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Bushfires Mod

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Ratel20 exterior allmost done just needs some final touches


Have allso been working on a Moffel ammo truck (Moffel is logistics version of buffel with flatbed instead of landmine protected troop compartment.)


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Very cool!

Does South Africa have any kind of unique small arms that you guys intend to make btw?

...or are you just using fnfals etc etc?

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Very nice models!! While the designs themselfs not exactly are any marvels of estethics these models are very well done. smile_o.gif

I recently purchased Larry Bonds "Vortex" and "Red Phoenix" and I'm going to start on Vortex as soon as I'm done with Red Phoenix. I'll be keeping tabs on you guys. ;)

I'm looking forward to the R4, ie the SA version of the Galil SAR. While not uniqe it is a weapon only done once and that is by LoBo mod very recently. And I hope it gets a proper 35 round magazine. biggrin_o.gif

edit: Come to think of it the R-4 was adopted sometime in the mid-late 80's iirc so its a bit out of your initial target era... but hope springs eternal as they saying goes. smile_o.gif

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Right now we've got an FN-FAL (R-1) rifle and an FN MAG. I'm working on the R-4 (Galil) right now for the next beta of the soldiers. Eventually we'll have the SS-77 GPMG as well, in 7.62 and 5.56mm variants.

Vortex is what got me interested in SA in the first place, probably around 15 years ago. wink_o.gif

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All I can say is wow!   Second to the IDF military hardware, I think the South African armor is some of the coolest and most unique.  I can't wait to make missions with this mod.  I hope you all also look into "Executive Outcomes" mercenary units as well.  



Chris G.

aka-Miles Teg<GD>

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Heres a picture of the type of african civilian buildings i'll be making yous can have them onced i've finished them if your still interested.


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Wow nice stuff their stu , i am always a big fan of different object/buildings in OFP they add a lot to the envoirnment and feel.

Anyway some pics of beta units:


SANDF forces fighting rebels

More images will be uploaded and posted on the BUSH FiRE website once Hellfish has updated it so have alook there too wink_o.gif

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...The system is mounted on Vibes Samil-20 (another Bushfires creation). The model is almost ready and it will be COC UA compatible.  smile_o.gif

I'm glad to see your planning to use scripting like CoC's UA.  Keep up the work guys.

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Wow nice stuff their stu , i am always a big fan of different object/buildings in OFP they add a lot to the envoirnment and feel.

Anyway some pics of beta units:

SANDF fighting rebels

SANDF forces fighting rebels

More images will be uploaded and posted on the BUSH FiRE website once Hellfish has updated it so have alook there too wink_o.gif

Looks damn nice (except for the MAG in the second pic ;) )

I really like the way the vehicles and the soldiers look..

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Yeah its a model fault there fixing it , it somehow slipped in the beta unnoticed , blame hellfish if you want to though tounge_o.gif

And technically these units are SADF not SANDF soldiers are the ones which belong in the post 94 era or so ive been told by Vibes. Soi kinda labelled that pic wrongly ..

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The FN MAG was fixed before the beta was even released - I accidentally put the wrong model in the package. Ah well. Next version will be corrected. wink_o.gif

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What conflict would you like to see us do?

We at bushfires would like to hear your opinions so we started a poll on our forums on what conflict you would like to be featured next by bushfires. If you would like to see a conflict not listed in the poll specify further in the thread. We also would like to hear motivation why you want to see a conflict featured.

You can find the poll here.

Note: You have to register before you can vote.


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And if you register, you get access to the team forums to see what we're doing. wink_o.gif

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I would like to see the Ivory Coast conflict !

You could use existing troops by OFRP.

Latest developments:



Combats entre militaires français et ivoiriens ŕ l`aéroport d`Abidjan

AFP - 11/6/2004 12:10:44 PM

Des combats ont éclaté samedi vers 16H00 (locales et entre militaires français et ivoiriens Å• l'aéroport international d'Abidjan, qui a été fermé au trafic international, a-t-on appris auprÄs du porte-parole de l'opération française Licorne en Côte d'Ivoire, le colonel Henry Aussavy.

Fightings begun this Saturday at 4 PM (local time) between french soldiers and IC regular army at Abidjan International Airport


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You could use existing troops by OFRP.

Big chance that we already do.

We are going to use Frenchpoint stuff in our Djibouti project wink_o.gif

But we also consider the Ivory Coast conflict (look in our poll) wink_o.gif

Please keep voting everybody unclesam.gif

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I can't seem to access your forums sad_o.gif

Strange maybe try again later?

Here are pictures of Cuban infantry that is in beta stage right now:

Cubans ready to attack South African Postions:



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What is a Striker?  rock.gif

Oops, maybe it has a different name... Striker is a SAR combat shotgun, and there's a shorter version "Bulldog"

as well as a greande launcher similar to MM-1...

You know what I'm talking about?..

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In the meantime Marmelade A.K.A. Shinkansen joined our mod and he has been busy on the Mirage F1, Impala, Cheetah and AN-2.

Here are some WIP pics of it:



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Quote[/b] ]We're planning to use Frenchpoint units and some to-be-determined American units (HYK or Laser's troops) as well.

HYK, Please! biggrin_o.gif

Are you going to use own weapons for OPFOR or will you perhaps ask ORCS (RHS?) or INQ if you could use theirs?

The guns from ORCS Motorized Inf. would allways be nice...

Anyways: Really nice work, guys!

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Are you going to use own weapons for OPFOR or will you perhaps ask ORCS (RHS?) or INQ if you could use theirs?

The guns from ORCS Motorized Inf. would allways be nice...

We just want to use the JAM2 pack for our OPFOR units xmas_o.gif

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