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BIS @ E3: Confirmed!

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behind enemy lines is nothing more than a OFP1 wannabe tounge_o.gif

at least it looks like that if you read some interviews wink_o.gif

behind enemy lines? rock.gif Didnt you mean, Enemy in Sight??

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Quote[/b] ]Nobody hasn't even copied the original idea yet

I´m pretty sure the amount of useable vehicles in wargames has increased since OFP1. It´s about ideas like wind affecting bullets (not confirmed, just a shot into the blue from me) and all that funny details that can be copied and will be copied in the longterm as other things from different games/sims showed.

Now if a team can get hands on a engine that allows to display that big areas as ofp1 engine did and has a team in the back wich is bigger and more powerful than BIS team wich isn´t the biggest one on the planet there could be the chance that another team releases something comparable to ofp2 before ofp2 comes out.

Get the idea ?

Software business these days is a lot about fast reaction to gamers demands and big companies are really good in developing games within short time. The quality most of the time sucks as we all know from stupid games, released lately.

Thankfully BIS seems to stay on track when it comes to quality and gamers needs.

Hopefuly. smile_o.gif

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Thats another sad day for us OPF fans.

Damn the Xbox ver.

I still thing they dont show anything cause theres nothing to be shown at this time, witch scares me a lot sad_o.gif

That's my thought, too.

I already said this, during winter there was this poll by codemasters, in which some really basic questions were ask, which you just can't implentat from today to tomorrow. (Do you want destroyalbe landscapes for example.)

This is really frustrating sad_o.gif

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Guest Ti0n3r
behind enemy lines? rock.gif Didnt you mean, Enemy in Sight??

yes I did. sorry! lol at me smile_o.gif

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I don't think there's a lack of ideas in any game company and the ideas of OFP2 probably wouldn't fit into an avarage tunnel fps anyway. I mean anyone could come up with 100 ideas of new/improved features for OFP2. It's not like the other companies don't have any imagination, it's just what they/their fans want from their games and have the resources and time to produce.

And of course all of the really revolutionary ideas should be kept secret until closer to release.

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Dout it. Codemasters has 4 slots/areas at E3, BIS however has none.

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I heard BIS work hard and plan to release a beta end of this year wink_o.gif

Realy??? wow_o.gif Where?

If so that is great news.

Andthat means they MUST have screenshots, artwork, ect, hum..... Im starting to thing thats a one more rumor.

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Dout it. Codemasters has 4 slots/areas at E3, BIS however has none.

I was under the impression that Codemasters determined what was shown at E3 and what wasn't... you mean to say BIS could show us pictures if they wanted to??

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Codemasters is the publisher, so if anything is shown on E3, they'll be the ones to do it. BIS never had a stand on an E3 event as far as I know, simply because they're not publishers and therefor don't belong there.

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OFP2? Futureware!

But I'll wait... Because all of us knows what it feels like to play Ofp... Better than any other todays shooter...

So take your time CM and BIS but show us some info, plz! ;)

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Any developer that has a publishing contract with a publisher, will have to show them at the publishers stand (in most cases anyway).

I would say it is 99% certain that BIS will be at the Codies stand at E3 this year. However if they will have anything from OFP 2 is far more uncertain... expect to see OFP Xbox though.

I'm still waiting for the interview Claire from Codemasters had with Marek at last years E3... mad_o.gif

Supposedly he said some things about OFP 2... but the interview has never been published. First it went to various community liason persons at Codies - none of them managed to publish it. Last I heard, it were Placebo that had the tape with the interview and were going to get it published... almost a year now! What's up with not releasing this? And if it's never meant to be published; for gods sake just tell us!

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Timing, peoplez, timing. We're still in the fallout cycle of Doom 3 and Halflife 2, look for the coat-rider licenses to have a presence. Secondly, Sony-M$-Nintendo is promising a major slugfest at E3, and I suppose that even the great satan EA is caging their bets on the outcome.

OFP Xbox could be a potential figure, IF it's targeting Xbox2 and would be a 'partner' with M$'s push. I don't see the corporate machine headed that way, regardless of all their hubris, M$ never really helps their 'partners' as much as they help M$. Figure CM would get buried even as a Xbox2 launch remora.

Also we're looking at first playable demos of Quake4 at Quakecon. That will make some waves. If OFP Xbox and OFP2 are looking at 2006 releases, it makes more sense product, promotion, and marketing to do E3 next year, rather than this year.

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There isn't even Codemaster at all on this list ^^

A big company like Codemaster, missing out on E3 would be bad for buisness.

