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Problem aiming

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I've noticed that when playing OFP particularly in MP, the curser or crosshair seems to lock onto a grid and makes aiming precisely very frustrating. Just wondered it anyone had any solution to this?

Oh, and im using a USB mouse that installs automatically on my notebook. I read a simular problem with the mx700 mouse and saw to disable hardware acceleration for the mouse but I dont have this option for mine.

If it helps, I can post my notebook specs.

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Of course our first thoughts are FADE.

You didn't say whether your laptop mouse is an optical or ball mouse.Your problem is characteristic of a ballmouse design.

oh lol a mx700?

Are you experiencing mouse lag? Try turning some detail settings down.AvonladysFaq has sections with your problem.

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My copy is not pirated and I've got the same problem, it's very frustrating.

I just installed OFP for the first time in years and instantly remembered why I uninstalled it all those years ago... sad_o.gif

Lowering the mouse speed and removing the pointer shadow in Windows helped a bit but it's still not good enough to make the game enjoyable.

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Do you have windows blinds or objectx installed?

Try changing your refresh rate in game to something different to that you use on desktop.

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Do you have windows blinds or objectx installed?

Try changing your refresh rate in game to something different to that you use on desktop.

Nope, I have nothing like that installed. I'll try a different refresh rate later tonight.

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same happens to me when i have 120+ FPS . install program called fraps from www.fraps.com and check if that only happens when you got over 100 frames. if that is the problem, just make sure you ENABLE v-sync or something in your graphic card options. but then you get max fps of what your refresh rate of monitor is setted up in game.

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Here's how it looks on my computer, these are the smallest moves I can make. Imagine how impossible it is to aim at a distance...


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I'm having the same mouse experience, which is mouse cursor moving along fixed coordinates in an "imaginary grid" - like Howser tried to visualize in that animated gif.

I tried lowering the refresh rate, played around with certain display settings and resolutions. Moreover, I reactivated my old Logitech PS/2 mouse (ball) - nothing helped.

Finally, I came across a post in another thread, where someone proposed to lower the X/Y mouse sensitivity (I guess in another context...) within the control settings of OFP. I decreased it to the minimum and, voilŕ, mouse aiming became much smoother! As OFP is not a high speed ego shooter, like q3, it is still possible to have a satisfiying game experience smile_o.gif .... I guess, one has just to get familiar with the decreased mouse speed, it's not that problematic.

Nevertheless, it would be more than nice if someone had an explanation for this, ahm, "bug".

If some users would post their mouse-hardware together with the info about having the described problem, or not, we could isolate the problem, to an OFP internal problem!? What d oyou think?



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I had some issues with Halo (when your mouse flips and you suddenly look into the air it's NOT nice to get killed by your optical mouse).

will, I made my own mousepad (simply black/white grid), and it works! smile_o.gif .

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Have you tried lowering your pointer speed in windows? Windows makes the pointer step multiple pixels to increase mouse speed over a certain setting (the middle setting is usually best).

Unfortunately this often gets passed through into games.

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Have you tried lowering your pointer speed in windows? Windows makes the pointer step multiple pixels to increase mouse speed over a certain setting (the middle setting is usually best).

Unfortunately this often gets passed through into games.


yes I lowered the speed in windows to the minimum but that did not help...

btw: quite funny that I just got aware of that aiming problem some days ago, although I'm playing OFP since its release back in 2001 :-)

Wondering, if it has been like this all the time...but this would be kind of hard to believe, because I would myself call quite an "attentive" player ;)

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same happens to me when i have 120+ FPS . install program called fraps from www.fraps.com and check if that only happens when you got over 100 frames. if that is the problem, just make sure you ENABLE v-sync or something in your graphic card options. but then you get max fps of what your refresh rate of monitor is setted up in game.

just do this and itl help if its fps issues . trust me lol

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Finally, I came across a post in another thread, where someone proposed to lower the X/Y mouse sensitivity (I guess in another context...) within the control settings of OFP. I decreased it to the minimum and, voilŕ, mouse aiming became much smoother!

Wahoo! That solved my problem too, thanks! thumbs-up.gif

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Hi people!

I noticed that I have a problem that matches the one discussed in this thread. None of the suggestions so far has helped. Lowering the sens in OFP only makes it harder to move the cursor altogether, still skipping those 2-4 pixels every time. Lower sensitivity in Windows and thru mouse driver stabilizes the skippy and fast movement a bit, but the "snap to grid" bug still lives on.

Here are the specs:

AMD Athlon 64 3000

A8N-SLI Premium

Geforce 6600 GT 128 MB

Razer Diamondback Salamander mouse

Windows XP SP2

I´ve tried quite much everything that has occurred to me, from uninstalling drivers, changing mouse settings, enabling enhanced precision, v-sync, different refresh rates, graphics drivers and resolutions, yet nothing has worked. Can someone please provide a working solution to this? sad_o.gif

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