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aerial/satellite images as island textures?

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i was just cruising the CoC forums when i saw a link to this video:

the video is of an island made by the swedish military in which they used aerial photographs as the textures for the island (which look very good).

i always thought that islands had to use repeating textures to reduce lag; if that's not the case, then why haven't people been using aerial photographs as textures for their islands?

edit: 100th post!

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The game has a limit of 512 different ground textures so the islands would be very tiny.. Around 1 km2

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Guest Ti0n3r

So the swedish army is using ofp for training purpose? Illegal? huh.gif

And where did they get that swedish voice pack? I want it.

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That texture does look excellent from the air, and with higher resolution would be perfect from the ground level.

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The game has a limit of 512 different ground textures so the islands would be very tiny.. Around 1 km2

ah, that's exactly what i wanted to know; now i have only one more question: can ground textures be stretched across more land than they were originally intended? and what is the default amount of space that a texture covers (100m^2?)?


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The game has a limit of 512 different ground textures so the islands would be very tiny.. Around 1 km2

ah, that's exactly what i wanted to know; now i have only one more question: can ground textures be stretched across more land than they were originally intended?  and what is the default amount of space that a texture covers (100m^2?)?


I dont think you can change the area a texture covers other than by altering the grid size and therefor the ground resolution. Not sure that it's possible though but if it is then it's how it's done.

Each grid on OFP islands are 50x50m. Note that these grids aren't the same thing as the map grids ingame.

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I want that island! GIVE IT TO ME!  wow_o.gif  wow_o.gif  wow_o.gif  NOW!

EDIT/ Hey i found this, go to www.earth.google.com and download the program, its satillite images of the world from 2004 - 2005. Evenlease OUT!

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I don't think they've used that many textures (otherwise how would they accomplished this?). They seem to be 256x256 or 512x512 to me. From up the sky they look very good. If you make a 128x128 ISland this can be easily done.

But the old trees don't look very well with the textures =).

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I did some trials with satelite imgaes by myself some time time ago. Results were not satisfactory, so I stoped working on it.


P.S. Anyony have infos on Swedish Army and OFP? Looks a little bit like FDF 1.3? Especially the drone view?

Some images of my MOUT site



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The swedish defence forces will propably use the simulator developed by the SAAB owned company Aerotech Telub who bought the licence to the battlefield2 engine a year ago for 500.000 euro. It might even be released as a game later on.

SAAB has already an simulator engine used by several nations but I guess they wanted a facelift. I am sure it would be alot more expensive if they developed a new engine on their own.

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The Swedish army used OFP as a test for possible further plans with VBS1 IIRC. I don't think the project ever went beyond the test phase (after reading the post by Llauma I am pretty sure they didn't).

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I did some trials with satelite imgaes by myself some time time ago. Results were not satisfactory, so I stoped working on it.


P.S. Anyony have infos on Swedish Army and OFP? Looks a little bit like FDF 1.3? Especially the drone view?

Some images of my MOUT site

Well the be honest, having buildings in the textures isn't a good idea. What if your on the ground?

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Well the be honest, having buildings in the textures isn't a good idea. What if your on the ground?

I removed the buildings later on the textures and replaced them with groundtextures (brown/green/grey) and put the buildings in wrptool on the spots. Didn't look good either (or I sucked).

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Quote[/b] ]Each grid on OFP islands are 50x50m. Note that these grids aren't the same thing as the map grids ingame.

what does that mean?

Quote[/b] ]I did some trials with satelite imgaes by myself some time time ago. Results were not satisfactory, so I stoped working on it.


i see what you mean (by the screenshot), but then how did the swedes get it to look so good?

Quote[/b] ]Stealbeasts and OFP in the swedish army combat school

its all in swedish but on photos you can see parts of it

awesome link, the pics of steelbeasts 2 on the right hand side are amazing!

Quote[/b] ]Well the be honest, having buildings in the textures isn't a good idea. What if your on the ground?

i figured as long as 3d buildings were placed over the 2d buildings in the textures, there wouldn't be a problem, right?

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If they're the same size, no problem

I was sure that 1204x1204 textures on islands were possible (CAT Afganisntan either does, or was going to use them I read somewhere).

To get sattelite photos on the island, you just split the images up, save them at PAA/PAC and apply them in the right order.

I dont see why it's make the ground texture look like jens198's screenshot sad_o.gif

As for that video, I really want that island tounge2.gif

It seems like they used FDF, the UAV (Circling when the plane flys and drops the cluster bomb) sounds/behaves like the FDF one (The camera.sqs style view).

Hopefully someone else (Or Jens again) will have a go and taking arial photos and putting them on islands *Crosses fingers*

- Ben

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Ben thats the Swedish Forces Pack (SFP) not FDF its a swedish army project wink_o.gif

I will love to try to make island with satelite images but i cant make textures so thats not gona hapen

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will not be easy to make ground textures out of that need to get closer air photos are used on the sweadish island not satelite by the way

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prehaps, but the google map area is a very good source for sat refrence, you can save the pic and cut and past the parts you need in PS and then make it a terrain grid, take a lot of work, but defentley worth while, also try this

Google SAT images

Only parts of the UK are in high res, and america is fully high res, depends on what area you are after.

Smiley smile_o.gif

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to bad i cant use PS or PsP then sad_o.gif

if any one is willing to try to make textures of sat or air images il be hapy to try to make a island of it

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If I could get some nice photos of terrain, I'd take a shot at getting them all cut into nice little pieces tounge2.gif The one area I really suck at is actually making the terrain, but Hornet said he could try to help out with that.

Before we can get started though we need to settle on an area, any suggestions ?

Edit: Just noticed in Google Earth it says the land elevation, we can base all the heights in WRP Edit off those numbers possibly?

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Before you all go flying off the handle, yes the original swedish work was done in OFP - thats when those old videos were done, but they're pretty much working in VBS now. It really is some ground breaking work that they've done there.

Secondly, the 512 texture limit does obviously cause issues, but do the math. If you have ~10cm resolution 512*512px textures (~171kb), and want to cover an entire 12.8km map, that ((256^2)*171)/(1024^2) = 10.6875 GIGABYTES of texture data. There's the minor details of 32bit Windows XP applications being limited to 2/3gb of RAM, other little details such as the OFP/VBS memory manager (-nomap crazy_o.gif ), and how to stream 10gb of data off your hard drive and through your video card, all in real time.

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Some short first-hand info:

The island looks awesome from above. Down below that kind of texture needs to be really high-res in order to look good (imho) the one on that island looks a bit lowres when you're on the ground.

The Swedish Army has an early version of SFP4 for testing purposes, so it does *not* represent the final version which should be released shortly.

The SFP team was invited to the Ground warfare School (Markstridsskolan MSS) at Kvarn to demonstrate SFP/OFP last summer.

whistle.gif  icon_rolleyes.gif

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