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Clinton - U.N Secretary General?

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Washington Times link


Quote[/b] ]Analysis: Clinton eyes U.N. post

By Roland Flamini

UPI Chief International Correspondent

Washington, DC, Oct. 20 (UPI) -- Former U.S. President Bill Clinton has set his sights on becoming U.N. secretary-general. A Clinton insider and a senior U.N. source have told United Press International the 56-year-old former president would like to be named leader of the world body when Kofi Annan's term ends early in 2006.

"He definitely wants to do it," the Clinton insider said this week.

A Clinton candidacy is likely to receive overwhelming support from U.N. member states, particularly the Third World. Diplomats in Washington say Clinton would galvanize the United Nations and give an enormous boost to its prestige. But the former president's hopes hang on a crucial question that will not be addressed until after the presidential elections: can he get the support of the U.S. government -- a prerequisite for nomination?

The political wisdom is that a second George W. Bush presidency would cut him off at the pass. The notion of Clinton looming large in the international arena from "the glass tower" in New York would be intolerable to the Bush White House. If Democratic candidate, Sen. John Kerry, D-Mass., wins on Nov. 2 the prospect of Clinton as secretary-general won't exactly be welcome either, but Kerry would find it much harder -- if not impossible -- to go against it.

After a Middle East U.N. Secretary-General (Boutros Boutros Ghali) and an African (Kofi Annan) it is generally considered Asia's turn to fill the post, U.N. experts say. No announcement has been made, but behind the scenes China is already pushing the candidacy of Thai Foreign Minister Surakiart Sathirathai, who also seems to have U.S. support. If Clinton does emerge as a candidate, however, China would most likely shift its support, the experts say.

No American has ever been U.N. secretary-general, but the United States is both host country to the United Nations and the major contributor to its budget.

However, the U.S. history with the United Nations has been rocky for decades. President Reagan took the United States out of the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization in protest against alleged corruption by former top agency officials in 1984.

A hostile U.S. Congress, which held up payment to the United Nations for years, prevented an attempt by the Clinton administration to re-enter UNESCO in 1995.

In September 2002, President Bush addressed the United Nations and announced the United States would rejoin UNESCO while urging the United Nations to back a resolution authorizing an attack on Iraq.

Clinton is currently recovering from the heart bypass surgery he had to undergo last month, and this has kept him away from the Kerry campaign after a few initial support appearances. The former president has told friends and Kerry staffers he plans to resume campaigning for Kerry, but on a limited scale because his recovery has been gradual. He has talked of his interest in taking over at the United Nations since the publication of his commercially successful autobiography, which he recently said had sold 1.9 million copies. Writing the book kept him busy after leaving office in 2000, but he is now ready to channel his considerable political skills and energy into another role in public life.

There had been rumors that he would run the Third Way organization, the world Social Democratic movement he had talked of launching together with British Prime Minister Tony Blair and German Chancellor Gerhard Schroeder. But the political alliance had come unstuck and the idea ran out of steam partly because Blair and Schroeder found themselves on opposite sides in the Bush-led Iraq war.

Putting Clinton in charge of the United Nations would be a real test of international intentions, observers say.

"Critics of the U.N. complain that it's an organization without the muscle and will to put its decisions into effect," the U.N. source observed. "There's a good chance that Clinton could significantly change that situation, and then we'll see if the critics mean what they say."

I think its pretty cool news, to see Clinton back in the fray in an international organization.

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great..now he will have affairs with different nationalities... tounge_o.gif

joking aside, i think he is indeed a hardworker and gained respect in terms of his ability as a good politician. he seems to have good negotiation skills too, not to mention a good perception of world politics.

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Useless troll!

Not you, Ralph.

EDIT: After looking at his avatar, I have to say not you either, Gollum. biggrin_o.gif

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How about Bush?  tounge_o.gif

No, serious. Clinton could be an option, but is there any other good candidates?

added: good wow_o.gif

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Useless troll!

Not you, Ralph.

EDIT: After looking at his avatar, I have to say not you either, Gollum. biggrin_o.gif

I beg your pardon but this is a gnome good madam!

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Useless troll!

Not you, Ralph.

EDIT: After looking at his avatar, I have to say not you either, Gollum. biggrin_o.gif

I beg your pardon but this is a gnome good madam!

troll [2] (trohl) n.

1. (in Scandinavian folklore) any of a race

of supernatural beings, usu. hostile to

humans, who live underground or in caves.

[1610-20; < ON troll demon]

And believe me - I know!

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I doubt an American or someone else from the permanent members of the security council will ever become the secretary-general of the U.N.

My vote goes to someone from Asia as the article points out or perhaps someone from a small country in Europe or South America. Martti Ahtisaari (former finnish president and several UN assignments etc.) would propably be good for the job but USA might stop him.

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Useless troll!

Not you, Ralph.

EDIT: After looking at his avatar, I have to say not you either, Gollum. biggrin_o.gif

I beg your pardon but this is a gnome good madam!

    troll [2]  (trohl)  n.

                 1.  (in Scandinavian folklore) any of a race

                      of supernatural beings, usu. hostile to

                      humans, who live underground or in caves.

            [1610-20; < ON troll demon]

And believe me - I know!

