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Big Dawg KS

A New AH-64 Pack

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wordpad doesn't want to either,and if I put open all files on notepad it still doesn't open (couldn't edit)

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wordpad doesn't want to either,and if I put open all files on notepad it still doesn't open (couldn't edit)

Well, if you don't know how to use text editors , you can rename this Flashpoint.cfg into Flashpoint.txt and your notepad/wordpad/word/whatever text editor you can use, and it will recognize the file and open it without asking you anything more.

remember to rename it to Flashpoint.cfg once you have finished with editing it.

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Ok double click on it, and a window pops up. Click on "select from list" and look for notepad. Then once found double click notepad and the cfg file should be opened.

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Okay people,Kyle is sending me the new beta apache which is tweaked more than the usuals,you'll see what I mean I am hoping/trusting that he will send it to me and I will either make pictures or a movie for everyone see what we have been up to.

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if you dont want the sidewinders on the AH64 dispite the "possibility" because it is unrealistic, and you strive for absolute realisum. then i suggest your local recruiters office.

Sorry to awken the dead but why are Sidewinders unrealistic on an AH-64, when FAS lists them under Armament on their Apache page? rock.gif

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Sorry to awken the dead but why are Sidewinders unrealistic on an AH-64, when FAS lists them under Armament on their Apache page? rock.gif

If you actually read what they say about the Aim9 you would know that Apaches don't use Aim9. They have been tested with it and they can use it but they don't use it.

If you're being that picky them they might aswell add half the world's armament on it because it "can be used" rock.gif

How about the TOWs the Apaches in Germany use?

How about all 5 FFAR Hydra types too?

Seriously, I'd rather see a well made helo with standard armament than a helo that could use more work because all the weapons required so much resources to be made.

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If you actually read what they say about the Aim9 you would know that Apaches don't use Aim9.

I searched the article for "sidewinder", "aim", "missile", "test" and other relevant words and the FAS article does not seem to mention your point. rock.gif

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I'll just add that the AH-64 page at Jane's states that this seems to have been available since September 2001. Or am I misreading? rock.gif

Quote[/b] ]Armament

Boeing M230 Chain Gun 30 mm automatic cannon, located between the mainwheel legs in an underfuselage mounting with Smiths Industries electronic controls. Normal rate of fire is 625 rds/min of HE or HEDP (high-explosive dual-purpose) ammunition, which is interoperable with NATO Aden/DEFA 30 mm ammunition. Maximum ammunition load is 1,200 rounds. New `Sideloader' system demonstrated June 1994 and now installed in starboard forward avionics bay; cuts normal loading time of 30 minutes by up to half and reduces number of personnel required from three to one. Gun mounting is designed to collapse into fuselage between pilots in the event of a crash landing.

New electric turret under development by Boeing, which received two year, US$5 million contract in first half of 1999; objective is to achieve accuracy of 0.5 mrads compared with current 3.0 mrads. Gun, mount and feed system to be retained in conjunction with redesigned mechanical system featuring electric rather than hydraulic drive as well as digital control; result should be at least 10 per cent lighter and require one instead of two electrical boxes. HR Textron responsible for controls, with Boeing providing the rest. Prototype delivery is scheduled for September 2001.Four underwing hardpoints, with Aircraft Hydro-Forming pylons and ejector units, on which can be carried up to 16 Hellfire/Hellfire 2 anti-tank missiles or up to seventy-six 2.75 in FFAR (folding fin aerial rockets) in their launchers or a combination of Hellfires and FFAR. Planned modification adds two extra hardpoints for four Stinger, four Mistral or two Sidewinder (including Sidearm anti-radiation variant) missiles; Shorts Starstreak high-velocity AAM system completed initial 17 month test programme on Apache in February 1997 and being promoted for use by US and UK, with funding allocated for follow-on two year test programme; second round of live fire tests completed October/November 1998. Starstreak to participate in competitive evaluation against Stinger, despite problems with debris from missile container and pressure wave caused by first-stage rocket motor; trials of both weapons were scheduled to begin September 1999; Hellfire remote electronics by Rockwell Collins; Honeywell aerial rocket control system; multiplex (MUX) system units by Honeywell. Co-pilot/gunner (CPG) has primary responsibility for firing gun and missiles, but pilot can override his controls to fire gun or launch missiles.

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What he means is that the AH-64 is *qualified* to use the AIM-9, not necessarily that it *does* use it. Figuratively, if a weapon can fit on the hardpoints or be made to fit on the hardpoints, and can interface with the FCS, the platform can use it. Thus far, the AH-64 has most commonly been equipped with M261 pods and various forms of the Hellfire. Potentially the AH-64 can carry just about any offensive weapon in the book - but that's a lot of work to do in order to make it all look right in OFP. Thus, unless you want to go for the extra effort, combinations of Stingers, Hydras and Hellfires is the way to go.

Personally though, I'd go for the option of Sidewinders or Sidearm missiles on the #1 and #4 pylons, at the expense of wingtip mounted Stingers. Given OFP's short engagement range however, the Sidewinder offers little over the Stinger.

