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Okay children behave,this thread is about lasers pilots NOT the apache,if you want to compare it then make a thread otherwise please stop spamming Laser's thread,as much as we like hearing people are enjoying the apache this is getting rediculous.

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OK, people, i've decided to reconsider the contents of US helicopter pilots pack... it would include not only AH-64 pilots, but Army regular helicopter pilot and crew chief, Army attack heli pilot and weapons officer, Navy chopper pilot and 160th SOAR pilot and crew chief. There are already HGU-56P and IHADSS (the one pictured on the photos provided by DB-ERAUPilot... it seems to be the same basic IHADSS, only with different visor housing) helmets done, and i'm halfway through Naval SPH-3 helmet. SOAR seems to be wearing the same basic HGU-56P helmet, only in black and sporting some modifications (i.e. face shield, different battery pack and other small things), so it would not be hard to make it.

As for the vest, it seems that Airsave is being worn all over, so i'll make Airsave instead of the current vest. Thus, i'd like to ask a favor from all of you rotorheads (esp. Gatordev): if that's possible, could you please provide some pics of the Airsave and some distinct gear pieces that are used by Naval chopper pilots?

Hey Laser, have you got any plans to make additional ground crew and whatnot? Or will that be the crew cheif?

I think you ought to look into making a FARP crew set, that would rock!  smile_o.gif


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The pilot pack is a great idea, something I wanted for some time, but I was thinking on top of that, how about including some fighter pilots. That would be really neat and it would be the 1st complete pilot pack. Im really looking forward to this. Keep up the great work. Thanks!

Also some ground crews like Franze suggested would be extreamly nice. It's kind of alot but the result I think would be wonderful, it would add a new athmosphere in OFP.

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Hi Laser...

I've just been fooling around with a couple of unit replacement mods... looking at the different units each used as replacements and wondering which ones to include in an ECP edit I'm busy working on...

Then I realised... We now have stunningly good quality US troops/Us Rangers/Russian Naval Infantry and Spetz/Pilots (forthcoming from you!wink_o.gif... But NOBODY has really done equivalent top-quality Resistance troops to match!

What do you think of that idea for the next Laser projectt???

A rag-tag band of assorted guys with bits and pieces of Soviet and US hardware, uniforms and equipment, belts, pouches, etc...? You must have lots of different pieces of models from all your units that would be suitable - with some of your usual awesome texturing thrown in to give a more unified look...

Lasers Resistance?huh.gif Think about it........ maybe?..... Sometime?huh.gif

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They sure do... and that's why everybody uses them... but aren't they just esentially retextured BIS units? Compare a retextured BIS West unit to HYK or Lasers Rangers, or a retextured East to a hi-res ORCs unit, or Lasers recent Naval Infantry... it's just a completely different league.... and the only guys who haven't had a major 2005-quality update are Resistance...


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suggest you look to CLSA mod for the updated resistsnace units before making yourself feel silly, same thing MAPFAC mod reqworked the restiance units as well making them very very danagerous.

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Quote[/b] ]but aren't they just esentially retextured BIS units?
Quote[/b] ]Compare a retextured BIS West unit to HYK or Lasers Rangers, or a retextured East to a hi-res ORCs unit
Quote[/b] ]suggest you look to CLSA mod for the updated resistsnace units before making yourself feel silly

Those resistance units in CSLA ARE the exact same BIS "retexed" res units made by Edge from before.

There's nothing wrong with them but thats not what hes saying. Hes talking NEW upgraded models and textures for the resistance side...thats the comparison made using HYK or Lasers units.

Maybe stop attacking people and learn to read.


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Only diff HYK had really in terms of model was the new helmet,goggles and other assortments of gear on the body but that was enough,theres no need to make a new model for every 1 project.

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Quote[/b] ]Only diff HYK had really in terms of model was the new helmet,goggles and other assortments of gear on the body but that was enough,theres no need to make a new model for every 1 project.

if a new resistance soldier pack is created.  I dont think people will want them to look like HYK's soldiers.

I certainly dont.  and I think his model had alot more change than helmet, gear and goggles ...

for the pilots.  Let me say, they look like the best pilots created in flashpoint.  I hope to use these soon  biggrin_o.gif .

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if a new resistance soldier pack is created. I dont think people will want them to look like HYK's soldiers.

I certainly dont. and I think his model had alot more change than helmet, gear and goggles ...

Probably so,but I didn't examine them all that thouroughly,and of course there is the obvious major textures difference,till some of the best I seen.

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CLSA models are updated and even proporly scaled to stand the height of people from those areas.

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I like this idea very much, something like eastern-europe or tsetsenian guerillas... with mostly armed with RPG-7's, AK's, FN-FAL's, G3's, RPK's and PK's/PKM's...

You could make your guerilla weapon pack and add AK's and RPG's from RHS and PK's from WPS and FN-FAL's and G3's there are good models by Lt Hunter... think about it...

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It wasn't such a dumb idea after all then!

I was just thinking along the lines of - If I was to try and outfit a bunch of guerillas here in a mythical war-torn UK and we boosted a warehouse full of army surplus gear, if it's anything like what you see in the surplus stores, we'd all be wearing ex-german army combats (all the shops are full of them - with all insignia except the little german flag removed), but ancilliary kit like beanies, pouches, belts, etc, etc seem to be a wild mix of european/brit/unidentifiable stuff, some nice boots (brit and expensive US ones)... you get the idea...

If you throw in some other stuff scavenged or stolen from the 2 mythical major protagonists (USA/Soviet), then the guerillas are gonna look like a pretty mixed bunch. And that's not even starting on the weapons which, in our imaginary scenario, would also be a mix of whatever could be stolen, bought on the black market or supplied by either side keen to have insurgents on their side... (Lasers weapons and RHS weapons, both of which a lot of people will have installed already, would pretty much cover that).

The reason I suggested all this in the first place is because of the range and quality of all Lasers accessories like belts, pouches, beanies, etc... A basic Laser soldier model with a quality texture job, plus a wild mix of both east and west extra kit using all the bits and pieces he has available from all his other stuff would make a great hypothetical generic guerilla unit... AND... not be TOO difficult and time-consuming for him if he could re-use stuff he already has...


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OK, i'm back... and here's some stuff which is in the works right now. I'd like to say that my SEAL project has not been discontinued, and here's the proof - the first (and only so far) screenshot of SEAL VBSS units.

Screenshot (over 100 kb)

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Looking good Laser, still dislike the head-model as it looks more "eastern European/Russian" than "American" but this has been exhausted so I'll leave it there.

Slightly off-topic, but the great yet over-looked DMA Resistance units are high-quality and deserve a look as they're only 2mb or something.

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Wow laser they look great, but I'm pretty sure the guy on the right is actully in delta force because I remember seeing him in thew movie blackhawk down :P (nah just kidden) they look top notch just wondering should the overalls be a shade darker? also do we get to see desert verisons of these units

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OK, i will try to change the facial features to more "american" type. Note that the head has been slightly optimized and more correctly mapped. There are also new hand models (head and hands courtesy of DPS). And i think there will be included desert versions of these units, i will use desert Nomex from my pilots' pack.

Now, a bit of a close-up...


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Whoa...the head,hands..ah hell the entire model+texture has me in awe,your really great with infantry man. I just don't understand how you do it so well tounge2.gif

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Wow they look fantastic you are truly the god of gods I mean no one even comes close . . . hehehe I can't wait for these to be released, btw apart from Seals are you working on any other units?

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