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About G-LOC

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  1. G-LOC

    Arma's Nature

    Some sandpile will be wellcome. Thanks for the good job G-LOC
  2. G-LOC

    Arma3 Videos

    Taking Molos
  3. Sneakson, the white circle it´s not aligned whith the sight. The picture show the real path when I fired the wheapon. I get a lot of problem throwing grenade to short or bouncing in structures next to me. The grenade aiming system will be more easy than real life but the other choice it´s more dificult. G-LOC
  4. "Allow rifles to be equipped in both the primary and secondary slot. It would be nice to allow the launcher slot to be used to hold a secondary weapon, not just a launcher. I.e. a special operations force having a SMG and a longer range rifle at the same time." - pilotbaxter007 Allow weapons and ammo showed side by side. To Take ammo will be more easy. G-LOC
  5. Throwing grenade in ARMA is not so easy as real life. I want a grenade aiming system like the printscreen. High dispersion will add realism:
  6. I am playing with Team Switch. I would like new Team Switch modes: - Team Switch Team - To chance between teams. I will switch to next team leader. - Team Switch Team member - I will only cicle between my team members. - Team Switch vehicle member - I will only switch betweean my vehicle members This is Fake:
  7. I want a simple config to get high dispersion to the weapons:
  8. G-LOC

    Arma3 Videos

    Fog and rain to make ARMA more dificult: ---------- Post added at 02:43 ---------- Previous post was at 01:49 ---------- Team Switch :
  9. G-LOC

    Tv Guided System

    There are TV guided missiles like Spike. It can be installed in vehicles, helicopter or carried by soldiers. A Javelin missile with a TV will do the same job. Shoot a TV guided missile is more difficult than lock and shoot. It is more flexible because it can be fired against armored, buildings and helicopters. Spike missiles:
  10. hot key to control chopper When I play as a tank commander I can use keys to comand the driver (left, right, stop, fast etc): I want to do the same with the chopper pilots. I need a menu to "comand the pilot" then I can use the keys to sendo orders: - "left" (one hit = turn 5 degree left). I am telling the pilot to turn 5 degree left and not turning the chopper myself. - pick left = circle left - stand up (fly 50 meters higher) - advance, back - back, stop, fast, flank - Need keys to jink left and right The printscreen will look like this: I "command" the piloto to fly fast, higher and circle left (around my target area). We will need to start the command mode (start commander mode/exit commander mode): The pilot will fly a terrain follow mode. Keybinding: With this menu I can: - use the choppers to move my squad where I want. I will land where I want. - hoover the chopper above a building to rappel using the keyboard - circle around the target and attack with the doors gunner - command UAVs with the keyboard and the FLIR with the mouse - circle the AC-130 around the target - the gunner off a attack helicopter can stalk the target flying very low and slow or use tactics like stop-pop up-fire-hide-move - The backseater can "fly" the plane to drop laser guided bombs. - Every vehicle, boat and plane can use this idea. AH-6X have the same concept. I can fly very low and comand the UAV to fly higher to avoid colide with the terrain or buildings: Bugs. - What the pilot will do after drop the cargo (return do base) G-LOC
  11. In real life the the pilot designate a target and the FLIR always is pointing to the target. The laser need to be pointed to the target to show were the gbu-27 will go. The target box can be moved on manual or locked on target. The video show the bomb going to target like a fire and forte bomb (TV or IR mode). GBU-27 it´s a laser guided bomb. G-LOC
  12. TTP need to consider: - addon to implement the tactics (new addon?) - how to make a mission to use the tactics - how to improve the game to implement the tactic - how to improve AI to implement the tactics G-LOC
  13. Playing Ghost Recon we have the option to see symbols to positioning the members of my squad. I think ARMA needs the same system to employ tactics. Creating reference point around terrain features and buildings will help AI and the players. I put the symbols and say "this is..." a window. Then the AI will know how to look through, peek to look or shoot, supress the position, etc. The symbols will have other options like "this is" fence, ditch, trench, tree,  bush, prone fire position, etc. Every item will set defensive, offensive and rec tactics for AI. I´m showing a image with the symbols to drive my squad. The symbols have info to AI know were to search and cover while acting like a team. The lead will crouch and peek to look at the corner. The next will stand and cover the front of the team. The tailgunner will cover the back. The AI leader can order the squad to advance froam cover to cover wich aid of the reference points setting the best cover while other squad members will supress the enemy. The players needs a map editor to put this symbols when creating a island. G-LOC
  14. G-LOC

    This is

    Playing Ghost Recon we have the option to see symbols to positioning the members of my squad. I think ARMA needs the same system to employ tactics. Creating reference point around terrain features and buildings will help AI and the players. I put the symbols and say "this is..." a window. Then the AI will know how to look through, peek to look or shoot, supress the position, etc. The symbols will have other options like "this is" fence, ditch, trench, tree,  bush, prone fire position, etc. Every item will set defensive, offensive and rec tactics for AI. I´m showing a image with the symbols to drive my squad. The symbols have info to AI know were to search and cover while acting like a team. The lead will crouch and peek to look at the corner. The next will stand and cover the front of the team. The tailgunner will cover the back. The AI leader can order the squad to advance froam cover to cover wich aid of the reference points setting the best cover while other squad members will supress the enemy. The players needs a map editor to put this symbols when creating a island. G-LOC
  15. G-LOC

    Take Control

    I don´t want to make a chopper move laterally. I remember some config were we can choose the height the pilot will fly above ground. With "Take command" we will change this setting. If I hit a key to go higher the pilot will fly 10 meter higher in terrain following mode. To change direction the command will change the waypoint the chooper will follow like the screen: If if order the chopper "circle left", the waypoint will move with a great angle. If I order the chopper to jink the command can be like this: drop flare/chaff, left, higher, fast, ...lag..., right, lower, ...lag..., drop flare/chaff, left, higher,...etc. Other option it´s choose a "Control Point" (waypoint where the planes loiter in Foward Air Controller's operations). I choose to set a control point: And click on map the place I want the chooper will wait (or will fly with my troops inside) till I retake control. G-LOC