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Guest RKSL-Rock

RKSL Studios

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you are not showing front, just back of it, it's not textured yet?

well, i will say only thumbs-up.gif and to keep this inlove.gif work.


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Now we need a real working F-117! biggrin_o.gif Or allot of heavy duty wildweasels! smile_o.gif ELITE! To penetrate thrue all these defenses!


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By the way, wasn't somebody making an MIM-23 HAWK? I wonder If it could be standardized with RKSL SAMs as well. huh.gif

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Guest RKSL-Rock
Now we need a real working F-117!  biggrin_o.gif  Or allot of heavy duty wildweasels!  smile_o.gif  ELITE! To penetrate thrue all these defenses!


Already done - just no cockpit or textures - Check the progress list i posted a few pages back.

you are not showing front, just back of it, it's not textured yet?

It is textured, but they arent the best - still really only the layout set - and they didnt exactly show the model in the best light smile_o.gif

By the way, wasn't somebody making an MIM-23 HAWK? I wonder If it could be standardized with RKSL SAMs as well.

Yeah Calm Terror of the Lost brothers is making one. As for making it compatible. UNN is writing the scripts in such a way that you can use them with any addon you want to. This is to ensure maximun compatibility with older stuff.

This will be done by registering all the aircraft etc with the scripts (copy and paste into the init line) and a initsetup.sqs file that allows you to set the performance of the Search Radar, FCR and Launcher/Guns. So any mission maker after following some very simple guidelines can simulate "proper" sam defences with most any addon.

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As always Rock, the work is impressively accurate.  thumbs-up.gif

Any chance of that Typhoon before Armed Assault mate?

That also raises another question: Do you plan on converting these addons to make them ArmedA compatible after its release? It'd be a massive shame to have them become unusable due to the incoming engine upgrade.

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Guest RKSL-Rock
As always Rock, the work is impressively accurate.  thumbs-up.gif

Any chance of that Typhoon before Armed Assault mate?

That also raises another question: Do you plan on converting these addons to make them ArmedA compatible after its release? It'd be a massive shame to have them become unusable due to the incoming engine upgrade.

All the stuff will go into Armed assualt and where possible/necessary i'll upgrade the models.

As for the Typhoon - depending on time and work etc i'm going to try and get most of the stuff out in at least beta format before ArmA - but since no one seems to know when Arma is due im not sure when that will be :P

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As for the Typhoon - depending on time and work etc i'm going to try and get most of the stuff out in at least beta format before ArmA  - but since no one seems to know when Arma is due im not sure when that will be :P

biggrin_o.gif  How true!.. Glad to hear about the upgrades.

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Guest RKSL-Rock

OK Im off travelling with work for the next week (or more) so i apologise if anyone asks questions and doesnt get a reply. The good news is that im taking my laptop with o2 loaded and most of my work so i can work while i travel.

Cya all in a a few days.

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those SAMs are great!

I am currently working on a complicated mp co-op mission for which i need such a SAM system.

I have tried to develop a static SAM sites of my own - just a config, not actual p3d models. It's probably not very realistic because it consists of several SAM sites and a radar, but i have managed to make it work without a line of script - the downside is that it sometimes intercepts one target with more missiles (each from one SAM site) than needed, but maybe i can find a way to prevent that.

I made the SAM sites 'blind' so they cannot reveal targets themselves, but when grouped together with a radar then the radar is revealing the targets for them, and a leader of this group (doesn't matter if it is a sam site or a radar) is ordering individual SAM sites to intercept the target.

When i was testing it with 3 SAM sites vs. 6 aircrafts (1x AH64, 2x AH1, 1x Merlin, 2x A10), all the aircrafts were destroyed within a 40 seconds, while 11 missiles were fired and two of them missed their target :-)

I am trying to do this without the scripting, if possible (not because i lack the skills, but because i allways try to do things in the simplest way possible). I would be glad if you can share your findings on how various config parameters affect the targeting, missile hit success, and so on.


I forgot to metion one important thing: i need to find a way which will speed up the reaction time of the SAM system - when radar is revealing multiple targets, it's slow because of the radio messages being 'transmitted' - does anyone know a way i could get rid of the waiting for the messages being transmitted, just for the radar and SAM site units ?

I know i can do it by unpacking and editing the 'resource.bin' in the res/BIN directory, but this will affect ALL units, and all people would need to replace this file, or make a MOD folder, which is not acceptable.

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Simply amazing! Thanks guys! I really support this project! thumbs-up.gif

In my opinion, you should add much more detail to SA-6 model. You're showing many covers /panels with textures on the sides. On the top, that round cover also seems similar... or did I see wrong?

Will you replace current missile textures with new ones? They are nice but I want to see much more detail on them. You know there are some caution signs and lines on most missiles. Such details bring scary realism, I think.

