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Big Dawg KS

A New AH-64 Pack

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Hi, I am Kyle Sarnik a.k.a Big Dawg KS, and I am working on a new AH-64 Apache pack.

You may think "why a new one when there are so many out there allready", but I am optimising this addon for all different sorts of SP and MP use. It will have a lot of effect scripts, many new models, ingame changable loadouts, different camo versions, many new and realisticly accurate weapons, and many other cool things.

I am starting this thread to show the community what I have been working on for the past few weeks. I am also hoping that any talented addon makers would want to consider joining me to work on this, and help me out in any way they can. I will be posting some pictures, but not all at once (too many  biggrin_o.gif ). This thread is also open to suggestions or comments or anything related that you want to post.

Now, here are the pictures:

(Click for larger Image)






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Do I really see a Sidewinder on the wingtip?  wow_o.gif

What other weapon loadouts are you planning to do?

Are these stock BIS textures? If so, please replace them with the ones made by Silesian! smile_o.gif

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thats why its an ah64 D biggrin_o.gif

i spoil here already biggrin_o.gif

kyle will use a script for me htat allows ur ah64 to drive on ground / taxiway biggrin_o.gif

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Yes, sidewinders come on the wingtip by default, and 3 different weapons can go under-wing (this is for the longbow version):

AGM-114L Hellfire

Hydra 70mm Rockets

FIM-92A ATAS (Air To Air Stinger)

Currently the textures are normal BIS, but one of my reasons for starting this thread was in hopes of finding new resources for my addon, textures being a big one.

As for the taxi script, yes, I would like to keep that a secret for now  wink_o.gif . More details on that later.

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Amazing ! I hope it works in MP-Games , not only in SP-Mode.

Let me see : Sidewinders on the wingtips , Stingers @ pylons , AH-64D "Aircombat"  smile_o.gif  smile_o.gif  smile_o.gif

Other Loadouts : 16 x Hellfire or 76 FFAR or Multirole ? Nice !

Dualfiremode , Attack in a direct line , or "Top attack" ,  blues.gif

Keep your good work in progress , thx for the nice pics !

Greetings , Hellwig

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Right on the money there Hellwig, yes Sidewinder wingtips and either, 16 hellfires, 76 rockets, or 38 rockets w/ 8 hellfires. I also decided to go w/ 4 ATAS + 8 hellfire, since it will be primarily optimised for CTI gameplay with the most amount of realism as possible, and also great SP support.

Also yes you are right about the hellfire fire modes, LOBL and LOAL will be available, LOBL fires directly at targets, and LOAL will climb first and decend on targets, also LOAL has a less chance of hitting its target and is more prone to losing control. Another neat feature is the addition of a laser designator, so player gunners can have some fun w/ a manual guided hellfire system biggrin_o.gif

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I'm asking because it's very uncommon to see A2A weapons on Apache and that's mainly Stingers (mounted on wingtips). That has been repeated a few times in Marco Polo's Apache thread that I suppose you're familiar with. wink_o.gif

That's why I think you should use Stingers for you default loadout.

Honestly, the only time I've seen Sidewinders on Apache, was in Gunship2000 (classic PC game). rock.gif

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Smith, yes It is sometimes uncommon on the old AH-64A apaches, but the longbow will probably become more able to fight air combat. I also have 2 great sources of research and they both state that the AIM-9L sidewinder can be fired from a special attached wing tip mount (BIS allready had it on their apache model but didn't use it).


Here is a link:


and another


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  (ag_smith @ Jan. 21 2005,08:44) said:
Honestly, the only time I've seen Sidewinders on Apache, was in Gunship2000 (classic PC game). rock.gif

From Boeing's website:

  [b said:
Quote[/b] ]The Marine version would have not had the Chain Gun, but it would have been able to carry TOW antitank missiles, pods for Zuni 12.7 centimeter (5 inch) heavy unguided rockets, and AIM-9 Sidewinders air-to-air missiles (AAMs) or the Sidewinder anti-radar missile (SideARM), with the Sidewinders fitted to wingtip launch rails. Sidewinder qualifications were performed with the Apache in 1987 and SideARM qualifications were performed in 1988. The Marines really liked the Apache, but the Corps always tended to be the last in line for funding and the money simply wasn't there.

So I suppose there are Sidewinders sometimes smile_o.gif.

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@hooahman, You're missing the point, that, at the moment there's no such thing like USMC Apache. crazy_o.gif  wink_o.gif

Here's a quote of Shadow from this thread.

  [b said:
Quote[/b] ]The AH-64A can be fitted with Sidewinder-pylons on the wingtip, but they never use it. Like you guys say, it can only carry one Sidewinder on each wintip.

They were tested but never used.

The AH-64D has Stinger-pylons on each wintip as default, they are are rarely used. They only fit Stingers when they know they'll need it. The AH-64A has been tested with Stinger-racks, but they've never used them. The A-model does not have Stinger-pylons as standard.

AA-missiles are not standard payload on either models, but both can use them if needed.

The difference is; on the A-model you need to fit the pylons first before you attach the tubes. On the D-model you only attach the tubes and you're good to go.

