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@Sanzinsky: Your WIP addons look very good!

But you have to smooth the faces of the core ship, as SpecOp9 said, it looks strange! tounge2.gif

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@hmmwv: I post this news in two sections, because they are addons by me (Star Wars Addons by Acacyn), but i let the SW Mod have all my addons so you will also find it in this thread: :-)

Ok, understood wink_o.gif and now i´m gonna try this new addons pistols.gif

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About the Clones Pack:

I.) There will be just a high-res version of the <span style='color:green'>Clones Pack</span>, <span style='color:green'>Clones Weapons Pack</span> and <span style='color:green'>Clones Support Objects Pack</span>

II.) Im not sure about the release of the whole <span style='color:green'>Clones Pack</span> in Octobre. The RC`s make a lot of problems (thousands of clipping bugs). So maybe i will release the <span style='color:green'>Clones Pack</span> Version I without RC`s and add them later.

III.) The progress of the <span style='color:green'>Clones Pack</span> is slower again. I havnt much time because of RL so maybe (but just maybe) the release will be in Novembre. I will give my best to release it already in octobre.

IV.) Be sure, that the <span style='color:green'>Clones Pack</span> will have much more quality than the <span style='color:red'>TIE Pack Volume II</span>


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Let´s wait then. I would like to see new teaser screens of them. biggrin_o.gif

About the A-Wing and Y-Wing:


When you set the color to other different of the default red, the textures look very blurred and the back part always stays red.


Engines and cockpit textures look blurred aswell

I miss shadow LODs in both addons

Anyway good job. thumbs-up.gif

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comments, please smile_o.gif

Nice Sanzinsky. Do you have smoothing turned off in O2 or something? Those faces stick out like a sore thumb

Usually in terms of texturing its easier to have sharp edge faces on,that way you know what faces are where,once thats done then you turn on smoothe edge and enjoy the extra fluint lighting it gives ya,btw everything looks great...hmm tie D's....I remember those jerks from the first rouge squadron on the last mission,fast little pricks they were crazy_o.gif

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yes, faces will be smoother....

i had great fun shooting TIE's down with the A-wing biggrin_o.gif

but i agree with HMMWV about the blurred textures.


apart from that great addons!

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I'll fix the texture bug and release the A, and Y-wing together with the X-wing.

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BTW: Any news of WADI? ( TheOriginalWadi ) from the GAW Team?huh.gif Long time nothing heard from him.

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@Sanzinsky: I have fixed our dxdll problem. In the past the water hasnt reflect in your and my OFP, right? I have a Geforce FX 5200 and just downloaded the latest driver 78,.... on nvidea.de, and now everything is working fine. Just do the same!!!



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Cell are ya gonna release those platforms you made someday?

Yes. I'm skimming over a few tuts on positioning to setpos the floating platforms. Hopefully soon icon_rolleyes.gif

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speaking of Nvidia drivers mine aren't up to date they were but i had to getteh old ones to play half life 2

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alright i got teh new drivers i think it fixed my freezing problems and i also attempted a few landings with no fuel while flyingthe tie assasin, i performed 3 so far and 2/3 were sucessful the second one i tried i blew up

UPDATE ON TESTS: ok i performed 10 tests and here are the results

sucessful landings: 6

failed landings 4

so if your over water and you run outa fuel look for land if you cant find land, your screwed but if your over land and u run outa fuel find a safe flat place with no obstructinos to land safely.

this goes for every tie and prety much any plane style vehicle not just teh ties

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right i know 3 posts in a row is alot but i need to ask, you guys make these maps well, if there was a map wiht all space wouldn't there have to be land and water somewhere and if u crashed into it you wouldn't explode? how would you do something like that if u were planing it?

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Cell, what do you need to know about setpos'ing platforms? If they're of a building type, then you can setpos them and they'll stay static in that same place up in the air.

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Cell, what do you need to know about setpos'ing platforms?  If they're of a building type, then you can setpos them and they'll stay static in that same place up in the air.

The platforms are more than one model that needs to be joined to complete a full working platform. Just need to figure out how to place them on editor without having to use try and error to aline them.

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I just want to say all our addons in the download section will be only be Addons at Ease installers in a ZIP file.

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so that means that all your addons are gonna me just addons in zip files? or that all your addons are gonna be in one giant zip file

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Preperations have begun to defend the Rebellion against waves of Tie fighter attacks on the Alliance.

Incom Corp started production of a fleet of starfighters to combat Imperial threat by the Empire. biggrin_o.gif

The E-Wing by FreiTech Industries


Designed by a former Icom Corp Development team who created the X-Wing. rofl.gif

The Z-95 Headhunter Development: Incom

Producer: Incom/Subpro


The Z-95 Headhunter is the grandpa of all the Republican fighter.

Somehow there are still a few ships of this type in use as scouts and for training in the New Republic navy.  tounge2.gif

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@Cell7: Excellent work!!!! Awesome! Now the Sienar Fleet Systems have a new competition!!! Finally we can kick those TIE`s off the sky. wink_o.gif

Im looking forward for the release date of the Alliance Pack! notworthy.gifyay.gif

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