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Infantry Damage Model

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I haven't seen this mentioned yet so:

I think its important to model injury (incapacitation) as well as death. In OFP, the player simply goes from alive-->possibly hindered aim/movement--> death. It doesnt simulate for instance soldiers being so badly wounded that they cannot move without assistance from a medic and that sort of thing. Incapacitated soldiers would add a great deal to the combat environment.

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Here here. It'd be an excellent addition to MP too, as having to rush back to drag a wounded man out of harm's way would be pretty exciting, if that's the right word for it.

I'd like to see trauma modelled as well personally. Having to get a medic down there to stabilise someone as well as plug any holes would greatly improve the role of medic. Right now you just wave the magic sponge over vehicle crash injuries, burns, gunshot wounds, shrapnel wounds, massive bloodloss (if you're using ECP) and the wounded guys just leap up and are fighting fit again. If you had to get down there, stop any bleeding, check for internal injuries and shock before stabilising the casualty and then either patching him up or having him casevac'd out of the area (a folding stretcher could be handy), then the role would be much more interesting and involved.

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It`s quite important thing, so I just transfer my post from another thread. So here it goes:

"If somebody is wounded, medic with another guy for cower comes in.

He heal the wounded guy and say something like:

"cheer up boy, It`ll soon stop to hurt, we`re here, and we`re doing everything we can to bring you back"

And when the wounded soldier die they should say something like "puck it, we just did what we can" not only "oh no 3 is down" biggrin_o.gif

Man when I see/hear something like this under the enemy fire I just end with computer games;) and take care of my garden:P

Do you remember "black hawk down" movie?

When they operate the dying soldier?

Another thing ,but It`s subject of another thread Ithink...

It was a game...I don`t remember how It was called,

You were a medic, andy you`re doing all the medic job...

Wounded soldiers, adn stuff...

Think about It"


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Gotta admit having to drag people behind cover would be quite interesting to watch, especially if AI did it automatically

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Why not having lims removed while we are at it...

Like when an artillery round comes in and blast the hell out of some infantry and there lies one poor bastard wihout a leg (Or two for that matter)

And when shot in the head it should show...

That would dramatically speed up some adrenaline in some situations to see your MP friend get crushed by a .50 cal bullet or a 30mm A-10 round as well!

Guts flying around and blood squirting out like there was no tomorrow!!!

That's the reality for you?

Come on...    Soldier Of Fortune #1 was the only game i saw this "kind" of stuff in...   Never seen it since!



Add appropriate sounds to this as well!

The sounds of crushing bones under a T-80's tracks and blood pouring out of the chest of the poor bastard!


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Hmm... yeah... I look forward to getting shot in the leg and being completely immobile as the mission goes on around me. Could turn a 50 hour game into 150 with this one little feature.

The thing is that you would wait to see what happens the first time and every other time you'll be hitting ESCAPE and then LOAD SAVE POINT as soon as you're downed.

The idea is as interesting as it is repeated around any OFP forum. Like most ideas of this ilk there is a gameplay issue to consider outside of implementing it just because it's realistic. It'd be like having to fill out a complete report as CO at the end of a mission before going onto the next. How many people want to sit around doing that?

Drawing the line between realism and gameplay is easy when you think about the consequences of what you add will have.

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well, I think having limbs blown off would be a challenge to implement in the scope of keeping gamplay from being too random in respect to the player's skill.

I think if a guy's arm is directly damaged, the avatar should drop the gun (or hang it off the shoulders) and lose arm use.  But then a medic's implementation should allow the arm to be usable again (but the avatar's aim would be so terrible, to reflect human mortality).

I remember a fighting game for the N64 like Bio-?-?-? that allowed lost limbs but then that led to weird behaviors in terms of gameplay. (people shrugging in battle)

Legs also should be easily remobilized by a medic (for gamplay purposes) but movement should be agonizingly slow to reflect the avatar's inability to defend itself b/c of injury.

This lack of injury brutality was in Metal Gear Solid 2 and it still seemed interactive w/o hindering certain gameplay elements (okay, it was only for the opfor but it was cool anyways imo)

In short, injuries should be penalizing but not to the point that they make long mission completion impossible

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medics would just cut peoples legs off the for the fun of it

and then run away

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medics would just cut peoples legs off the for the fun of it

and then run away

uh, pardon?

I think that anyone could cut down someone's legs with a gun, let alone a medic. And run away.

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how about a medic comes up to you and hands you a root

"here chew on this magic root and your leg will grow back"


"dont worry youll be ok i have gaffa tape for those arms"


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Everytime i got injured in OPF SP and had to crawl cause a medic wasnt around i would just load/retry the mission.

In OPF2 i would like to see limp if shot in the leg and crawling if the damage reaches more parts of the body.

That whole medic thingy wouldnt work, imagine MP, you would just pull the pin of the nade and respawn in full health, could work for coop but if you take serious injury you would be evacuated to a medic camp or something and that would suck biggrin_o.gif .

I think a system like Tactitian's tactevents + limp would be almost perfect for OPF2 smile_o.gif .

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a medic call action that comes up when wounded would be good, it really pisses me off when im crawling round and a medic just sprints right past me (or an ambulance runs me over which is rather ironic), perhaps the closest medical unit within 20 metres would come towards you and treat you

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a medic call action that comes up when wounded would be good, it really pisses me off when im crawling round and a medic just sprints right past me (or an ambulance runs me over which is rather ironic), perhaps the closest medical unit within 20 metres would come towards you and treat you

or simply new command:

"Mediiiiiiiiiiiiiiiic!" biggrin_o.gif

and then he`ll come to you...Even if he isn`t from your squad.

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a medic call action that comes up when wounded would be good, it really pisses me off when im crawling round and a medic just sprints right past me (or an ambulance runs me over which is rather ironic), perhaps the closest medical unit within 20 metres would come towards you and treat you

In OPF if your injured and there are medics around they will come and heal you if you press 5+4, their leaders will tell them to support you even if your not grouped to them.

I think you guys should have played more and sugest less has you are requesting a feature that is already there wink_o.gif .

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that's true. if you create a group with medic in mission editor and create a waypoint (type support) for this group. then you can call medic by press 5+4.

It's work too for fuel and repair support.

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that's true. if you create a group with medic in mission editor and create a waypoint (type support) for this group. then you can call medic by press 5+4.

It's work too for fuel and repair support.

I did know that;)

I thought about some new, faster method.

Another command can complicate the commadns menu, that`s right, but It`s about your life (In game;).

Faster methods of getting in cars, planes, generally faster commands (only the most importand ones)...

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