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Bushfires Mod

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Any chance it'll get at least one MG position on it?

Yep smile_o.gif

EDIT: It will mount the M1919 by Vibes wink_o.gif

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Hey, dropping by,

Looking good guys! (Maybe the screens were a tad over-sharpened) wink_o.gif

PS. I'd really like to help you guys out. I might know squat about Africa, but I'm willing to learn more. I'm also busy on my OPFOR pack at the moment, but I know my work is kind of related so...

Skills are: Scripting (incl. math), texturing, modelling (some). (in that order)

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The only thing I would change is the south african flag, you are using the new one adopted before Mandella became president. It's a minor point but an important one. Otherwise everything is looking good.

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Yeah, that's a good point. Originally the intent was to be modern day, but we all kind of decided that we all thought the Bush War was more interesting for our first project.

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Sorry that flag thing is my mistake probably i didnt knew about the old flag , so i used the new one.

Anyone got a pic of the old one?

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What the ... they have 4 flags rolled in to one ? crazy_o.gif

I recognize Hollands and Englands who do the other 2 belong too?

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Actually, it's Great Britian, the Oranje Free State and the Transvaal flags you see. smile_o.gif

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Any plans for a G6?

With proper arty scripts?

Not yet in the makings but on the drawing board smile_o.gif

And our artillery will use COC UA wink_o.gif

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We're just going into our first beta now, and I thought some might be interested to know what it includes. All are Vibes' work, with some config work by me:

Quote[/b] ]BUFFEL:

Class: SADF Vehicles

Buffel MPV

Buffel MPV (Koevoet)

SADF Infantry

Class: SADF Early Nutria Soldiers

SADF Infantry at ease Boonie

SADF Infantry Combat Boonie

SADF Infantry at ease Cap

SADF Infantry Combat Cap

SADF Infantry Combat Helm

SADF Infantry at Ease Helm

SADF MAG Gunner Boonie

SADF MAG Gunner Helm

SADF RPG Gunner Boonie

SADF RPG Gunner Helm

SADF Grenadier Boonie

SADF Grenadier Helm

SADF Infantry at Ease SH Boon

SADF Infantry Combat SH Boon

SADF Infantry at Ease SH Cap

SADF Infantry Combat SH Cap

SADF Infantry Combat SH Helm

SADF Infantry at Ease SH Cap

SADF MAG Gunner SH Boon

SADF MAG Gunner SH Helm


These were originally camoed SADF soldiers from Vibes, but they look exactly like the Koevoet police counter insurgency uniforms of the era, so I thought I'd add them as a seperate force for more diversity.

Class: SADF Koevoet Police

Koevoet Boonie W/O Webbing

Koevoet Boonie With Webbing

Koevoet Cap W/O Webbing

Koevoet Cap With Webbing

Koevoet MAG Gunner w/Boonie

Koevoet SH Boonie W/O Webbing

Koevoet SH Boonie With Webbing

Koevoet SH Cap W/O Webbing

Koevoet SH Cap With Webbing

Koevoet MAG Gunner SH Boonie

At Ease = without webbing

SH = short sleaves

The next version of the beta will include "late" SADF ('80s-90s era) troops with R-4 rifles and a new grenade launcher.

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I would like to contribute some african civilian buildings & other civilian stuff.

Cos i'm going to start a map some where in africa for my mod some time soon. I've havent made anything yet.

But when i do your welcone to them. If you want. smile_o.gif

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What are the plans (for future) for other SADF vehicles?


Off course, we have the Olifant MK1 wich only needs texturing, it will also get more configurations like the MK1B and the MK2. We have models of the G5, Samil-100 in O2 and the Ratel is being made by Sniper Skull.

We are also working on the launch of project Task force - Horn of Africa, wich will cover the operations of the Djiboutian army and US forces conducted to eliminate terrorism in the Horn of Africa. You can find more info about that here.

New stuff you will be seeing here are Djiboutian soldiers, and off course vehicles like:

- T55's

- M60's

- AML's

- BTR-60

- VBL's

- M923's in several variants

- ZSU-23's

But this is just an initial list wink_o.gif

And off course this will include the great Djibouti island donated by Bardamu smile_o.gif

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I would like to contribute some african civilian buildings & other civilian stuff.

Cos i'm going to start a map some where in africa for my mod some time soon.  I've havent made anything yet.

But when i do your welcone to them.  If you want. smile_o.gif

I'd like to see what you're doing. smile_o.gif

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New stuff you will be seeing here are Djiboutian soldiers, and off course vehicles like:

- T55's

- M60's

- AML's

- BTR-60

- VBL's

- M923's in several variants

- ZSU-23's

The Guluf Armoured Bataillon (650 men) is composed of :

- 2 armoured squadrons

- 1 infantry squadron mounting VLRAs

The first armoured squadron uses french equipment, AML and VBLs. A 1st AS's platoon is composed of :

- 4 AML-90

- 1 AML-60

- 1 VBL, having a 12.7mm NSV machinegun as weapon

- 1 fire-support Type-63 chinese rocket launcher armed Toyota

The 2nd squadron has Hummers, BRDM-2 and BTR-60.

It seems that they modified some BTR-60, replacing the KPVT turret with an AML-90 turret...

For djiboutian VBL photos or more, don't hesitate to PM me

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For djiboutian VBL photos or more, don't hesitate to PM me

Look in your inbox wink_o.gif

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- 1 fire-support Type-63 chinese rocket launcher armed Toyota

Please tell me you'll make one of these and a hilux with a MG as well, they get used all over the place.

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We've had plans for it for a long time... it's just a matter of when we get around to it.

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I'd like to offer my help as a texturer, i dont know how much i'd be able to help you or if i could in fact help you, but i'd like to offer it anyway

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this all sound very good to me. Love to the first results of this mod. The troops and vehicles are all very good (from the screenshots) and really fill a gap in the OFP world (where there are no good african forces).

Keep up this very fine work!!!

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