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Sea Demon MIG-29 v.3.0

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Nice, downloading now.

I wonder what nationalitys SD included in them?



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Nice, downloading and will test over the weekend.

Hopefully I can get this thing reviewed and update my OFP aircraft web site for next week.

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before placebo gets angry, i haven't checked how big the pics are, as i only tool them from flashpoint.ru and my photoshop is making trouble. feel free to make them smaller

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They are way over the limit, so you should better make links to them instead of hotlinking. And yes, it looks great. smile_o.gif

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They've overloaded their server again, they keep it redlined on the single CPU they use for hosting. crazy_o.gif

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Is this actual version 3.0 or the beta SD released in his T72 Thread?

Well, regardless it is one hell of an addon. You will find the same countries as before (Russia, Belarus, Germany, and now a Czech variant). He added some features like animated gears, ejection seat, new sound for machinegun and I noticed a lot less lag. There are also some features you need to pay a close attention to, and I find amazing. Using the Fast button (E), you turn on the afterburner and there is a nice smoke script that goes with it. Another thing I noticed, once you hit about 1000 (speed) I assume you hit the speed of sound and you notice in third person view wink_o.gif

It was a rather brief runthrough of the plane but it is something you need to play around with to see how great this thing is. Sea Demon did an great job.

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Hmm - when I downloaded this and went to add it to my "Air" modfolder, it asked:

Quote[/b] ]would I like to replace existing folder

26.3 Mb modified 12 November 2004, 13:38:34

with this one

19.4 Mb modified 20 August 2004, 09:35:22

What is going on here?  Wrong file uploaded on flashpoint.ru?[

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No, the new version's smaller in filesize. Guess the file's been optimised more.

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The new filesize I can understand; what about the date disparity?

As I understand it, V3 has been around on Sea Demon's harddrive for some time without being released. TomiD released a version of the last MiG 29 addon with Polish paint schemes around November time so if that's the one you have; TomiD's file may actually be newer, despite being based on the old model which could account for the date disparity.

Make a backup of the old .pbo and put that out of the way while you install the new version, if you get a Russian MiG 29 SMT (it has a longer, fatter 'spine') under East/Sea Demon Planes, it's V3; i.e the new version.

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so i take it you need some other plane for it ?,, at least i think thats the addon error message I get.  Caption came up saying Error RAD_Vulcans?

I liked the previous version was looking forward to this smile_o.gif

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so i take it you need some other plane for it ?,, at least i think thats the addon error message I get. Caption came up saying Error RAD_Vulcans?

I liked the previous version was looking forward to this smile_o.gif

download the fixed version

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Bug: When you press action "Fold Wings Up" they don't fold up.

That's really "fixed"! tounge_o.gif

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