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I started college this monday and just wondering what course's everyone else is doing. These are mine:




Goverment & Politics (Though im changing this to computing as it's boring as hell)

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Goverment & Politics (Though im changing this to computing as it's boring as hell)

*chuckle* yep, and computing is oh so exciting (well, it is given an insane enough deadline, or the ocasional fun project)

Anyways, I'm a Computer Engineering student, just finishing up a few courses. This semester I'm taking Electronics I, and Operating System Development. Next semester I take Electronics II, and then I go looking for a "real job" tounge_o.gif

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Ah well,

Maths, EVEN MORE maths, physics and chemistry (they won't let me take biology *sniff*)...

Still alive though... and for some reason, I'm beginning to enjoy calculus (even if my integration is sub par, but hey...)

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In second semster of my first year for a Bachelor of Geographic Information Systems (GIS), though likely to switch over to Geoinformatics & Surveying at the end of second year.

This semester:


Geomatics 1

Physics for Geoinformatics

Imaging Technology

Alot of it's computer based work using programs like ESRI ArcMap and ERDS Imagine, but also spend 3 to 4 hours per week doing surveying practicals.

As soon as I find some spare time, I might start Island Making for OFP biggrin_o.gif

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Starting my first year of college, aiming for a bachelor in journalism.

(don't worry, I hope to get into computer or games magazines, I won't bother people with politically opiniated pieces smile_o.gif )

Four languages to learn, I'll be very confused...

Dutch (mother language), French (official second language of Belgium), English (heh...hehe biggrin_o.gif : my real second language) and Spanish (a first for me).

French and Spanish scare me. sad_o.gif

The other things are stuff like psychology and sociology, which I've had in high school, I'm pretty confident about those.

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I'm in my last (fourth) year of my study Mechanical Engineering (Bachelor degree). After this I'll go to the university to get my Master degree in Mechanical Engineering (will take me another two years at least).

And after that I'll join the Marine Corps biggrin_o.gif

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Goverment & Politics (Though im changing this to computing as it's boring as hell)

*chuckle* yep, and computing is oh so exciting (well, it is  given an insane enough deadline, or the ocasional fun project)

Anyways, I'm a Computer Engineering student, just finishing up a few courses. This semester I'm taking Electronics I, and Operating System Development. Next semester I take Electronics II, and then I go looking for a "real job"  tounge_o.gif

Anything is better then G+P maybe apart from Key skills (which is compulsory). Computing's got to be better ain't it?

I've applied to change course anyway.

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bleh...undergrads...what are they whining about. come to graduate school and then you can say something.... tounge_o.gif

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aviation safety class, aviation law class, english 300, intro. to physics, and macroecon.

homework, homework, homework

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aviation safety class, aviation law class, english 300, intro. to physics, and macroecon.

homework, homework, homework

wth? lol

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Ha ha ha, poor saps slaving away on keyboards and paper.  I'm just about finished, savering my graduation when it comes.  All I have left is an upper level Graduating course and a basic course in Java, then I'm done.

Word to the wise, fall in love with your college courses, worship your computer, support and spend time with friends doing well in your major, and always find a way to squeeze in 1 to 2 hours of multiplayer carnage and destruction.  OFP or Counterstrike, either one will help vanquish the partying demons that tempt you to get totally wasted or high regularly and put your future in the toilet.

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I'm doing an HNC (Higher National Certificate) Computing Course. It's okay, but the Pascal language kills me! crazy_o.gif I see no practical use for it, the way they're teaching us! A few hundred number adding codes is basically all it is... hell, I got three (THREE! crazy_o.gif) hours of it tomorrow morning (MORNING! crazy_o.gif)!

As you can probably tell, it's driving me crazy (CRAZY! crazy_o.gif)!

Must... resist urge... to shoot self.....

[Gareth Gates must die]

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Doing my A2's now, and carrying on from AS: Sociology, Geography, and Media, plus did Psychology last year, for AS only.

Geography i dont like much (its OK), but carrying it on as people think Soc and Media are 'soft' subjects. mad_o.gif (Don't see them doing them), and so i think i gotta do a subject like Geo for getting a job.

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Second year (of four) of Business IT @ the HHS in The Hague smile_o.gif

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Im doin A2 also, carryin on from AS last year are

Further Maths (applied)



I did Government and Politics last year, and I thought it was great, lol smile_o.gif

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I did Government and Politics last year, and I thought it was great, lol  smile_o.gif

great? or greatly crap, lol

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