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Bushfires Mod

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Is there going to be any mission in the beta? What about the Angolan campaign, any info?

I dont think the betas are for public release rock.gif

I think the finals will be released only but you better ask hellfish about this , this is only my speculation.

Missions will be there for the final release i guess smile_o.gif

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Quote[/b] ]I dont think the betas are for public release

*slaps forehead*

that is what you get when you average around 3-4 hours of sleep for about 2 months.... crazy_o.gif

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We're talking about releasing a demo at some point in the future when we have enough new stuff to make it worthwhile. While the Buffel and the soldiers are a significant step forward for us (being our first real addon) we've still got a lot to do.

You can expect a demo when the following units are completed:

Ratel-20 IFV (25% done)

Ratel-90 FSV (25% done - Sniper Skull is still working on base model)

R-4 rifle (95% done)

Puma/Oryx helo (50% done - we have the model, just need to texture it)

Olifant Mk1A (75% done)

Soldiers (95% done - just need R4 soldiers in config)

FN MAG (99% done - minor texture issue)

Buffel (100% done)

The demo release will probably require the BAS Tonal/Tango pack, as the island won't be done in the near future.

As for the Djibouti project, we're hoping for cooperation from the Frenchpoint team to help out with the campaign and possibly some additional French equipment.

For this project, you can expect to see three types of Djiboutian soldiers (Force d'Action Rapide, regulars and militia), some new (and sometimes weird) armored vehicles and a new OpFor pack. We're planning to use Frenchpoint units and some to-be-determined American units (HYK or Laser's troops) as well.

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Sounds great!

Now dont forget to post some update pics. Theres nothing worse than a website that never gets updated. crazy_o.gifwink_o.gifbiggrin_o.gif

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H6 - The SAAF Buccaneer is looking for a home:


Should be ready in a week or two (cockpit and config work

currently). I can let you have MLOD's and layered texture files

for the SAAF version...

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Wow those planes are looking good , whats the weapons loadout like for these ? Plus are those roundels SAAF's?

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I would like to contribute some african civilian buildings & other civilian stuff.

Cos i'm going to start a map some where in africa for my mod some time soon.  I've havent made anything yet.

But when i do your welcone to them.  If you want. smile_o.gif

I'd like to see what you're doing.  smile_o.gif

You can go here My Webpage to see what i'm doing.

I'll be starting the africa stuff soon just need to search for some good pictures.

i was going to do some where in egypt but decided to do africa instead. smile_o.gif

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Wow those planes are looking good , whats the weapons loadout like for these ? Plus are those roundels SAAF's?

Right now, SAAF Bucc carries 'dumb' bombs and rockets. Gun

pods were also used, IIRC.

And yes, those are SAAF roundels:


There was also a version with an orange Springbok instead of

the eagle.

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So if I say the soldiers look good I'll get to see some more pictures of them too? Thanks for the pictures of the truck. That thing look really cool (for a truck) smile_o.gif

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Just to clarify...

You are releasing the South Africans as a standalone set and then OPFOR at a later date?

And ya, that does look good (for a truck) biggrin_o.gif

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We're gonna release stuff as we get around to it. wink_o.gif

I mentioned a page or two back about a demo. We don't really have set projects - we research everything we can continuously and our modellers pick and chose what they want to do basically.

Eventually we'll release a campaign or maybe even a full-blown mod, but that's a ways off.

If you register at our forums, you get access to all the team areas so you can see what we're doing and talking about. While I respect that most addon/mod teams like their privacy, I've been in contact with too many South Africans and Namibians to keep things hidden from them, and I'd especially like the input from the vets of the wars early in the development process instead of later. You never know when someone who isn't on the team might look at something we're working on and have a better way of doing it.

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I am happy to present the Valkiri Multiple Artillery Rocket System by Bushfires.



Valkiri Fact File

The system is mounted on Vibes Samil-20 (another Bushfires creation). The model is almost ready and it will be COC UA compatible. smile_o.gif

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Just curious... any plans for Striker or Eland (did I spell that right?) aka AML-90?

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a bit offtop...

To: SPQR - Operation Frenchpoint are maing THIS unit? rock.gif

(see your advisor's logo)

My God... good luck guys, I hope you will be able to complete it!

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Just curious... any plans for Striker or Eland (did I spell that right?) aka AML-90?

Started on the Eland, but I don't know if it will be included in the first release. What is a Striker? rock.gif

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We will have 32 Bn soldiers - including their distinctive berets and also with FAPLA uniforms. You can also expect, at some time, Zulus, Bushmen and probably Cape Town Highlanders.

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