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New Anim Config and group indirect/supress fire

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I take a screenshot of control´s config screen to show some ideas to use animations and other commands with the keyboard´s keys.

I hit the New Anim Config to open a slot to call a animations list available.

Other option is call a menu to bind a key to every menu item available to every plataform or weapons I want. If I´m inside a Challenger tank I have the option do throw smoke grenade wall or make a smoke screen. This option will be available (New menu command key). Then I can launch grenades and smoke wall without use the menu. It´s more fast and I will never hit the wrong option when appears new items in menu.


We will need a option to save the config (challenger). When I enter the challenger the keyboard will be loaded/changed. When I get out the tank the keyboard controls will be restored to infantry. A help key list will be useful to show the new keys available.



This options will be very useful to planes and chooper. They have severals menu commands I want to use more fast with the keyboard like launch flare, afterburner, flaps, ECM, eject.

Other option to bind keys it´s create new group menu commands list (keys 1 till 0). I want to create a group menu command to order indirect fire or supress fire. First I need to install the PBO with the scripts (still not exist).I choose the letter "N". When I´m playing and want´s to throw

a M203 granade, I choose the grenadier, hit "N", order to launch M203 grenade, hit map or use mouse´s aimpoint, choose the numbers of grenades, choose point or area attack, and the grenadier will attack.

The game Full Spectrum Warrior have this options. Other options it´s order to launch a grenade, smoke grenade, fire a LAW, supress a area with the machinegun. I want to choose numbers of magazines or time firing. If I want to control a attack to a enemy camp I order the group to cease fire and will order every member attack or supress a point/area. When I order open fire the groups will storm the enemy camp even if the group still don´t see the enemies.

One command I hope to bind a key it´s the autopilot. If I´m a group leader, I hit autopilot then choose a place to go (F1 go to "clic on map"). With they keys "run" and "walk" I can choose the velocity and stop. I want to use the mouse to look around while walking. My finger´s will have much less pain when travelling larger distances.


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Ummm, did you figure out how to do this, or are you say it would be good to have? Because it's alot easier said then done.

Same question. The stuff sounds interesting, but from your post I can't understand that you've managed to do this already.

Pics don't for me either.

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What? All i see is some cut and pasted pics.The borders don't line up and its filled with typos.

BTW ....Peek is to peek,peak is a mountaintop

Grenade,Kneel not Knee

I can't understand what is being said.Impossible that I can see as we can't even tell when a certain key is pressed not to mention "bind" keys.

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As BraTTy posted; I only see edited screenshots from the controlsmenu.

Do you mean you want it to look like this, or can you actually do this? I think this needs to be implemented into the engine and is not something that can be added with an addon.

If the latter is the truth, than what the hell is this doing in A&M:D? It should be in OF:General

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Hmm, am I the only one who find this just weird? He speaks as if he is doing it while typing.

I guess this thread belongs in the OFP2 suggestions forum.

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I edit the controlsmenu whith paintbush to show my ideas. I do this in my work to show my ideas. I hope this will be done.


PS1 sorry the bad english. I calling from Brazil.

PS2 I post this in OF:General. Placebo transferred to A&M:D

PS3 Bind keys it´s choose a key to a command (some game have this option)

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Ya , you can only change key assignments for the actions already in the game.

As  far as I am aware you cannot bind new keys "asides possibly in dialog menus".

As an addonmaker I know we can't tell what key is pressed and its hard to assign actions to keys

Features we hope to see in OFP2

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