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Horse with rider

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Have you tken a look at the leg animations of this?


They look pretty good when ur running. Sorry if this is a stupid thing to suggest, i know nothing of addon making, just trying to help smile_o.gif

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mine a czech Lada car to his Mercedez car comparison

Hehe. Lada is Russian. Skoda is Czech.

But seriously.

I am glad the work on the horse is resumed.

I wish I could do something to help, but am afraid my addonmaking skills are still way below this level.

Too bad MasterChief didn't transfer his work to someone else to continue before being abducted by aliens. But then again, aliens do tend to spoil a bunch of things. Damn aliens. Kill them all I say!

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Ummm....MC was NOT abducted by aliens. I can confim this. There's probaly a perfectly good explanation, I doubt that MC will dump the project considering he got so far with it.

And I say...He'll be back !!....I hope.... tounge_o.gif

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Once i saw MC's posts on achieving the walking breakthrough, i had abandoned the project, cos his is so much better...


I know you've posted since this quote, and you're back on the job. I'm just glad you are, and want to encourage you.

Seems to me one can't assume someone else will ever finish a given project. I can't count how many Renault FT-17 tanks I've seen advertised in progress, not one of them released. Of all the Stuart tanks, only 1 pack released (recently).

So, go for it, man! I'm with Triglav. My poor Confederate cavalrymen can't hold their heads up straight! They're uncharacteristically... humble... wow_o.gif

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initial test model with rotation script:-



err..not to dash your hopes...the horse works excellently now, however, due to animation script, it causes lag as the loop script reguarly checks the speed of the horse to ensure that if it moves, it will rotate the legs. So far i could only use 2 horses in the field with my 700mhz 258ram comp with slight lag.

Will be attempting another way to move the legs, perhaps cybernatic technique - merging man with machine. tounge_o.gif

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Update: rewrote and retested the rotation script.....from 70% lag down to 0.3% now based on framerate. Put 50 of these units on desert island with no lag. Its a go!.......next:- horse and rider with shooting ability...

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can u release the "civvie" horse without the gun toting rider? Just to whet out appetites? biggrin_o.gif go on, you know you want to :P

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er..no, i dont want to release it as it is only a test model, without saddle, reins and more 'flesh', but what i can do is perhaps release it to the CW mod if they want it for them to modify the crew and things they wanna put on the horse. After all, the technical aspects have been overcomed. smile_o.gif

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.......next:- horse and rider with shooting ability...

Awesome! That'd be great ingame when I am busy,my horse can take down a few baddies too ,lol

I am just being silly with ya,lol

Seriously , I am so glad someone is continuing this project,and who better than Phil !

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lol!..please dont put me high up on the pedestal...i am a nobody. If there is any credit, its to the international community here, espacially those that willingly share information here and thru the forums..for without them, ofp would not have gotten anywhere. I only just mix and match things up, nothing spectacular to the likes of Bn800, kegatys, Bas or many many others.

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lol!..please dont put me high up on the pedestal...i am a nobody.
Quote[/b] ]The superior man is modest in his speech but exceeds in his actions - Confucius

Looking good Phil smile_o.gif

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Yeah but you stil da man Phil! Your addons bring alot of joy to the OFP community and this horse and rider will definitely open up OFP into a whole new realm of possibilities so don't sell yourself short....but you're right, alot of these things are really team efforts and its fantastic to see you and other working together to make these things happen.

That's the OFP mod community at its best.

Much Respect,

Chris G.

aka-Miles Teg<GD>

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Beta version2 ready for download

PC Scout horse:- a rider with soldier. The empty armored class horse can be mounted with other type soldiers.

PC Charger horse:- custom rider with gun on the ready on horse. Best not to use other type soldiers to mount this horse

Both versions can be found on East and West armored class. No additional scripts required. Just plug and play.


This is an original model, nothing copied, from model to config. Scripts used are only those that are freely avaliable on forums. However i would like to thank ALL scripters for making ofp dynamic and sowing the seeds of possibilities to open up further ofp1.

Credit to Mig and his team as well for making the first version of horse.

Feel free to modify anything. no permission or credit required from me, but do me a favour - not everyone is like me, please ask permission from other authors if u intend to use or modify their addons. Its plenty of hard work and sacrifice. Have fun smile_o.gif

PC ride - 1.47mb -7 days only

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OMFG! Trying it out right now! HAHHAAA my Union cavalry men have been needing a horse for awhile now! biggrin_o.gif

Oh by the way Miles Teg your egyptian border guards could use a camel to patrol the borders with. wink_o.gif

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Lol the horses are reversing! tounge_o.gif They also need some more anims on the legs so that the legs bend on the middle joint. Now it looks like... welll like its a door opening and closing. Brobably because yo u used a door anim. biggrin_o.gif

Other than that its good and really a breakthrough on OFP.

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well done Commando!

it's good too see there's someone

making progress .The Civil War mod

guys really need this.


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Thanks philcomando! Great work as usual.

Is there any chance of an update where you can have other units fire their own weapons?

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How does this work? Is the player the horse or the rider? I think that factor will determine how broad it's use could be overall.

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