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Pappy Boyington

Nasty Class 80' Vietnam PTF Boat

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Are PT boats still in use today? I have no clue. I really like the one with the sharks mouth on it.

I don't think so I think NAVSPECWAR handles most riverine duty now..could be wrong though

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I suspect the more modern navies no longer use PT boats but I think many of the smaller navies have craft such as these, although many have exchanged the torpedoes for missiles.

I also beleive they can be found in the criminal world....

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Are PT boats still in use today?  I have no clue.  I really like the one with the sharks mouth on it.

I don't think so I think NAVSPECWAR handles most riverine duty now..could be wrong though

USCG handels most of the river patrols (home and abroad... IE: iraq)

and Quintian McHale uses a PT boat tounge_o.gif

i was thinkin too of a Resistance forces would use PT boats to fend off russian invasions and such. you know the old story.. crazy old war buff livin in a peaceful cabin hears of the invasion gets a couple friends together... hop on the boat. and put a few torps into the russian armored carring ships. put a few rounds into shore borne invaders, and viola. a resistance effort to stop a ful fledged invasion smile_o.gif

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Looks Great! I can't wait till you get all the little bugs fixed.

AFAIK, the Nasty's (a Norwiegen boat, not US) were bought to be used in clandestine ops into North Vietnam.

It was an SOG operation. Any US personnel on the boats were "sterilized". They were manned with Vietnamese crews are were largely used in a PsyWar OP to confuse the NVA.

Quite an amazing operation if you read up on it. Not very effective, but different.

Again, great work Klink and Pappy smile_o.gif

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norway madem first. but the US then contracted the design and built some here in the states too wink_o.gif

Quote[/b] ]In all, 42 NASTYS were built in Norway: 20 for their own Navy's use, six for Greece, two for Turkey (as war reparations from West Germany), and 14 were built for the US. Designated PTF, these 14 were bought for use in Vietnam. Six more PTF's were built in the U.S. by John Trumpy and Sons of Annapolis, Maryland (some parts, such as the keel and stem were imported).

however i wont dispute your comments about them being crewd by SV forces but thier use however seems to lack a few things wink_o.gif

Quote[/b] ]Deployment

The US Navy trained Vietnamese crews on Norwegian Boats. These boats were active in coastal bombardment, covert maritime operations, and amphibious raids against transshipment points to destroy/disrupt normal logistic flow. They were used to intercept and destroy infiltration trawlers that had been designated a threat and destroy/disrupt the North Vietnamese fishing industry along the coast of North Vietnam.

http://www.ptfnasty.com/ smile_o.gif

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and Quintian McHale uses a PT boat  tounge_o.gif

Ahh McHales Navy. I love that show.  smile_o.gif

PT 73

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Have you e-mailed Dan regarding yours and Klink's wonderful creation?  From the looks of his web-site, I bet this guy would JUMP out of his skin if he knew about how cool it is....

This would definitely make his day!  Just a thought...

mailto:[email protected]?subject=PTF History

Hey, if your too busy making addons (and please don't stop, we need them!!!!), I don't mind being the one to break the good news...


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jus downloaded 'n' tested it...its tight...but how did you get the .45 colt to go back each time you fired?

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I am wondering why these boats do not propose the same features than the coastguard one. I mean by that the posibility to walk on the bridge and maybe a passenger position inside the boat.

One version that I really would like to play with would be a PBR with the same features: an additional M60 at the back and a cargo space in the cabine. Just to wonder on the river like in Apocalypse now...

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yea well umm whoops tounge_o.gif didnt get itme to implement that... well we kinda forgot.

the 45 is king homers... its a model special thing in the config

about emailing dan... no. no i didnt but i think i might go ahead and do that smile_o.gif

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I am wondering why these boats do not propose the same features than the coastguard one. I mean by that the posibility to walk on the bridge and maybe a passenger position inside the boat.

One version that I really would like to play with would be a PBR with the same features: an additional M60 at the back and a cargo space in the cabine. Just to wonder on the river like in Apocalypse now...

The boats were designed to see if multiple guns could be implemented on a boat. The walking about on deck and cargospaces will be looked at at a later date.


I sent them an email prior to release, but never heard back from them.

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Why do you call it 'nasty' class?I don't see the reason because it's so nice!OMG!I'm going to die if my download stops.

Never had it before.*Clicks Edgefiles Mirror* biggrin_o.gif

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Why do you call it 'nasty' class?I don't see the reason because it's so nice!OMG!I'm going to die if my download stops.

Never had it before.*Clicks Edgefiles Mirror* biggrin_o.gif

umm cuz thats what THEY call it wink_o.gif

and with all the guns on it... that is one nasty mo-fecker smile_o.gif

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the guy on the recieving side would probably disagree with your opinion about the boat biggrin_o.gif

This thing is a beast. The Vietnam Brown Water Navy in general was very deadly for the enemy.

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the guy on the recieving side would probably disagree with your opinion about the boat biggrin_o.gif

This thing is a beast. The Vietnam Brown Water Navy in general was very deadly for the enemy.


Have a nice day. biggrin_o.gif

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The worst weapon in the Brown Water Navy, without a doubt, were/are the green-faced Shark Men. wink_o.gif

And there are those of us here who know exactly what that means.

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I'd hardly missed that!

