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New Chechen MOD?!?!???

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Quote[/b] ] Russian Muslim Develops Computer Game to “Liberate Chechnyaâ€

Created: 18.01.2005 18:46 MSK (GMT +3), Updated: 18:47 MSK


An unemployed Russian who converted to Islam has developed a computer game about the liberation of the self-proclaimed republic of Ichkeria — the name given to Chechnya by separatist rebels.

Vladimir Matveyev, a Moscow resident, developed “Ichkeria, Operation Flash-Point†as a game about the Chechen jihad, Ekho Moskvy radio reported, citing an interview with Matveyev.

Matveyev — who prefers to be called Shamil — described the game during the broadcast.

“This is a computer game about the Chechen jihad. The player has several challenges, including liberating Ichkeria and destroying aggressive Russian enemies.â€

The game features 11 Russian military bases, and even a concentration camp set up by the FSB. The game is not complete, and Matveyev said he would like Chechens to join his effort. Matveyev does not intend to market his game, however, saying it is not for profit.

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That is NOT our Flashpoint. Also look on the site...image source from www.EA.com? rock.gif

EDIT- Wait...this is a NEW game. With a wierd name. biggrin_o.gif They copied Operation Flashpoint name but with a dash...SUE THEM... tounge_o.gif

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OFP or not, anyone making such a game and living in Moscow is bound to have some problems wink_o.gif

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and why is that soldier using an xm-8 if its based in chechnya ?

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Well, it appears that most games and even movies are, some country (most of the time US) against Russia. So I guess it would be expected. I don't know what would happen if you actually lived in Russia when making this but all I can say is that I wouldn't want to be him. tounge_o.gif

EDIT- @ JakeRod- Maybe that's the Russian side to the game. I don't know but that soldier looks anything but Russian. crazy_o.gif

2nd EDIT- If you ask me that guy and rifle looks American.

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Quote[/b] ]If you ask me that guy and rifle looks American.

My thoughts exactly. That helicopter is Chinese or Russian I believe either one of those KA-## or a Panther. So I think it is probably Ghost Recon 2 or something.

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OFP or not, anyone making such a game and living in Moscow is bound to have some problems wink_o.gif

Agreed tounge_o.gif. I still think that screen is from GR2, as Jakerod said wink_o.gif.

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I tried out GR 2 and that pretty much looks like it.

US and North Korea in the near future. That's one of the featured guns.

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you wanta know what I think?

I reakon that the picture in the news article is not a picture from the actual game, just a pictur they found of a computer game and decided to put it up.

Making a mod for OFP is going to be much easier then for instance making a mod for GR2.

Quote[/b] ]The game features 11 Russian military bases, and even a concentration camp set up by the FSB

Only one FPS game I know has a map big enough to incorperate, a game I would like to call Operation Flashpoint.

Hell, that helicopter is not even russian. The XM8 (the rifle that the soldier is carrying) is a modern American gun, and the guy holding it looks very USMC to me.

So I think there is no doubt that the picture is from GR2, but that it is not a real picture from this “Ichkeria, Operation Flash-Point†mod, but instead a random picture that mosnews.com put up simply because it didn't have a real one... rock.gif

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Well that's because newswriters don't really care if the picture is not from OFP, they know that 99% of readers don't know better and just copy+paste a generic picture. tounge_o.gif

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now this sounds interesting smile_o.gif if it is a mod for OFP I kinda wonder why he hasn't introduced it to anyone of the community rock.gif

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thats becuase its not a mod for OFP. There making a game called "Operation-Flashpoint" the same but with a dash in the middle.

And the pictures is from Ghost Recon 2. The news guys just got a picture from a game. All problems solved. And maybe this thread be moved to Offtopic wink_o.gif

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Well that's because newswriters don't really care if the picture is not from OFP, they know that 99% of readers don't know better and just copy+paste a generic picture. tounge_o.gif

That's probably right.

Don't you people know they recycle pictures? They are satisfied as long as the picture has some connection (computer game) to the news.

But I doubt it's for OFP.

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does this have something to do with this www.chechen.ru ?

i dont understand anything on the website as its only in russian and german.

Just looks like an island...

I've tried to read the German part but... that's just a translator German I really don't understand.

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I've tried to read the German part but... that's just a translator German I really don't understand.

Lol that sounds like a Russian speaking bad German biggrin_o.gif

It's just a description of the island, 25x25 kilometers, based on a real area in Chechnya, that much bases and such stuff, you know. Nothing you would wonder about really much. But it sounds nice anyway

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