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There were some pictures of Obi Wan and Count Dooku released already.

You will see further Jedi or Sith in a upcoming general GAW trailer.

Lean Bear is wokring on the CQC Engine, yeah, you can see his ADDONS PROGRESS REPORT in the GAW forum. As soon as it will reach the beta level, you will see it.

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I've yet to come across images of Obi-Wan or Dooku, either in this thread or at the GaW forum. Is there any way you could post some new ones up so that our geek-heads can explode? rofl.gif

The very idea that functional Jedi will be available is astounding to me. I've read over and over again about how the OFP engine wasn't designed for close quarters combat, melee combat, and what have you, but now we're being informed that this limitation is finally going to be breached... Terrific news, of that there is no doubt!

Are there plans for the player to take on such a role? If so, please avoid a non-cinematic button-mashing approach towards lightsaber combat. I despised Raven's system for the Jedi Knight series, and during the mod's development, I petitioned Azymn over and over again to substantially revise the saber system for ForceMod III (a mod I contributed to). Sadly, it was never done.

One approach that I would advocate emulating is the mod that the Open Jedi Project has created for JK Jedi Academy. It's amazing looking. The VAST majority of the time, the duelers DON'T run, which is hardly ever done in the films. Dodges and parries are built in, and it just looks SO much better than Raven's work. Not only that, it requires that the player uses TACTICS in order to win. Imagine that! Here's a link to their site if you're interested: http://ojp.jediknight.net/

Exciting news, indeed! In spite of my wishing to say much more regarding a potential lightsaber combat system, it's time for me to go.



Feb. 6, 2006


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hey fantasic work so far um thay may kill me but if you guys pop ontho the wh40k forum thay need sum help with a combat system simmeley to your lightsaber combat

Dont forget to metion me yay.gif

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Yes you will. Boba & Jango are actually already finished (with Blaster) wink_o.gif They has been developed by Ruppertle. But the jetpacks still doesnt work. icon_rolleyes.gif

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Sorry to sound rude but I've been away for quite some time...

What has actually been released by you guys?

And whats in the pipework?

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All informations about the Galaxy At War mod and everything Star Wars related which has been released for Operation Flashpoint yet you will find in the Galaxy At War Forum

------------- wink_o.gif  wink_o.gif --------------

This are the features of the upcoming <span style='font-family:Courier New'><span style='font-size:12pt;line-height:100%'>TIE Pack Volume III</span></span>

- TIE Pack Volume I (<span style='color:Red'>5</span> original TIEs)

<span style='color:Green'>TIE Fighter

TIE Interceptor

TIE Bomber

TIE Defender

TIE Advanced</span>

-  TIE Pack Volume II (<span style='color:Red'>8</span> TIEs)

<span style='color:Green'>TIE Assassin

TIE Heavy Bomber

TIE Interdictor

TIE Droid

TIE Scimitar

TIE Raptor

TIE Raptor Droid

TIE Experimental</span>

-  TIE Pack Volume III (at least<span style='color:Red'>13</span> TIEs)

<span style='color:Green'>TIE Aggressor

TIE Assault

TIE Avenger

TIE Experimental M-II

TIE Experimental M-III

TIE Ground Targeting

TIE Hunter

TIE Lander

TIE Nssis Class Clawcraft

TIE Phantom

TIE Scout

TIE Sentinel

TIE Shuttle

TIE Vanguard</span>

-  TIE Pack Volume III (at least<span style='color:Red'>6</span> self invented TIEs)

<span style='color:Green'>TIE Apocalypse

TIE Patrol

TIE Heavy Revenger

TIE Nebulus

TIE Revenger

TIE Sentry</span>

<span style='color:green'>--></span> all in all at least 32 TIEs

<span style='color:green'>--></span> new Cockpits

- completely new cockpit style

- new cockpit sounds

- a lot of instruments (dammage,altitute,speed,compas etc.)

<span style='color:green'>--></span> (maybe) cockpit radio voices´

<span style='color:green'>--></span> cockpit dammage effects (sparks)

<span style='color:green'>--></span> new sounds (engine,weapons etc.)

<span style='color:green'>--></span> new weapons

<span style='color:green'>--></span> new dammage scripts

<span style='color:green'>--></span> stealth camo (TIE Phantom)

<span style='color:green'>--></span> shields (for a self invented TIE)

<span style='color:green'>--></span> an imperial TIE Pilot

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sounds cool though but i myself really want to make missions with those ARC troopers smile_o.gif

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Thx wink_o.gif Here is the beta version of the new TIE Fighter cockpit. Its not finished yet, i will change the diesplays of the lower consoles and add a map and some other instruments.


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Acacyn I'll be sending you another website template for gamepark.cz's hosting of the mod...

I like the way VBSresources.com looks so I'll try something like that, with the character overlapping the banner news area and link bar

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Here it is... I want to add more flair to the banner above, but I'll do that later.

I think it looks way better than the previous one I made..


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vipersheart and [GLT]Legislator have created two very nice website designs already. They will be online soon. wink_o.gif

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vipersheart and [GLT]Legislator have created two very nice website designs already. They will be online soon. wink_o.gif

hehe how many threads/forums/websites do you need? 2 threads in this forum (i know they arn't on the same MOD per se, but at a quick glance they have same discussion/pics in them) two forums (your own and a section in ofp.info) and now two websites? haha you guys need to centralise.

PS i say this with humor in my heart so dont take offence biggrin_o.gif I used to be a huge SW geek in my early teens yay.gif ...before the dark times...before the episode I (erm i mean ...before the empire the empire tounge2.gif).

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vipersheart and [GLT]Legislator have created two very nice website designs already. They will be online soon. wink_o.gif

Just making sure you were all set

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hm ive got serious doubt that the pics shows a good replica of a TIE´s cockpit

afai can remember the cockpit consited of lods of black triangles that had severeaö red lines on them

ill take a look for some pics



look at the far back of the image


thats a pretty good replica of the tie interior


tie bomber toy (might be usefull)


that guy has basically the perfect ties

you couldve done better research wink_o.gif

hope you seriously imprive your models smile_o.gif


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Thanks for the links nephilim smile_o.gif , but i rather use my TIE cockpit concept.

The cockpits from the movies (your links) arent that usefull. The pilot needs all necessary informations (->MFD). There will be different color shemes (red displays, green displays, and darker cockpits), but on the following picture you see the 95 % final TIE FIGHTER cockpit. I wont change it, because i like this concept very much wink_o.gif


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How about using the TIE cockpits of the Xwing Alliance simulator ? You can move ur head ingame freely to make screenshots. smile_o.gif

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this cockpits are a little bit inspired by those cockpits wink_o.gif but be patient, as soon as you will sit in those cockpits of the TIE PACK VOLUME III you will love them. Most features are done and its great fun to fly with the new TIEs wink_o.gif

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Guest Ti0n3r

Very impressive! Release it together with a good campaign and it's a winner. icon1.gif

Edit: Btw, will the weapons have any kind of accurate iron sights?

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