Just noticed this thread .... multiple gun positions! Great!  biggrin_o.gif

THX Colonel_Klink!

btw: Any news about the fishing boats? I was offline for a while, so perhaps i missed news about that project, too.

MfG MEDICUS  smile_o.gif

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You have to look in his dc3 Forum Medi !

Great things going on there :-)

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I'd hardly missed that!

Just noticed this thread .... multiple gun positions! Great!  biggrin_o.gif

THX Colonel_Klink!

btw: Any news about the fishing boats? I was offline for a while, so perhaps i missed news about that project, too.

MfG MEDICUS  smile_o.gif

search the forum. we released a WWII pt boat with multi guns too smile_o.gif

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Sorry to dredge up this ol' chestnut,

Is there any way to stop the flag appearing when a driver gets in the boat?

I know you can set a Soviet or Vietnamese flag by putting "flagsoviet = true"/"flagvietnam = true" in the boat's init box, but I'd like to use it with no flag at all, or specify another flag texture.



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Came up with a quick and dirty fix. I'm sure there's a more elegant solution, if you're not a total scripting noob like me wink_o.gif

I guess this'll work with the Huckins too:

<table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">


;replaces the default usa/soviet/vietnamese flag a flag of your choice when a specific unit

;gets in nasty class as driver

;place an empty nasty class on the map and name it boat1 or whatever you want

;place a trigger on the map

;set trigger activation to repeatedly

;in trigger condition field paste either

; player in boat1

; or

; whateverunitname in boat1

;in on activation field paste

; [boat1] exec "setnewflag.sqs"

;now when the player or specified unit gets in the chosen flag will set after a short pause

;default flag will show for a split second - don't know how to get around this

;also, gunner getting in after driver will reset flag to default

;script corrects this after a short pause

;note you can use custom flags placed directly in the mission's folder

;custom flag file must be a 128x256 non-progressive jpg

_boat= _this select 0


_flag = "FlagCarrier" camcreate [0,0,0]

_flag setFlagTexture "\flags\France.jpg"

;_flag setFlagTexture "custom128x256nonprogressivejpg.jpg"

_flag setFlagOwner driver _boat

_driver = driver _boat

camdestroy _flag



?!(_driver in _boat):goto "exit"

_gunner = gunner _boat

?(_gunner in _boat): goto "reset"

goto "repeat1"



_flag setFlagTexture "\flags\France.jpg"

;_flag setFlagTexture "custom128x256nonprogressivejpg.jpg"

_flag setFlagOwner driver _boat



?!(_driver in _boat):goto "exit"

?!(_gunner in _boat): goto "repeat1"

goto "repeat2"


_flag setFlagOwner objnull


What a classic addon. Definitely the Gentleman's choice for messing about on the water  inlove.gif



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The patrol boat is usable in your Nam scenarios too. They were involved in the Tonkin incident. biggrin_o.gif

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Here's another little script for fully AI crewed Nastys. Say you wanted to crew one with Tonali pirates, for instance:

<table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">


;lets an AI drive the nasty class boat with all guns crewed

;place an empty nasty class on the map near the shore. name it boat1

;on the shore nearby, place 5 men. name them man1, man2, man3, man4 and man5

;man1 will be the driver of the boat. give him waypoints for where you want the boat to go

;BUT give the first waypoint a timeout of 30-60 seconds to give everyone time to get in

;in the init field for man1, paste this

;                                this assignAsDriver boat1; [this] orderGetIn true

;now for the gunners. place a trigger, can be set to once or repeated

;in condition field, paste this

;                                man1 in boat1

;in activation field, paste this

;                                [man2, man3, man4, man5, boat1] exec "crewnasty.sqs"

;now when you start the mission, man1 should get into the boat, closely followed by the rest

;note the men can be grouped, partially grouped or not grouped


_gunner1 = _this select 0

_gunner2 = _this select 1

_gunner3 = _this select 2

_gunner4 = _this select 3

_boat = _this select 4


;crew the forward gun as normal

_gunner1 assignasgunner _boat

[_gunner1] ordergetin true


;crew the bofors

_bofors = nearestobject [_boat,"cwkPTFAftBofors"]

_gunner2 assignasgunner _bofors

[_gunner2] ordergetin true

;crew the port 20mm

_port20mm = nearestobject [_boat,"cwkPTFPort20mm"]

_gunner3 assignasgunner _port20mm

[_gunner3] ordergetin true

;crew the starboard 20mm

_starboard20mm = nearestobject [_boat,"cwkPTFstab20mm"]

_gunner4 assignasgunner _starboard20mm

[_gunner4] ordergetin true


...makes for some dangerous waters, though due to aforementioned dead gamelogic issues, you'll have to rely on your AI teammates to take it down wink_o.gif



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actualy i believe klink solved that, and the updated version was fixed. so the version you download should have that solved... i think. i dont remember because it was so long ago

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Hi Pappy,

Quote[/b] ]actualy i believe klink solved that, and the updated version was fixed. so the version you download should have that solved... i think.

I can't find any mention of a released update. The boat files I have are:

cwk_pt.pbo date 9/1/2004 12.54AM 10.8mb

CWK_PTF.pbo date 9/1/2004 1.44PM 11.3mb

Is there a newer version floating around somewhere (aha) ?



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