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Hello smile_o.gif, here's some pictures of my first island called Terra.







It's a fictional island, 25kmx25km(512x512) in size. Im using the textures from Nogova along with Leone's runway textures(as used on Tonal), some of which I have edited. The terrain will be temperate in the south and desert in the north. I only plan on using Mapfact addons and maybe some custom made roadsigns.

I've still got a lot of work to do, I reckon I'm only about 10% done. I'll keep this thread updated with progress reports and images regularly. And eventually I will release a beta version for testing.

Hope you like it.

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Wow man that looks really cool!

Could I ask you if you could include say something like a largish office type building, such as teh apartment blocks that where re-textured awhile ago, theyt would be really useful in cut scene's.

That island is excellent for a first go, better than some islands that havent been 1st timers!

Well done, keep up the goof work!

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If it's only at 10% of development and already looking that good, it will surely be a great island when finished.

Keep up the good work surph ;)

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Damn this looks like one of the most well made first timer islands wow_o.gif As will Smith would shout "DAMN it's good!" biggrin_o.gif

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how do you ppl get those bridges so good placed...

I cannot get em right Ive tried many times now sad_o.gif

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Couldn't have said it better smile_o.gif . Keep up the good work!

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http://www.surphersparadise.com/images/island/terraisland16small.jpg if that's meant to be an airport, it's not how they look like.

A quick search for 'airport maps' here might give you a clue how realistic airport layouts look like.  wink_o.gif


is this your idea of how afganistan buildings look like?

The island looks really great.i m sure a lot of people will get it for their servers once it is done....

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Looks Very Nice indeed.. i may base a campaign on it biggrin_o.gif im in need of a good island to start a campaign.. dont like the org islands anymore lol biggrin_o.gif

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Hi, if you are going to use the Mapfact Barracks 1.5 addon & the WX3 buildings, you could make a kind of prisoners camp with those empty sheds, those that look like based on the VBS1 sheds. Could be great, there's no islands that have a location like that; and... why not use the objects inside the OFP-LAVOS MT-LB's 2.2 Pack? that emty garage, those broken barrels, the MT-LB Wreck & those poison rusty barrels?, that could enhance alot the look like of some kind of locations. That 10% of island looks very well. Let's cu


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The island already has a prison camp (last picture posted on the first page), just need some gates that open from one side only, otherwise it ain't gonna be very secure. Also working on a quarry and a large seaport. Must post some new screenies soon.

Oh and I'm doing my own building object pack.

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yep, looking very good indeed, kudos!

keep it up mate

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nice with the updated pics smile_o.gif have you made any ports , harbors or anything like that yet?

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This island is really looking nice, but I have to agree with ag_smith, the airport is entirely unrealistic. While I have not found an airfield in OFP I really like, this one is one I really dislike. Eliminate one of the runways, add taxiways, and please add a proper terminal building. Even mapfact's terminal would be fine. Please don't have only hangars.

And what's up with the R1 and R2 at the end of the runway? If you are going to add something there, make it 36R for the east runway and 36L for the west runway (and then on the other end, make sure to put 18L for the east runway and 18R for the west runway).

Maybe I am too picky, it must come from being a student pilot and a plane lover, but I think it would be a shame to see such a good island with a bad airfield.

-Student Pilot

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