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Pirates; Age of Sail

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the Pirate MOD is looking for members. Everyone who is interested and has some knowledge of modelling, texturing, scripting is welcome.

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Very nice looking models, mate! I especially like the looks of the Galleon, but then I've always been partial to those. THAT one strongly reminds me of the Susan Constant, which is moored at Jamestown, Virginia. I think I see a balcony, or gallery (a small walkway), around your galleon's stern. VERY nice touch!

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SPAD has granted permission to make use of his 1776 Soldiers, I made some very small changes to them and will release them in the next few days. If you have any suggestions and ideas what you want to see in such a mod please feel free to write it here.

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here are some new pics of the resent developments:

stone fortress and some equipment pirates might need or fear...


some guns and limbers


This is now the newest development of age of sail ships, masts are of class vehicle and are able to switch textures after damaged (see picture below)


This picture showing an american blockade runner during and after a firefight with a shilka. Lower right, sails are all halfdammage, shiphull undamaged, upper right, two masts went overboard and hull damaged, left side, masts still intact while shiphull totally destroyed...


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They still used pirate ships in 1986?!??

Looks good.

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You know, OFP would be a perfect engine for a Pirates game, especially if you had to disembark to dig up treasure and accomplish other missions.

Weren't Pirates contemporaries of Napoleon? Maybe you could use these along with the stuff from the Napoleonic mod?

Further, one of the ninja clans stole a couple of Spanish muskets, I think they were, off of a merchant ship, took them back to their clan, where the smiths improved on the design. Soon after you had whole companies of ninja armed with black powder rifles. Ninjas were utilitarians. They would use and do anything that worked.

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Weren't Pirates contemporaries of Napoleon? Maybe you could use these along with the stuff from the Napoleonic mod?

This was my first idea to use the napoleonic soldiers from SPAD, but there were some problems and a "bug" that I couldn't track down when working with the lods. So I will now use the 1776 Soldiers from SPAD and only some of the objects from the napoleonic mod like the tents, chariots, canons and so on.

For now an american, british and french army is more or less in beta status (beside the bayonett fighting that is not working at the moment).

The pirates are still unfinished.

The american blockade runner and maybe some more ships will be an addon for the CWmod.

All other ships exist at the moment as static objects will now be equipted with masts as shown in the last picture to enable more "realistic sea-battles"...

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Good work Shinkansen  biggrin_o.gif

@Drax @Uziyahu--IDF

Pirates have been around probably as long as man has been sailing and they are still around today, except now with faster boats and better guns.  wink_o.gif

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Looks very good! But please try to fix the lightning on the sails (hint sharp and smooth shading, recalculate normals (F5) . . .)

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Looks very good! But please try to fix the lightning on the sails (hint sharp and smooth shading, recalculate normals (F5) . . .)


This sounds very interesting!! I have seen that after using optimise structure, mesh must be smoothed again, because this information is destroyed while optimising. Why using recalculate normals? What is this doing? Please explain it for stupids...


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Normals are a normalized (i.e. length 1) vectors calculated from polygon vertices to stand upright on polygons.

They are used for determing shadings, reflections and other light relevant things.

Think of them as a directions without a positions ("north" vs. "north of london ").

So if you optimize the geometrical data you change the vertices from which the normals have been calculated and a normal which should point now for example "northnorthwest" is still pointing "north". So you have to recalc the normal vectors anytime you change the geometrical structure if this is not done automatically during the optimization process.

After recalcing the normals are facing the correct directions, lighting can be calculated correctly and the model appears smoothed.

For further information try googling gouraud and phong shading algorithms.

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Normals are a normalized (i.e. length 1) vectors calculated from polygon vertices to stand upright on polygons.

They are used for determing shadings, reflections and other light relevant things.

Think of them as a directions without a positions ("north" vs. "north of london ").

So if you optimize the geometrical data you change the vertices from which the normals have been calculated and a normal which should point now for example "northnorthwest" is still pointing "north". So you have to recalc the normal vectors anytime you change the geometrical structure if this is not done automatically during the optimization process.

After recalcing the normals are facing the correct directions, lighting can be calculated correctly and the model appears smoothed.

For further information try googling gouraud and phong shading algorithms.


thank you very much for the explaination! But sometimes it seems that the mesh is too complicated and O2 failed to smooth the object,but I will try....

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Hi, I have just discovered a side where exactly those plans are stored, that I need to modell my ships.

So I need now the help of someone from russia who maybe can give me a translation of the russian names of the ships. The other problem is that i am normally working from an internet cafe and there I haven't the time to download all the files, so if someone can do this for me that would be very nice!!!

And on the other hand if you see a ship on this side that are a "must be" for the mod, give me a hint...


The side could be found under: http://www.shipmodeling.ru/draw/index.htm

or a mirror at




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