Another, In Amercia OFP didnt sell that well so maybe codies is planing on showing it off at a big Euro convention rock.gif

My 2c AUD wink_o.gif

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According to one of the recent interviews with placebo, OFP for Xbox2/360 is not being worked on at all. They had enough with OFP Xbox and OFP 2.

Of course, I don't trust anyone or anything... so they might be working on or considering something for the new Xbox.

The new Xbox will be revealed at MTV, and not E3 BTW.

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BIS, do NOT start developing OFP(2) for Xbox 360.

Waste of money and time.

Only a few hundred would be happy if you were to develop for Xbox 360,

millions will be happy if you develop ONLY OFP2 for PC

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Just a little sidenote since we're talking about consoles...

Look what happened to Ghost Recon 2. First it were announced for all formats. Then they released the (very) different versions for consoles. And now, a couple of days ago, UBI announced that they had cancelled GR2 for PC...  mad_o.gif

The reason; they have announced GR 3 for all formats at the end of this year, and had to put all resources into the PC version of GR3. They also felt GR2 wouldn't make a good PC game...

So, the morons at UBI have forgotten all about who made the GR series... that's right; the PC gamer crowd... not the console crowd. As I said somewhere before; UBI have killed off the entire Rainbow Six/Ghost Recon series for PC gamers  mad_o.gif

I'm betting R6: Lockdown will be just a dumbed-down console port for the PC... and probably GR 3 will be just the same.

So, to get a little on-topic again; I'm glad BIS are going the other way around. Porting PC versions to consoles that is.

But if it's possible, why not port OFP 2 to the Xbox 360 later on?

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But if it's possible, why not port OFP 2 to the Xbox 360 later on?

Noo! Then we will have the same problem as now with the future release of OFP3. ;P

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BIS, do NOT start developing OFP(2) for Xbox 360.

Waste of money and time.

Only a few hundred would be happy if you were to develop for Xbox 360,

millions will be happy if you develop ONLY OFP2 for PC

Absolutely true...

But we can understand, that they want revenues from console market too... So they just probably port it later. For us the key is "later". Later than they release OFP2 for PC. wink_o.gif

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Operation Flashpoint will not be Shown on the E3

for the germans go here

Quote[/b] ]Nicht nur der Duke spannt seine Fans seit unzähligen Jahren auf die Folter. Auch die Entwickler bei Bohemia Interactive scheuen weiterhin die Öffentlichkeit und werden offenbar auch auf dieser E3 nichts von Operations Flashpoint 2 zeigen. Wie das US-Magazin CGM erfahren haben will, wird der britische Publisher Codemasters keinen eigenen Stand auf der E3-Messe im Mai haben, sondern nur ein kleines Geschäftsbüro. Wie eine PR-Sprecherin erklärte, werden dort aber keine neuen Spiele vorgestellt. Nachdem Operation Flashpoint 2 letzten Sommer inoffiziell von Ende 2005 auf irgendwann in 2006 verschoben wurde, waren die Hoffnungen groß, dass Codemasters zumindest auf der wichtigsten Spielemesse des Jahres erste konkrete Details zum Taktik-Shooter veröffentlichen wird. Der Vorgänger, Operation Flashpoint, hatte im Juni 2001 bei GameStar eine Top-Wertung von 88 Prozent eingeheimst und in den Folgejahren eine treue Fangemeinde um sich scharen können. Eine Stellungnahme von Codemasters Deutschland ist angefragt, steht aber noch aus

short in english

Quote[/b] ]No Games From Codemasters To Be Shown At E3 2005        

Written by John Callaham    

Wednesday, 13 April 2005

Computer Games Magazine has learned that Codemasters will not have an exhibit of upcoming games at this May's Electronic Entertainment Expo, nor will they be showing upcoming games to the media at the show.

According to what a Codemasters PR spokesperson told Computer Games Magazine, the publisher will attend E3 but only in a limited capacity with a room at the Los Angeles Convention Center to conduct business. The room will not be showcasing any upcoming games to the media or press at the expo. Codemasters recently received a large investment from the venture capital group Benchmark Capital Europe,with the firm acquiring 40 percent of the publisher.

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Well... isn't that just great... mad_o.gifcrazy_o.gif

I wonder when... if at all!... we will get any kind of update or info on OFP 2 and OFP Xbox...

If this is true, it sucks big time!

...oh well, time to start working on my other gaming sites I guess. Flashpoint2source doesen't exactly require much work or time...


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