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The Sidewinder has been discussed many times in this topic already. It was tested in 87 on the A-model. In short: it worked like it was supposed to. They never used it after that. The Stinger has been tested and is considered the Apache's primary AA-missile. They will use Sidewinders if no Stingers are available. It's a matters of cost and quantity here, where the Sidewinder is alot more expensive and has a longer range than what is needed on a Apache due to the Apache mostly flying NOE and therefore rarely have any long visibility range.

Why use two missiles when you can have 4 at a cheaper price?

I don't know where you got sept. 2001 from, but then I find that article very clumsy to read (not unlike Jane's past articles).

I tend to read Boeing's own history on the helo. Alot easier reading.


Thanks for clearifying my thoughts, Franze smile_o.gif

Personally I'm only interested in a mixed payload (38Hydra+8HF). If I want to go large-scale tank-hunting (16HFs) I'd rather play a real helo-sim and not OFP, but thats just me.

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Thanks for clearifying my thoughts, Franze smile_o.gif

Personally I'm only interested in a mixed payload (38Hydra+8HF). If I want to go large-scale tank-hunting (16HFs) I'd rather play a real helo-sim and not OFP, but thats just me.

Agree there - the fancy ATGMs aren't too useful when your enemies aren't using anything better than squad of infantry and a jeep. This is why I like the 76 rocket loadout. blues.gif

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there really only should be 4 verions in 2 models in 2 colours

od, black.

A and D

8hf 16 rocket

16 hellfire

36 rocket

8 hellfire 2 fuel pods

adding aa missles is just going to make the ai use them againest armour

and desert camo is just unrealistic just use the od and black slap dust all over it and call it desert..

i hate when add on makers make unrealistic stuff..

it makes me not want to use it..

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i hate when add on makers make unrealistic stuff..

it makes me not want to use it..

Then don't.

I don't get it. This addon can be configured any which way you like, realistic, unrealistic, foreign, experimental, whatever.

Just use a configuration that suits your wants.

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there really only should be 4 verions in 2 models in 2 colours

od, black.

A and D

8hf 16 rocket

16 hellfire

36 rocket

8 hellfire 2 fuel pods

adding aa missles is just going to make the ai use them againest armour

and desert camo is just unrealistic just use the od and black slap dust all over it and call it desert..

i hate when add on makers make unrealistic stuff..

it makes me not want to use it..

The Hydra rockets comes in pods of 19 wink_o.gif

So that would be 8xHF + 38 rockets or 76 rockets.

Do we need external fuel tanks for the Apache?

For how long do you intend to be circling around the islands? tounge_o.gif

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Exactly avon  biggrin_o.gif . The whole reason I am adding all of this stuff that the US apaches don't use is because somewhere, at some time, a certian apache uses it. so SM_Azazel, although some unlreasitic elements will be provided its up to whoever makes the mission to decide what elements to use. AIM-9L and FIM-92A are both options on the apache, if you don't want the AIM9 then use the stinger version. If you don't want the green or desert versions, then use the OD or black versions. You are probably going to ask "Then what is the point of them if nobody is going to use them". Well, don't forget that the US is not the only county to use the apache. Some other countries use desert or green camo, so if your favorite country's apache has desert camo, then you will have it. The addition of flags and insignia from apaches around the world will allow for more realism on that part. And btw on that, nobody sent any insignia (except one person), come on  biggrin_o.gif  don't be afriad, show us what you would like to see painted on your apache  biggrin_o.gif

Fuel tanks might be added to one of the loadout versions after the first release (probably in an update). And yes we are using 19 tube rocket pods not 7 tube launchers.

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well for one most people don't put the correct fuel amounts on the helos i do i actual fiigured out range and made jets and helos armour etc all have an range in game so fuel tanks are needed..

and no countries uses desert camo israel has the test ones but it is very rare. and we at lost brothers don't need it and don't want it. we already have all the apaches we need and they fly lclose ot the real thing..

i just think it is stupid to put in unrealistic things and make this HUGE pbo for all the crap that is unrealistic. and i hate having to scoll through 50 helos before i get the ones i actual would use..

the rest are and west of space..

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I don't know if you have a special name for this upcoming addon but, from the way it can be applied to numerous models and even countries, I would call it the "Universal Apache". smile_o.gif

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SM_Azazel, there will be 12 different vehicles, 4 different camos on the A model, 4 different camos on the D model w/ stingers and 4 different camos on the D model w/ sidewinders.

And for the last time I don't care about your lost brothers apaches. Its not about you, the desert models are a part of the pack if someone wants to use them, I don't care if lost brother's wants them or not thats not my concern. Now unless you have anything constructive to say I suggest you stop posting here. mad_o.gif

Ok, thats a possible name for it avon biggrin_o.gif I like the sound if it. Thanks manhunter, we will be sure to add Dutch insignia to the apache now biggrin_o.gif . Anybody else have some? biggrin_o.gif

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Any pictures of the D model? All I've seen so far is the A. I just want to see how the radome looks on it. A model looks awesome though. Keep up the good work. Oh. What insignia do you have? I can do a little net surfing and get some more.

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So far, I have 2 pieces of insignia, not much, but yea if you could find some nice pictures they would be very useful. And I will begin retexturing the D model now biggrin_o.gif .

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