It's pretty true  wink_o.gif

Back to topic: I disagree, I think Bill Clinton could be a good

idea now. Next time, someone from another continent can take over.

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I doubt a Finnish leader would have the experience dealing with the pressures of leading a large international body like someone from a superpower such as America could. It's not just about "We're americans and we run things so we say he should be" its more about capability, character, and credential.

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I doubt a Finnish leader would have the experience dealing with the pressures of leading a large international body like someone from a superpower such as America could.  It's not just about "We're americans and we run things so we say he should be" its more about capability, character, and credential.

So a Fin has no capability, character or credentials?  rock.gif  mad_o.gif

If a Ghanaian can do it, I'm sure a Fin can.

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I forgot Boutros Boutros Ghali and Kofi Annan were from world superpowers ...

By the way, there already have been a swede and a norvegian as UN secretary general in the past.

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And maybe it is reason why UN is what is? wink_o.gif

Whoever will be next setretary general, should grab BIIIIIIIIG broom and make BIG cleaning. Seems most important law in UN now is Parkinson's law...

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Now now Gadger I didn't say Fins lack it, I just think out of most politicians i see and hear about, Clinton has it.

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Clinton is a lot cooler, if that counts for anything. unclesam.gif


edit: And it's spelled Finns!

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Clinton leading the UN would be problematic, if Bush wins the elections.

On the other hand with Kerry in the White House, it would be a disaster (for Kerry at least).

At the end of his term, the US would be a department under UN human resources biggrin_o.gif

No but seriously, the problem with Clinton (from the perspective of US politicians) is that he really loves to be in the center of attention. That and his charisma make him a direct threat to anyone in the white house. Now, Bush can easily denounce both the UN and Clintion. Kerry on the other hand would have to listen and let Clinton steal his show.

Personally, I'd like to extend Kofi Annans mandate as I think he is a truly great man and has been one of the best secretaries that the UN has had. But, that not being possible, I suppose Clinton isn't the worst choice out there.

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edit: And it's spelled Finns!


don't bring the israili anti-american crap......


That's I-S-R-A-E-L.


That's sarcasm, not Israel! emot-coal.gif

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I'm pretty certain Clinton won't make it to secretary despite his merits, US has already so much influence in the UN and would make UN look too much one-sided. Next secretary will probably be from a smaller, less influental country. Ahtisaari has the experience but that remains to be seen...

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Someone ought to remind Clinton that the job title is U.N. Secretary general. Not UN Sexretary general. tounge_o.gifwink_o.gif

In all seriousness, why not? From a world perspective, he's been one of the best presidents the US ever had. unclesam.gif

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Personally, I'd like to extend Kofi Annans mandate as I think he is a truly great man and has been one of the best secretaries that the UN has had. But, that not being possible, I suppose Clinton isn't the worst choice out there.

Yes Yes! Kofi all the way. I would NOT support Clinton at all, even though I think he was one of the best US presidents of the recent years.

To me the UN is an organisation that must respect the ideology of equal human rights for every global citizen. An attack committed by 19 terorists that killed 3000 americans should not be considered as a more tragic loss than 20.000 killed innocent iraqis in the attempt to withdraw one man.

And to ensure this, we should choose someone from a thirdworld country, someone who knows that a lean poor half-dead somali child is just as valuable as a Mr. Warren Buffet or a Mrs Britney Spears.

And watch out with your prejudice. These countries can easily provide sophisticated and competent leaders just like europe or the US.

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Hmmmm.  Good statement.  Very worthy. Not clear as day, or rather doesn't make Kofi the clear choice.

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Personally, I'd like to extend Kofi Annans mandate as I think he is a truly great man and has been one of the best secretaries that the UN has had. But, that not being possible, I suppose Clinton isn't the worst choice out there.

Yes Yes! Kofi all the way. I would NOT support Clinton at all, even though I think he was one of the best US presidents of the recent years.

To me the UN is an organisation that must respect the ideology of equal human rights for every global citizen. An attack committed by 19 terorists that killed 3000 americans should not be considered as a more tragic loss than 20.000 killed innocent iraqis in the attempt to withdraw one man.

And to ensure this, we should choose someone from a thirdworld country, someone who knows that a lean poor half-dead somali child is just as valuable as a Mr. Warren Buffet or a Mrs Britney Spears.

And watch out with your prejudice. These countries can easily provide sophisticated and competent leaders just like europe or the US.

You have a point but just because the leader comes from Africa doesn't mean that he will have an ideology of equal human rights. Just look at Africa, different ethnic group are slaying each other as we speak. Someone from the outside might get an slightly easier job to deal with the different groups.

Equal human rights is just an utopia. The ones with the most money and power will always be worth most. That's the world we live in and it won't change in a long, long time. But you are right that even though it will never happen the one in charge should at least have the ideology of equal human rights.

And finally, I am pretty sure that you can find a sophisticated and competent leader with an ideology of equal human rights in europe too.

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As an American.

All I can say is.... "Hell NO!"

All he is on is... a F' ing power trip!

What's next? Hummers from international interns?

He's a pawn. A pawn for Hillary Clinton.

She secretly will be the U.N. Sec. Gen.


Sincerely, MilitiaSniper

"OFF the WALL Team"


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I guess your a republican, but I think maybe it's the best choice we have (as we know of)

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