It's obvious Boeing had AA-missiles in mind as standard payload on the D-model compared to the A-model. One of the difference between them is that the nav-lights on the A-model is on the wingtips. These have been moved up to the side of the engines on the D-model. I assume all that smoke and heat from missiles fired from the wingtip will dirty the glass around the light and overall shorten the lamps life-time.

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Er, this is kinda becoming a mess, let me solve it:


What can and cannot be put on that good ol' AH-64 of ours.

Ok, that is pretty much what I have, as far as pylons and nav-lights, on my A model I added the lights to the wingtips, and on the D model in their place is a sidewinder rail.

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As long as you make a version with double Stinger tubes on wingtips, I'll be happy to play with you helo. wink_o.gif

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@ Kyle Sarnik :


Make sure that your AH-64D has a Radar or Infrared Vision for Gunner AND Pilot , especially in MP-Mode.

BI Standard is : Single Pilot =  Full Radar sight = Full Weapons Control , if another human player gets in as a gunner the Pilot will loose his Radar immediatly. Thats another boring thing in OFP-Standard Helo's.

Next thing is the very limited armor of an OFP - Standard-Apache. If one Strela or Stinger hits him , he is dead... if not , the engines turn off - lol - but same effect = Apache down. Can't believe that this should be realistic. The BI-Mi-24 HIND could sometimes eat 2 Stingers or up to 3 ! LAW's etc. and dont fell to the ground ... he can fly home with a few armor left , brightly red blinking  crazy_o.gif

Last suggestion :


Fuel consumption is a thing that is forgotten by almost every addonmaker. A Combathelo with full armament could fly up to 2,8 hour's with its internal fuel. In OFP its enough when it can fly 30 min. - 45 min.

Greetz , Hellwig  smile_o.gif

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Ok, I will make 2 versions then, 1 version with 2 sidewinders on the wingtips and 1 version with some ATAS launchers instead.

Ok change the subject, I have made some wreck models for the A model, and added smoke effects to them, I will have more screens soon. Also, here is a better close-up of the ATAS launcher:


Ok, I was considering doing added fuel tanks under-wing but decided against it for now (maybe later), as for armor, the AH-64 did take one of my ATAS missiles, and was still flying, but only after many tries since the on board counter measures kept disrupting my missile tounge_o.gif not sure if it can take 2 w/ out engine failure (cause I couldn't hit it again) but I know that 2 will not destroy it.

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Thanks, as I stated I do intend to have different camo versions (Green, Black, Desert, Green w/ Snow). But texturing is not exactly my strong point. If anyone wants to help me with textures or models, PM me, post here, or just contact me on MSN or AIM or send me an email, I'm pretty sure that inforamtion is in my profile, if it isn't then Ill add it now.


Yep it is biggrin_o.gif shouldn't have doubted myself

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It would be sweet if you gave the avionics and the cockpit a workover, and also maybee incoorperate the BAS moveing map! Also the gunner sights are much differnt than real life, maybee an advanced HUD would be elite, not really HUD but the sights!

Also Flares and ECM might be an idea, offcourse a cockpit that you can open..

Man finally somebody who is making a decent Apache! Come on man open the whole box of tricks for us ppl who have been wanting a elite apache for sooo long now!

Like meh! I like flying the apache between trees and such, but its to easy only 3 buttons to press! sad_o.gif

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Now, if all you 'Apache Advocates' could get together, identify remarkable features in each others work, and include them all in one package.. That would be nice.   wow_o.gif

Wish list items: (if you would be so generous to consider, as I have little skill and no time)  smile_o.gif

-Revised scope optics, with accurate PIP and zoom.

-a functional remote camera on the 'D' variants' boom for the gunner (pilot in MP?)

Sweet lookin' so far!

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Yes, flares and ECM are allready coded in on it, and as for the cockpit, I plan to upgrade it in the D version to include the all digital displays, and this is what I had in mind for a HUD:


That came from another game, and it is pretty close to the real IHADSS display, but puting that on the eyepiece might present problems, so I was thinking just have it floating in front of your foward view, like this game has. And yes gunner sights will be changed when I get a good image of them (post any if you got em).

And for ag_smith, the ATAS version:


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do not put an desert one in they do not have them if anything just make it covered in dust.

and snow one? the snow would nto remain on it very long snow is not like dust and on an helo it would fall off pretty fast or atleast be removed. since snow=ice and ice+aircraft=crash and extra weight. the apache already has major weight issues when in heavy combat load and flying in high areas. in kosavo the 101st lost 2 apaches due to combat weight and flying in the mountains.. so add snow and ice the bastard would crash like 70% of the time. and if you meant snow camo.. then forget it you ruin the realism same by adding the desert camo.

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  (Uffz.Hellwig @ Jan. 21 2005,18:08) said:
Fuel consumption is a thing that is forgotten by almost every addonmaker. A Combathelo with full armament could fly up to 2,8 hour's with its internal fuel. In OFP its enough when it can fly 30 min. - 45 min.

VERY important thing!

MfG Lee smile_o.gif

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Ok, you are right, I couldn't find a single apache with any desert camo, but dust will do I guess. But enough of that, time for pictures:





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I saw a grey AH-64A on tv this morning...I'll try to find a piccy. It looked like the light grey scheme used on the A-10, but without the darker spots the A-10 scheme has.

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