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Ca-Ca-Cameronski, lover of the Russian Queen.... whistle.gifyay.gifbiggrin_o.gif

Well good to hear you're trying to 'sort him out', would be a shame for what he's done so far to go to waste because of some language misinterpretation

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Ah, Shlash, that was a very strange... I dunno what the hell that was. But yeah, what would you prefer to see in that camo scheme?

And my girlfriend is Belgian of origin - a Van Opdenbosch biggrin_o.gif - sure as hell not Russian!

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DLEM is still working on them, I've been speaking to him. Be aware that he doesn't speak English. The reason he shut it in the first place is that people post in fairly complex English, and he simply copies it into a translator, which totally garbles all meaning. Same with his responses, he just types in Russian and it comes out as English (really, really bad English - due to the asymmetric nature of the two languages).

Thus, it's hard for him to understand what you're getting at - and that's why he got irritated when everyone kept saying different things about the legs (not that everyone was - just the translator was).

I've been PM'ing him in Russian, and he still hopes to release them.

Btw, what is so bad about that ACU camo in any case? I think it's awesomely realistic. What would you guys change? smile_o.gif

i think it looks good, but i suspect people might complain about the color..

anyway, you could translate my previous post for DLEM, im sure he would appreciate my words smile_o.gif

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What do you think of my pics?

I'm trying to learn PSP, so I wanna know if there is anything that doesn't look good with the pics, and what does look good etc.

Constructive critisism please wink_o.gif



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Thank you for the fantastic Toyota Wars screens, Nightkiller[orcs], Shashman, BiGFooT_y2k, ShadowY, Bidasek, Ti0n3r, hidden_spectre, Ingram and Pfc_Baskis well captured the desert heat of an african map in very nice screenshots. smile_o.gif

My favorite so far, even though being a very hard decission must be the two chadian troops taking cover behind the banged up Toyota in Al Kufrah, excellent shot by Nightkiller[orcs]. Also Ingram, your editing gave the shilka carrying libyan troops a very real look. Two thumbs up thumbs-up.gif

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Those last two pics don't look like they have been photoshopped confused_o.gif

oh wait.. you said PSP... heh, well first bit of advice I can offer is get photoshop tounge2.gif

add borders between 5-10px, it's always nice to add a bit of blur on the bad looking areas (for eaxmple, the wall under the sniper could use a bit of blur), slight clour adjustments and brightness/contrasts adjustments go a long way.

And one of my personal favourtites is make a overlay lay to give the picture a bit more of a worn look, see if you can find some good grunge brushes, paint over the pic in black using them (on a sperate layer on overlay or soft light mode) and adjust the opacity as much as you need to.

Also, a seperate saturation layer is always nice.

But then, maybe my pics are a bit too photoshopped, what you guys think?

I personally like to make my pictures look as good as possible rather than limmiting it to what the engine can display. I know others think differently, but it's just a matter of opinion I guess. Anyone with me on my side of the argument?

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Ah, Shlash, that was a very strange... I dunno what the hell that was. But yeah, what would you prefer to see in that camo scheme?

And my girlfriend is Belgian of origin - a Van Opdenbosch biggrin_o.gif - sure as hell not Russian!

McCam, what do you mean "what would I prefer"? huh.gif Army dudes obviously tounge2.gif

...and get outta here! wow_o.gif

I live in Belgium! biggrin_o.gif

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Pfc_Baskis/ http://img355.imageshack.us/img355/6385/dxdshot11422009975qm.jpg

Seen Jarhead by anychance? tounge2.gif

You could have done with bluring it a bit, and increasing the areas where you over-exposed it.. (In the levels slider, pull the left slider right more)

Average Joe/ http://img446.imageshack.us/img446/5751/rm36yg.jpg

..thats... not.. bad.... biggrin_o.gif

The other two are nice as well (Espcailly the last one),

Finaly : "oh wait.. you said PSP... heh, well first bit of advice I can offer is get photoshop tounge2.gif"

Nope, get what ever you can use.. Photoshop is crap if you can't use it, PSP is crap if you can't use it. PSP and PS can both produce equaly decent images if you know how to use them..

Although there are far more tutorials for Photoshop, there are also lots of features in PS most people don't use, and to be honest in most cases PS is overkill, for adjusting brightness/levels/softening areas etc, PSP is completely fine, but as soon as you start needing to use more than 2 layers, PSP gets horrible to use (Note I'm talking about PSP7, as it's the last one that doesn't take ages to load, layers might have been in proved is the later Paint Shop Pro's, but I'm not sure)

Photoshop is great if you have a while and are willing to learn it (Though for doing stuff like levels, Photoshop is easy to use, but like I said it's overkill)

And yet again : Any bit of software is crap if you don't know how to use it, stick with what you know, till you need something more powerfull smile_o.gif


something original for a change?

perhaps... but what on gods earth is it meant to be? at least parvus can do that much tounge2.gif

For the love of all that is shiney tell me you where joking...

- Ben

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heh, i usually end up with between 7-10 layers everytime i open photoshop icon_rolleyes.gif

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Thank you for that kind of words wink_o.gif


Good looking vechicles thumbs-up.gif

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Good looking vechicles thumbs-up.gif

Thnx...still waiting for yours in a much closer view smile_o.gif

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waiting patiently for it CSJ

i hope u make a static version too....for hijacking missions...

nice shots every1....

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That's quite a bank there CSJ, hope your passengers stowed their hand luggage securely wink_o.gif

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Just nudging 60 deg's, give the Pax a little thrill for their fare.

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ShadowY I seriously thought that was a photo when I first saw it wow_o.gifthumbs-up.gif

LOL we got a new smilieeeee biggrin_o.gif



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Yeah, ShadowY, I also thought that was a real photo! crazy_o.gif

That was scarily realistic! biggrin_o.gif

Hey, new smiley! firefoxlover.gif

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Firefox yay!

ShadowY i actually belived that it was a real photo......for 15 secs tounge2.gif

cool pic biggrin_o.gif

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wink_o.gif I should had post the black and white version and say nothing rofl.gif

thnx smile_o.gif

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I think shadow should release all of his Iraqi edited addons for the public. We are missing a lot of desert vehicles like that. smile_o.gif Just a suggestion, no pressure. It could be an early xmas_o.gif

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Did you ever saw a Iraqi F-4e phantom ?

I only saw a picture of a destroyed F-4e on the ground in Iraq and a american soldier took a pic of it, that`s all wink_o.gif

My guess is that there were some forced downed\captured IRIAF F-4e by the Iraqi during the Iraq-Iran war.

So I did that for fun to change it into a IQAF F-4e biggrin_o.gif

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I think shadow should release all of his Iraqi edited addons for the public.  We are missing a lot of desert vehicles like that.  smile_o.gif  Just a suggestion, no pressure.  It could be an early  xmas_o.gif

btw. why don`t you check the IMUC mod?

they are working on Iraqi armour and vehicles wink_o.gif

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