA or FFUR) then leave your config as is and replace only "MAP_misc.pbo" file.

What if i just found an older map_misc.pbo in my res/addon folder,

i usually drag addons into there that are required by multiple modfolders- can i delete the one form CSLA and have helos w/o engine smoke or would it be a reason for csla not to start ?

Very very confusing.. confused_o.gifhelp.gif

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thanks Maa, that made 40 FPS in the intros... (meaning it jumped back to normal).

seams that the chopper exhaus script was the cause of the lag..

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... same here smile_o.gif

this fix has made me think i`v upgraded new CPU tounge2.gif

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We will make full FIX in near future where will be fixed bugs on models and textures so plz report all bugs in this thread and attach pic of bug and name of unit for better recognition of problem. Thanx.

Missing textures:

apcrus\tex\fifro.pac (used by csla2_apcrus.p3d)

csla_us\hmmwv\m2_around.pac (used by CSLA2_UH60A_M2.p3d)

csla_us\hmmwv\m2_spodek.pac (used by CSLA2_UH60A_M2.p3d)

I think I came across one or two more so far. I'll list them later if I find them (or any others.)

I also have a minor suggestion for a model edit...

FIA has a GAZ-69 with a DShK, but no normal GAZ-69. Giving them one of the CSLA GAZ-69s (either open or covered) and swapping the body textures for the FIA GAZ-69 DShK ones would give the FIA forces another useful vehicle for very little work.

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If you play with the West Side regular infantry model at twilight time the part around the neck has some weird lighting issues on it. By this I mean its brighter than the rest of the body... Sorry once again no picture I just got home from work and don't really have any time to play so.

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okay, here's the thing, i downloaded the update, put everything where its supposed to be, YES i overwrote it, & i still have the SAME csla effects

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This alternative config solved my framerate issue too. smile_o.gif Thansk a bunch Maa & crew. Now I can enjoy some hot Cold War firefights. yay.gif

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i think there is a bug in the csla campaign, on the mission bridge....

nevermind, i beat the mission whistle.gif

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I was able to test the stuff now...

Really great work!! I never had so many units with these exellent textures.

And the effects are great, as well biggrin_o.gif

Especially the effect of a downed heli, when it's rotor cuts through the ground, pretty nice detail smile_o.gif

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