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Who should be the enemy..

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how about an rebel alliance of all things annoying..

A mixed force of teletubbies, power rangers, pokemon, people who talegate, people who wear their hats sideways, DPS workers, bob ross, al gore (he invented war) and all the people who start and contribute to the USvsUK threads..

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OK, now let me add my 5 cents smile.gif

I've been thinking about all this and have come to the following conclusions:

Making a mod covering 1967 – 2000 100% realistic is very difficult if not impossible. Both equipment and uniforms have change over these years. So we have to compromise. Make something in-between. No too modern equipment and no too old. For example no TAVOR assault rifle and no FN-FAL. The uniform should be something like in 90. Zelda and Nagmash haven’t really changed so this is not an issue. Magah 6 suits this plot well. Merkava is impossible to make right now due to lack of modeling tools. (BTW it came in prod. around 1982, right ?) etc etc etc

So about the enemies: I say we make Egyptian, Syrian and PA armies (PA and Hizbollah campaigns will be more of infantry vs infantry – don’t expect chasing men in tanks!)

But anyway lets finish units first and then build missions and campaigns with what we have !

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Yeah Noone! I absolutly agree with you - however I guess we shuld now in which direction to go first wink.gif

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This is what I think:

It would be foolish to pretend that this region of the world does not carry a lot more sensitive issues than other places, it IS political wether you like it or not...

To avoid any unfair demonisation of peoples in the region it would be best to root it fully in a historical conflict/skirmish.

Any event in this could not offend as they are historical fact and can't be argued with.

It will also make the mod more realistic and better to play.

We all want that don't we?

PS: Impressive work Noone and Co!

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AFAIK lebanon doesnt really have a government which has anything to say about what goes on in the country. Its more run by the syrians (?) and some terrorist movements so it is very unstable (and poor). For those reasons I think it would make a good opposing force if a good scenario was made. I could be completly wrong about lebanon offcourse. My mom and dad went there once before it got fucked up and said it was once a really beautifull and prosperous country ..... before the civil war

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How about a storyline like Leon Uris' book "Exodus". Back in in the late 40s, kicking the Brits out, founding Israel.



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Too complicated. We do not have modeling tools yet, so no 40's equipment can be made right now. Maybe later....

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Personally if you make an IDF Mod for the game set it during 82-84 in Lebanon. IDF is west Equiv, Syria is Soviet Equiv (very little modification need here), the PLO and Lebanese militas use Resistance. This time period allows you have many combinations for plots and such. In one mission you may be fighting resistance say the PLO and in the next you are assiting them say one of the christian militas.

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Or you could take the IDF forces and try invade...ummm...MALTA!!!! Now there's an idea! Not many ppl from Malta around wink.gif

As for WHY? I don't know...temporary insanity?

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Yeah... "IDF takes over the world mod", eh ? We gonna need some plasma rifles and battle mechs add-ons... BTW - if we just had SDK - we could do a nice Mechwarrior MOD i guess biggrin.gif

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