There is something interesting about your SA-6 is that you're making it like official addons! Neat and simple. This sure ensures less lag and a fresh game so. However, as I said, insanely-detailed models and nuts-work textures take people's breath away! I personally prefer this way... tounge2.gif

I loved your project guys! Thanks, thanks, thanks!!! inlove.gif


Turkish Union

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Guest RKSL-Rock

Slight delay on the travel plans – the country we’re travelling too hasn’t validated the visas we were issued with so I’ve got a day of reprieve.

It's probably not very realistic because it consists of several SAM sites and a radar, but i have managed to make it work without a line of script - the downside is that it sometimes intercepts one target with more missiles (each from one SAM site) than needed, but maybe i can find a way to prevent that.

You cant stop the units from spamming missiles at the same target without scripting which is what we are doing.

I would be glad if you can share your findings on how various config parameters affect the targeting, missile hit success, and so on.

Hit rates etc depend on the missile launcher config.  If you take a look at most any missile setup in the cfgammo and cfgweapons section of the config you should see some variables there.

<table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">

minRange = 50;minRangeProbab = .9;    -  Min fire distance; Probability of hit at stated range

midRange = 2500;midRangeProbab = 1;  -  Mid fire distance; Probability of hit at stated range

maxRange = 3500;maxRangeProbab = 0.8;  -  Max fire distance; Probability of hit at stated range

maxControlRange=20000; - Range at which the missile just flys dumb

maneuvrability=200.0; - this affects how the missile will fly, too much and its uncontrollable, too little and it wont turn to track.  This is also affected by the mass set in the missiles geo lod.

maxSpeed=1000; - max speed of the missile

thrustTime=7; - how long it fires for

inittime=0.1; - how quickly it starts to fire after being fired

thrust=1200; - thrust ‘power’ of the engine

You may need to edit the geolod of the missile model you are using to alter the mass and distribution if all else fails


I forgot to metion one important thing: i need to find a way which will speed up the reaction time of the SAM system - when radar is revealing multiple targets, it's slow because of the radio messages being 'transmitted' - does anyone know a way i could get rid of the waiting for the messages being transmitted, just for the radar and SAM site units ?

I know i can do it by unpacking and editing the 'resource.bin' in the res/BIN directory, but this will affect ALL units, and all people would need to replace this file, or make a MOD folder, which is not acceptable.

Again this is down to the sensitivity of both the radar and launcher units.

<table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">

sensitivity=4;  - increase this value will make the unit see things faster

sensitivityEar=0.02; - increase this value will react to noise faster

irScanRangeMin=50; -  


irScanToEyeFactor=5; - Ratio of range vs viewdistance less fog etc.


Hope that helps you out.

In my opinion, you should add much more detail to SA-6 model. You're showing many covers /panels with textures on the sides. On the top, that round cover also seems similar... or did I see wrong?

The model does already include fully modelled panels etc.  The vent cover on top is also modelled.. The reason they seem ‘flat’ is the way they are textured.  The shots don’t show this very well I know but a lot of that is down to the basic textures.

Will you replace current missile textures with new ones? They are nice but I want to see much more detail on them. You know there are some caution signs and lines on most missiles. Such details bring scary realism, I think.

The missile textures are very detailed accutally but again the screenshots don’t do them justice.  Most of the detail cant be seen until very close because of the way OFP renders the textures.

There is something interesting about your SA-6 is that you're making it like official addons! Neat and simple. This sure ensures less lag and a fresh game so. However, as I said, insanely-detailed models and nuts-work textures take people's breath away! I personally prefer this way... tounge2.gif

Well the models are already very detailed adding much more would be pointless for the OFP engine.  What you are seeing as a lack of detail is mostly down to the lack of detailing on the textures.  In testing I found that anything over 7000vertices and 7000polys made the addon useless in most MP games, which is what we’re making this for ideally.

As much as I’d like to make the models as detailed and realistic as I can I can only work to the practical limits of the game engine.  Hopefully ArmA will extend those limits a lot se we can support more complex models.  But until then we’re just going to have to compromise.

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I would be glad if you can share your findings on how various config parameters affect the targeting, missile hit success, and so on.

Hit rates etc depend on the missile launcher config. If you take a look at most any missile setup in the cfgammo and cfgweapons section of the config you should see some variables there.

<table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">minRange = 50;minRangeProbab = .9; - Min fire distance; Probability of hit at stated range

midRange = 2500;midRangeProbab = 1; - Mid fire distance; Probability of hit at stated range

maxRange = 3500;maxRangeProbab = 0.8; - Max fire distance; Probability of hit at stated range

maxControlRange=20000; - Range at which the missile just flys dumb

maneuvrability=200.0; - this affects how the missile will fly, too much and its uncontrollable, too little and it wont turn to track. This is also affected by the mass set in the missiles geo lod.

maxSpeed=1000; - max speed of the missile

thrustTime=7; - how long it fires for

inittime=0.1; - how quickly it starts to fire after being fired

thrust=1200; - thrust ‘power’ of the engine

I know all that, i was hoping you could tell me particular values that makes the best (the one which almost never miss) missile.

