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House Divided.

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Okay lads, so what is there left to be done!

Well sadly our times been in r/l getting raped but don't worry we aint forgetting the mod!

So we got to finish this horse wagon, with some lod fixes here and there. Some minor fixes to the map, and intro mission for the menu screen (someone want to do this!wink_o.gif

Minor bits and bops here, and preferably an amusing and simple campaign to go with the first release of course!

Um other things are comparitively minor, so as you can see not much, just the last annoying wee hurdles smile_o.gif

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ahh good sounds like its nearly done biggrin_o.gif

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I'm nearly done with a few things I'm currently working on - but a few questions still remain: One is I have added a few addaction things I thought would be nice to have and most of them are done in a way that they change, depending on what "command" you give your squad - f.e.: one is "follow me" for all the troops, if you give this command it is exchanged with a "hold position" command; a few other command are done in the very same manner - I did it that way so one doesn't have a long list of different commands to scroll through, but instead you always have the stuff you need. The only thing that bugs me is, I was unable to find a method to keep the position of all commands always the same f.e. the starting configuration looks something like that:

Order: Follow me

Order: Crouch

Order: Fire at will

Order: Volley

Order: Fix Bayonet




now if you execute the "follow me" command it is exchanged with the "hold position" command but the configuration changes to something like:

Order: Crouch

Order: Fire at will

Order: Volley

Order: Fix Bayonet

Order: Hold Position




and if f.e. you now execute the "fire at will" command, it is exchanged with a "cease fire" command and the configuration changess again to something like this:

Order: Crouch

Order: Volley

Order: Fix Bayonet

Order: Hold Position

Order: Cease fire




What I'm asking now: is there any way to retain the original positioning of the commands added with addaction, so to get rid of the need to search for the right command each time, because the positions keep changing all the time?

Like that:

Order: Follow me

Order: Crouch

Order: Fire at will

Order: Volley

Order: Fix Bayonet




after execution of "Follow me" it should look like this:

Order: Hold position

Order: Crouch

Order: Fire at will

Order: Volley

Order: Fix Bayonet




and not change the "hold position" command to the bottom of the commandl ist.

I hope I've been able to point out everything in a clear manner so you are able to grasp my point and the problem I'm having....

Hope anyone knows how to deal with that (btw. I'm really crap at scripting - it took me a VERY long time to get the things done, and without the help of already existing scripts and borrowing from those I wouldn't have been able to do anything)!

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Ok guys just to let you know Daddylonglegs is working on a campagin! He's a bit of noob at missions, but admittedly there fun, mature and with some story and lots of fighting!

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Hi. Will the mod feature indian units? It would be great that we can play the indian wars or little fights with the indians.

Sorry if the question has been already answered.

I would like to ask about the mod progress. I guess it´s quite advanced.

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Hi. Will the mod feature indian units? It would be great that we can play the indian wars or little fights with the indians.

Sorry if the question has been already answered.

I would like to ask about the mod progress. I guess it´s quite advanced.


No indian characters are planned right now.

Quite advanced, but haven't been in contact with Gavin recently, so don't know if he has started the bugfixing/finishing touches yet.

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is there goin to be bandits and sheriffs?

There already are, look at the first 20-ish pages of this topic (provided the links still work) wink_o.gif

I heard from Gavin that he is very busy with work, and can't work on the mod for the next two weeks or so. We'll hopefully finish it after that.

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I used search and tried to read in this thread but i didnt found anything about western style trains. Are there some planned by you?

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I used search and tried to read in this thread but i didnt found anything about western style trains. Are there some planned by you?

We have one, but untextured. Maybe one will be added later in an update (if any) confused_o.gif

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The train Engine model you folks had a while back was excellent!

I think maybe getting the AEF guys permission to use their train addon would be a great idea.

just make sure to add it too the bullrun map. icon_rolleyes.gif



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Congratulations for your excellent mod

I play this mod for the western

I would see disappear the smock after the shoot whit a gun

can you help me?

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I thank that the civil war idea is cool. i thank you should make the mod the end of the civil war and the beginning of the range wars.


Hadgkiss cannon (rotating cannon) crazy_o.gif

sharpshooter with sharps model 1863

Remington_Keene magazine bolt-action rifle

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Quote[/b] ]Hello

Congratulations for your exellent addon

I plays this mod for the WESTERN

I would see disappear the smock after a shoot with a gun

can you help me?

Do you mean you would like for the smoke generated after firing a weapon to dissappear sooner?

As for other themes, Gavin and I haven't worked on the mod in a while (HDV has pretty much abandoned OFP), and what we'll do and if we do anything in ArmA is not certain yet. It depends on tools being released sooner rather then later, and whether or not we have the time to work on something besides our other activities (school, work, Invasion 1944 in my case as well).

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