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StarWars Addons by Acacyn

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other mods are planning the same thing, BIS say that ofp stuff is easily converted to AA, also theres nothing stopping him creating the model and textures without putting it ingame smile_o.gif

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well if your gonna start the mod on OFP and then convert it, why not just make the entire mod on OFP then convert it later! so then it's on both

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Yes exactly that i want to do;)  smile_o.gif

<span style='color:red'>Clone Wars - The Renegades</span> will be huge. But the <span style='color:red'>Metal Gear Foxhound</span> Mod wont be very big. There arent many vehicles. There will be a lot of units and "levels" wink_o.gif

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i cant wait till the clones pack is released, it's driving me freakin crazy i must have it AHHHHHHH!!!!!


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Not yet, but soon. wink_o.gif But i think the Clones Pack wont be released this month. Im just too busy in RL atm. tounge2.giftounge2.giftounge2.gif

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Heya Acacyn ,will those other creations of yours like the hover scout / flight pod and the cool tank (non starwars vehicles....I think) be released with the clone pack?

Just wondering whistle.gif

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It depends on the release date of the Clones Pack. If it will be lately released, than maybe yes. wink_o.gifsmile_o.gif

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Exactly, YOU will be able to download it tomorrow tounge2.giftounge2.giftounge2.gif

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I so hope your not joking tounge2.gif

So I just want to clear this up, you wont be releasing Clone commando's with the pack? huh.gifconfused_o.gif Will you for sure be releasing them later? Or are they just a maybe?

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He he, the CLONES PACK will be realeased in november, so the RC`s will be included. wink_o.gif And im working on a totally new kind of Clones, but for now no informations about them. smile_o.giftounge2.gifbiggrin_o.gif

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RLY!!!! NOVEMBER!?!?!!?!?!?? NOVEMBER WHAT? better not be the 22nd

thats a bad day for mee (Xbox 360) lololololololololol make it NOV. 1st thats wen teh SWG expansion and SW ep III comes out on DvD it's a day full of SW

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This are two pics of the FINAL Phase I Clone Trooper and the Clone Pilot. Those are the last pics before the BIG preview biggrin_o.gifbiggrin_o.gif



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