EDIT:I forgot to metion one important thing: i need to find a way which will speed up the reaction time of the SAM system - when radar is revealing multiple targets, it's slow because of the radio messages being 'transmitted' - does anyone know a way i could get rid of the waiting for the messages being transmitted, just for the radar and SAM site units ?

I know i can do it by unpacking and editing the 'resource.bin' in the res/BIN directory, but this will affect ALL units, and all people would need to replace this file, or make a MOD folder, which is not acceptable.

Again this is down to the sensitivity of both the radar and launcher units.

<table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">sensitivity=4; - increase this value will make the unit see things faster

sensitivityEar=0.02; - increase this value will react to noise faster

irScanRangeMin=50; -


irScanToEyeFactor=5; - Ratio of range vs viewdistance less fog etc.


Well, i was asking about the RADIO MESSAGES the units are transmitting to each other, and how to get rid of them. These messages slows down the reaction time of a unit, because for example:

when leader of a group reveals some enemy unit, it takes 1-2 seconds to play the messages "CONTACT. 12 o'clock, SOLDIER, 100m.", and then after that the leader orders some unit to actually intercept the target - and 2 seconds can mean death in case of a fast flying A10.

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Guest RKSL-Rock

I know all that, i was hoping you could tell me particular values that makes the best (the one which almost never miss) missile.

There is no single command.  It’s a balance of all of the above.

If you are not willing to use scripts then you can only do it by createing a custom config and finding the best balance yourself.

Well, i was asking about the RADIO MESSAGES the units are transmitting to each other, and how to get rid of them. These messages slows down the reaction time of a unit, because for example:

when leader of a group reveals some enemy unit, it takes 1-2 seconds to play the messages "CONTACT. 12 o'clock, SOLDIER, 100m.", and then after that the leader orders some unit to actually intercept the target - and 2 seconds can mean death in case of a fast flying A10.

As I said above if you want to improve reaction you need to improve the sensitivity, but I know of no way to disable the RADIO commands.  Its part of the game engine as far as I know so we’re stuck with it.

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Hi... after searching for some hours ...  goodnight.gif  ... no crew cabin pics from the SA-6 found, but from the SA-11, nearly the same chassis, maybe as an impression for you ...


Link to the page - some more pics

greetings from germany ...

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I bet it gets very nerve wrecking sitting in that Straight Flush vehicle when U.S. warplanes are lurking around.   ARM fodder sitting in a tin can.    It would make me want to "accidently" get lost in a forest while going out for a piss.

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The UMZ is a mine scattering system based on the ZIL-131 6X6 truck chassis. The ZIL-131 entered service in 1966 and can be used to transport cargo and personnel, or be used as a prime mover for towed artillery systems such as the D-30. In addition to the mine scattering system, ZIL-131 trucks have also been configured with BM-14/16 or BM-21 multiple rocket launcher systems. Other variants include SA-3 or SA-6 resupply vehicles and a combination fuel, lubricant and water service vehicle.



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Here you can get any information for every weaponsystem worldwide ... definitive cool ... lots of pictures as well ...

Military Analysis Network - Main Index Page thumbs-up.gif

I used to use that site and I see it quoted alot around here, its better known as FAS.org rather than the "Military Analysis Network" smile_o.gif I prefer GlobalSecurity, same info better layout IMHO

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Guest RKSL-Rock
Hi... after searching for some hours ...  goodnight.gif  ... no crew cabin pics from the SA-6 found, but from the SA-11, nearly the same chassis, maybe as an impression for you ...


Link to the page - some more pics

greetings from germany ...


wow, all i can say is thankyou!  You've just uncovered some of the best pics I’ve seen on Soviet SAM's for an age.  While I couldn’t find exactly what I’ve been looking for on the SA6 you've given me a resource that lets me finish off a lot of my addons to a really good standard of detail.  

Once again thanks for taking the time to track the pics down for me.

Thanks so much!

Here you can get any information for every weaponsystem worldwide ... definitive cool ... lots of pictures as well ...

Military Analysis Network - Main Index Page           thumbs-up.gif

I used to use that site and I see it quoted alot around here, its better known as FAS.org rather than the "Military Analysis Network" smile_o.gif  I prefer <a href="globalsecurity.org" target="_blank">GlobalSecurity</a>, same info better layout IMHO

Well ive recently been given access to the latest full "Jane’s combat data" and found that FAS and Global Security are actually still using info from as early as 1968 and most of the stuff hasn’t even been updated since 2001.  

Thanks to former Eastern block countries coming into the EU and NATO alot more informed and more accurate info is now available if you take the time to look.  Most of the performance date etc is grossly exaggerated on FS and GS.

While I will use FAS and Global Security as links on these and other forums I’m now taking most of my data either direct from the actual military's web pages or from the Jane's commercial archives, it seems to be far more accurate and more consistent with other sources.

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