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M4A1 Pack

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I believe the SAS used that version of M4/CAR 15 with full stock for a while.

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Wow nice work, these are probably the best lookin camo M4's I've seen.

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Hi, im glad to anounce to those who follow the really slow progress in this weapons pack that i've received 2 help offers; one to make the distance Lods and the config (only the desert version by now)

and another offer to take a look to the M68 Aimpoint model sight. So if the man who's trying to fix the model of that sight and remap the textures success in his effort for help us, i'll continue texturing the woodland camoed versions and i'll begin with the uncamoed versions. I don't know when i gonna have a report by 'em... but stay stoned.

What do u think OFP players; will be better to have all the variants, desert, woodland and uncamoed versions in the same .pbo file?; or make 'em separated weapon packs of each camo/uncamoed variants that share the same magazine classes?.

Let's cu.

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Hi wipman,

I'm puzzled. These are close ups on the M68 Aimpoint from INQ M4 DoItYourself pack. I don't see any problems with texture mapping. rock.gif

Front, left:


Rear, right:


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Hi Smith, thanks for your help & time; the lenses of the M68 & most of the texture it self are wrong mapped, as moved or something; if u look closely to the front lens texture, u gonna notice how it's displaced to the rigth. The entire sight model have lot's of bugs, moved parts and weird things; in the uncamoed version isn't as easy to spot as in the woodland or desert verions, where sing like Motserrat Caballé. over all in the woodland version, there goes 3 screenshot of what i say, check those screenshots and u'll notice how in the original INQ M4 Construction pack they'r already there.




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You'll have to send me your version with woodland textures, otherwise I can't see all the misplacements.

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Hi, we've a new M68 Aimpoint model; we could have soon (maybe the next week) a teaser of this M4A1 Pack; only by now on the desert camoed versions, all in the final variant.

Feel free to come here and tell us, what do you think about it once that we have something that show to all of you (OFP Players).



P.D: All the people that deserve to be named in the readme, gonna be named, don't worry... credits freaks. Even people that shouldn't be named gonna be named. So i hope that u like this weapons pack. Let's cu.

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These look great, I have been waiting for some properly scaled M4's

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gotta admit they are looking real nice mate

good job biggrin_o.gif

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These look great, I have been waiting for some properly scaled M4's

suchey and earl's were properly scaled rock.gif

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These look great, I have been waiting for some properly scaled M4's

suchey and earl's were properly scaled  rock.gif

No they are not.

you are right they are the correct lenth but thats it. But stil they look good.


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These look sweet!

I'm sure the response you get when they're released will be worth all you're hard work.

I read back in the thread "incompatible with JAM"? But some high dispersion mags would be nice for those of us who like to play on East or Resistance sides.

Thanks biggrin_o.gif

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Hi, well Chops... im not who's making the config, im just making ver very slow the textures of the woodland version beacuse they'r a ******' pain in the ass; but i'll see if that will be a good or bad idea and if it's possible in case that we agree. I remind to every one, that i don't want to have any unit in the config of this weapons; this is a weapons pack, just that, i don't want units in the same config; even BIS units. Let's cu

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i was always under the impression they were correct...

They are actualy too small if you go by OFP's "metric"(or whats it called) system but they are the correct lenth thats why Earls M4's barrel seems more like ithas a a 16" barrel than the 14.5" barrel that is used on the M4A1.

This is way offtopic so sory.


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Hi, i still fighting with the woodland textures trying to make 'em look good; now im with the M203 textures, that are a real pain; there goes a pic showing the very slow progress on the texture. Let's cu.

wip_m4wm203 (unfinnished)


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Hi, that texture needs much more work, more scratches, better lightings & shadows; over all the weights on the left side, the vertex, the edges, the aimpoint, the mouth of the launcher... sorry for the slow progress ppl, and sorry too for that the teaser hasn't been released yet, but who's making the hard job; the config and the distance LODs must be bussy, i don't know... but anyway, his job must be the harder job i think. I hope that all you, players; like what we've until now, i try to do my best. Let's cu.

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Looking tops mate, cant wait to smoke some opfor with these bad boys biggrin_o.gif

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Are you still planning to put some animations on these? I know you're busy with textures at the moment, but any plans for the future?

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Hi, no Chops, no animated parts; and i haven't said nothing about HD mags to the config writter. I've try to ask to some config/scripters in OFPEC but they don't reply; so no HD mags, at least by the moment. Let's cu.

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Hi, sounds well pete, most of the jam_mag2 sounds, suck; plain & simply... suck. So if someday a jam_mag3 see the light, i'll download it for sure, and afther try it... maybe if it likes me and i know that it'll like to many OFP players, then i don't know, but maybe we'll make the M4's compatible. But 1St we should see the jam_mag3 & have ended the M4's. Let's cu.

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